RESRVATION AND POPULATION POLICY A democratic Government should - TopicsExpress


RESRVATION AND POPULATION POLICY A democratic Government should not allow the politics of self/ group interest at the cost of national interest of progress of all in accordance with the self development of the God given and acquired capabilities. A well debated preference may be accorded to the people who are not in position to utilize their talent due to poor economic condition of their parents. Since attitudinal changes are now evident in all areas barring politically prompted casual caste-based incidents and social barriers are no more operational due to legal and administrative arrangements, time is ripe for denunciation of considerations relating to caste, religion, regions, language etc which often tend to become parochial and ignore unchangeable realities. A suggestion is, therefore, being mooted to allow employment and promotion to the extent of 50% of the vacancies/ opportunities according to merit in all areas, as already ruled by the apex court of the country. As for the remaining 50% of opportunities, employment and promotion should be allowed on the basis of the available merit in respect of the candidates belonging to the below poverty line (BPL) families. Promotions after a certain level should be allowed solely in accordance with merit and experience. Seniority-cum-suitability must be tested by written examination conducted with a condition of providing candidates with a photocopy of the assessed answer books. Definition of the BPL families may be revised upward to increase the coverage. Instead of BPL definition, concept of creamy layers may be refined by the parliament. In case this is not found politically feasible, the reservation component of 50% may be sub-divided for allocation to the caste compartments of the BPL families as specified politically in accordance with 1951 census. There is no justification for rewarding population spiral relating to various population groups since 1951 which is aimed at creation of vote bank and satisfaction of ulterior non-social and political intentions of securing capacity to dominate over the people who obey the national policy of maintaining a small family. As for the definition of the BPL families, matter is before court and hence no argument in this respect. Poverty is growing in our country mainly due to increase in population, migration of poor population from Bangladesh, and poverty by choice. In rural areas and to some extent also in cities, people remain unemployed voluntarily. When I make comparison with the situations obtaining during the period from 1947 to 1970 and Garibi Hatao period, thereafter, decline in productivity of physical labour is more than proportionate to the expenditures incurred by way of written off loan and doles on implementation of the UNPRODUCTIVE and corruption prone governmental programmes for poverty alleviation such as IRDP (swarn jayanti rojgar.yojana) Manrega, social welfare schemes etc. Labour when paid less was lifting weight of 40 kg at minimum, but today when paid more, he is not ready to lift more than 10 or at the most 20 kg. Salaries of government employees and politicians can be increased by 100 to 300 per cent. Very easy, very good. Note printing capacity is not a problem. Pay Rs.400 per day to MANREGA workers at par with urban labourer and see the consequences. Labour intensive crops will disappear. Governmental care of corporate profit, liberal enhancement of urbanized salary, increase in fearless bribe taking opportunities, diversion of external earnings to secret foreign bank accounts and adoption of cheating oriented methods for spending budgetary allocations are mainly responsible for spoiling rural economy and increasing poverty of our 80% population via price rise. Policy of Monetary expansion has failed, because monetary expansion was aimed at subsidization and financing of inflation and increasing effective demand for corporate product and their profitability instead of increasing production and productivity. Monetary expansion is easier than monetary contraction. Monetary expansion can increase black money, but no monetary policy instruments are available for retrieving black money. When printing and paying uniformly or equitably to 121 crore people are not possible, Government should use this system only for the well-debated 100 per cent implementable projects. Forth coming Lokpal bill must have a prohibitory clause for Government and RBI. Monetary, budgetary and banking operations should not be anti-poor. In situation, as such, any increase in percentage of reservation accompanied by increase in BPL families will hit the job seekers in merit component of 50% which is no more exclusive reserve of the so-called upper castes. Upper caste families can not be punished, because they kept their families small, promoted their income earning capabilities for enhanced savings and investments in education and other fields If we are not supporting the proposed legislation of the Kerala Government for population control, we will always be too late to control our population. We have already missed the bus in 1975 and blamed late Sanjai Gandhi wrongly for the mistakes of government employees. Politicians are now keen on reducing space for general candidates to accommodate religious minorities, despite the well accepted validity of the ceiling on reservation at 50 percent. It is sad to note that people in lime light do not want any cap on size of a family. They argue that a bigger component of young people is a national asset. They do not bother about quality of younger population. They do not want to consider that smaller families can provide India with quality human asset. Poverty-stricken families hell-bent on a large scale procreation due to ulterior political intention of securing numerical superiority, attracting religious conversion and increasing vote bank can not provide the good and the desired human assets. Need-based increase in population can be secured easily. Need-based decline is not possible. Religious minorities can not be allowed to create a concept of scheduled caste, because