RESPONSIBILITY: FINISHING THE RACE Article 2 “I have fought the - TopicsExpress


RESPONSIBILITY: FINISHING THE RACE Article 2 “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the Faith. – 2Timothy 4:7” Looking back the history of creation, we all believe that God created the universe with a total 95% of completion. Out from 100%, God has already taken the biggest portion of responsibility and left the 5% undone for Man to accomplish in order to complete the works of creation. In the race of LIFE, God is the one who breaks the line at the starting point and began running for thousands of years from the time of our first human ancestors until the time of True Parents Era. God has been in misery for a very long time since the beginning of creation in order for humankind to understand the depth of His heart. God keeps on running until such time that the ultimate plan of creation has been fully realized. The 5% of God’s desire has already been formulated and realized due to the success of the Blessed Couple who receives the True Blessing in 2008. It was then fully understood that God has been looking for the ideal family where God’s true lineage shall begin. The success of True Blessing is the ultimate happiness of a couple to be One with God, the Father and Mother God. True Blessing is a justification of both husband and wife that they already reach Perfection. There’s no one else, except God who will justify the couple and proclaimed their perfection and became True Parents. Under the principle of creation, all those who reach Perfection is now the Perfected Adam and Eve and become the substance of the Truth. Perfection is the finishing line of the race, the ultimate goal of humankind since this is the only requirement for all of us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven which is the final end of the race. The 5% portion of our responsibility which is only 0.05% of that with God is purely in our hands now. God keeps on calling us to continue the race from the point where God had stopped in order to fulfill the 100% completion of the ultimate plan of creation. Even if God has taken the biggest portion and has done it but if Man will not do his part, then the ultimate plan cannot be fulfilled. Man is the object of God to complete the masterpiece and Man is the completion of God’s original plan of creation. We all have the privileges to grab all the elements that would give us the sufficient energy, full strength & complete nutrients through the Words that have been fed to us. Everything is in store! The complete formula to continue run the race has been boldly exposed to us in full details. It is up to us when and how to grab the elements that would help us finish the race. Always remember that doing our portion of RESPONSIBILITY is like driving our own vehicle so called LIFE and FAITH is our FUEL that will keep our vehicle moving. Humps or bumps and road obstacles will somehow stop us from driving through the finishing line but if we do have intense determination, eagerness, and complete road guide then gearing up at a maximum speed will definitely take us to the end line and finished the race. Reaching the end line of the race will give us ultimate happiness for an equivalent effort of only 5%, and by finishing it we can proudly say that: “We have had a good fight not for running the race but for finishing it.” God will never think twice giving us the ultimate reward that will last forever and live for eternity in the original homeland. Thanks for sharing your time with me in reading this! :)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:48:25 +0000

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