RESPONSE TO RECENTLY DOCTORED OPINION POLLS. As China celebrates the year of the rat, Kenya’s must be celebrating the year of skunk. We are living dangerously as a nation, in an era where frauds dominate every facet of our public life. START-EAT- TRICKS is bastardizing the beautiful statistics, pranksters have kicked out statisticians out, as sorcery replace research. So a band of pranksters piggybacking under the banner of IPSOS perform their quarterly ritual called ‘opinion polls’, then go ahead to stun us that president Uhuru’s ratings have increased from 51% to 67% purely because 1.he went to Hague for the status conference and 2.his case was dropped by the prosecutor and 3.That 42% of “Kenyans” want CORD supremo Raila Odinga to “retire”, we begin to smell a rat, a Ratzilla. This is mockery, and early signs of START-EAT-TRICKS.IPSOS have sold their souls for a bowl of soup and rented their mouths to the highest bidder. Think of it; a time when insecurity is the new ebola, cost of living has shot to an extent less than 10,000 Kenyan households can afford the luxury of lunch, supper and breakfast. Tomatoes, Chapati and meat have become a signage of ‘middleclass’. Public service is in coma as every professional fraternity is either on strike or readying to go from; teachers, doctors, nurses etc. When even the president donates 10 cows and 20 bundles of flour for 800,000 residents of kibra to “celebrate” Christmas hoping probably they that each cow feeds 80,000 people, and each bundle of flour to fed 40,000 people. Mpesa charges and Safaricom call rates are competition the stars for a place in the sky for 18mln Kenyans on that network. In Kayole, Thika, Kiambu etc households have acquired buckets to urinate on at night for fear of their lives!!!! Jubilee has only delivered 1% of its promises, and failed 99%.Virtually every government official has become a bodyguard of corruption, incompetence is the new normal, lords of sabotage switching off light at the end of every tunnel. Children eternally waiting for milk as if the govt was to milk ‘poached’ elephants, parents waiting for reduction in fee until thy kingdom come. The best joke IPSOS, would perform is tell us the president’s ratings have risen? So his rating has become temperature that increases with (public) anger? IPSOS has joined Teacher Wanjiku in telling dead jokes. This conjured statistics are only common in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and North Korea where presidents always score 98%. IPSOS is bending Kenya into another ‘Stan’ probably KENYASTAN. These are screaming signs that IPSOS long ate the Forbidden Fruit, and like the devil it has become certified Liars. IPSOS songbirds are new ethnic gatekeepers in town who confuse Kenya for Mt’Kenya, and must be treated with contempt they deserve before they poison Kenyans with their toxic START-EAT-TRICKS.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:08:59 +0000

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