RESOLUTION. The CORD F Senators and Governors sitting at the - TopicsExpress


RESOLUTION. The CORD F Senators and Governors sitting at the Serena Beach Hotel in Mombasa on Sunday 30th June to Monday 1st July 2013, and graced by the Principals Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga, H. E. Hon. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and Sen. Moses Wetangula hereby resolves as follows; - To form a Forum of Senators and Governors to meet quarterly for purposes of fostering unity and common objectives of the Coalition; - That we as Governors and Senators elected and nominated on the platform of ensuring full implementation of devolution, shall support every effort by our leadership to ensure the full implementation of Devolution. Towards this end, CORD fully supports the proposed national referendum on proposed amendments to the constitution to safeguard the Senate and also increase the threshold of revenue allocation to the Counties. We are disturbed by escalating insecurity across the country, particularly in Northern Kenya. We find it unacceptable that lives are being lost every single day in Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Bungoma, Busia and virtually all parts of the country and all that the government does is to issue warnings of tough action from the safety of their offices in Nairobi while the Inspector General demands more power. We demand a permanent end to the the insecurity that is keeping Kenyans indoors and preventing them from pursuing their economic and social dreams. -We are opposed to the move by the government to amend the National Police Service Act so as to unconstitutionally transfer powers of the Police Service Commission to the Inspector General of Police. The current move by the Government and the recent actions of the Inspector General in transferring police commanders are contrary to Section 246 of the Constitution which provides, at Sub-section 3(a) that "the Commission shall recruit and appoint persons to hold or act in offices in the service, confirm appointments, and determine promotions and transfers within the National Police Service." And further, at Section 3(b), that the Commission "shall observe due process, exercise disciplinary control over and remove persons holding or acting in offices within the Service." - For purposes of accountability and transparency, we demand that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) immediately publishes the full results of the March 4th 2013 General Elections. Our fear is that doctored figures have failed to add up at the IEBC and the Commission may be trying to do more doctoring before it can face Kenyans. - The CORD Forum takes great exception to the re-introduction of the VAT Bill which, if implemented, will have adverse effects on the livelihoods of the common Mwananchi and increase the prices of basic commodities like milk, unga etc in the country. We urge members of the National Assembly to shoot down this bill. - We continue to support the demand by teachers for the government to meet its commitment on their salaries and to provide immediate solution by using the shs. 53 billion for laptops to pay the teachers. - Finally, CORD urges all its leaders to work as a team so as to deliver on its manifesto. At the national level CORD leadership will continue to promote reform and democracy while safeguarding the implementation of the constitution.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 11:11:33 +0000

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