RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY INDIAN HISTORY CONGRESS, GB MEETING IN THE 73RD SESSION, MUMBAI ON THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT MATTERS: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA The Indian History Congress meeting at its 73rd session, recalls its many resolutions calling upon all concerned to improve the functioning of the Archaeological Survey of India. It had welcomed in the past session the appointment, at long last, of a professional expert as Director General of the Archaeological Survey. It is now happy to note that the ASI has began issuing Ancient India (new series), and Epigraphia Indica and Epigraphia Indica (Arabic & Persian Supplement), and so terminated unexplained decades-long gaps in their publication. The History Congress regrets, however, that there continue to be severe lapses in well-established cases of gross interference with structures of monuments which have not been rectified or even enquired into. There seem also to be some other disturbing developments. It is understood that in an assessment of the work of the ASI, an expert has been involved who has shown his bias by personally attacking the present Director General in a weekly Journal of questionable repute. While all assessments are welcome, it must be ensured that such efforts should be impeccably non-partisan and professionally credible. Resolved further that this resolution be conveyed to all authorities concerned. INDIAN COUNCIL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH The Indian History Congress notes that a proposal is under consideration at the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, to merge ICHR, ICSSR, ICPR and other organizations under its jurisdiction, and create a new single council or agency. This Congress is of considered opinion that this, if implemented would be an unfortunate measure. It is of the firm view that a subject like History requires a separate specialized mechanism for its proper support and development, and the continued existence of the Indian Council of Historical Research is therefore of critical importance. Nor is it a reasonable policy to concentrate all authority in a single agency controlled by a much smaller number of persons, in place of specialized institutions based on broader compositions of Councils or controlling bodies. Resolved further that this resolution be communicated to all authorities concerned.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 20:12:17 +0000

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