it came into existence due to practice of untouchability and social deprivation. Specified minorities have already been included in the reservation component of economically backward castes. At the most, a sub-component may be created for religious minorities within this component. Reservation can not be now linked with size of population. It must be linked with the permissible procreation and dictates of employment market. The argument of equating a Muslim dhoby with Hindu dhoby is not correct. Benefit of equal status in society, four marriage, instant divorce, Arabian employment and charity, pilgrimage subsidy, availability of enjoying 72 whores in the heaven etc. are not available to Hindu dhoby. A Muslim dhoby have option of either conversion to Hinduism or get included in Muslim OBC .Mohd. Kamal Faruki, a SP leader told recently that Muslims and non-Muslim ratio is 1 to eight. If one is allowed to lag behind, this one will kill the eight. Was he not aware that Muslims have already taken reservation of the Indian geographical area to the extent of 30% for their the then 20% population. They have already killed enough and will not take pity on Indians even after having secured reservation according to their choice. Muslims are virtually refusing to realize the reasons for their economic problems .Muslims are not poorer than Hindu poors. Reports of Sachhar committee is aimed at consolidation of vote banks. Muslim graduates account for only3.6 per cent of graduate population. They are thus fairly represented in services including IAS and IPS. They want appreciation of Burka, multiple marriage, Madarsa education, unlimited increase in their population freedom of conversion by all means, shariate etc which act as barrier in their assimilation with main stream of the nation. Which ansari, chikawa and those engaged in small business is poorer than Hindu poor. Muslim poor should not be compared with Bangaladesi Muslims living in India with false Assami identity. Hundred per cent reservation will provide benefit to only 3 to 5 per cent people of eligible categories which constitute 80 per cent of total population. Since communism is not a solution of socio- economic problems and equality of opportunity did not mean unlimited attack on qualities, there is no justification in reducing space for general candidates which is now not sufficient to accommodate proportionately the so-called non-OBC upper caste SAVARNAS who account for more than 25 per cent of population. OBC and other than Savarnas are capturing more space in merit component. India is thus going to have a bigger segment of population in the lowest economic stratum, despite adoption of the best population policy and poverty alleviation programmes. This group can not get the benefit of the state reservation policy and, therefore, needs different economic protection. Media debaters often talk of redistribution of natural resources for accommodating people who are being marginalized due to price rise and population spiral. They neither offer their own stock for redistribution nor make any effort for locating redistributable natural and the created economic resources essential for survival. According to the advocates of the population decontrol, one should not fear the crowds in train, but they ignore the maximum number of the trains which can be run on a track within 24 hours. Malthus can not be correct on all days, but he was correct at occasions in the past and will soon be correct when the recently created infrastructure will collapse due to political craze for corruption. Malthus thought of wars and natural calamities. He did not have opportunity to think of the created calamities. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS AGAINST RESERVATION Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav told in Tikhi Bat with shri Prabhu Chawala that on attaining power, he would provide Muslims with reservation at the rate of 18% obviously in Government services and definitely NOT in his family farms and factories .May I request him to kindly speak on the following questions. 1-Basis of reservation--Should it be economic backwardness, untouchability, educational backwardness, social disrespect. Hope, he will not say political backwardness. The said backwardness are caused by economic backwardness. 2-How will reservation remove untouchability and social disrespect? Why should an educated and beautiful girl belonging to the so-called upper caste (which has lost all traditional significance) marry a boy of other community against her desire for the sake of removing social disrespect which is non-existent or exists now very rarely? 3-How will reservation benefit the population in the lowest strata of all the politically identified population groups who are unable to attain the minimum educational standard? 4- Is Supreme Court really wrong in capping reservation at and only up to 50% 5-Why should reservation not be in accordance with 1951 census. Why should population spiral be rewarded? 6-Why should upper caste Muslims be provided with reservation? 7-When Muslims have already been provided with the 30% GEOGRAPHICAL area reservation on the basis of religion for their THEN population accounting for 20% of total population of the undivided India , how long NON_MUSLIMS should continue to contribute for their politically motivated population spiral. 8-Why should this country not get the benefits of the services of intellectuals to the extent of 50% when reservation can provide benefit to only 2% population of the country. 9-Shri Mulayam Singh is partly correct in opposing reservation within reservation. Creation and separation of a compartment of 4.5% for minorities (obviously religious minorities) within OBC quota is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because religion can not be a basis for allowing a separated reservation. Muslims, incidentally included in OBC on the basis of their caste backwardness cannot be separated from their Hindu counterparts on the basis of religion. Proposal of Shri RAJNATH SINGH was correct to create a sub-component for the extremely backward castes. Separation of Muslims in every walk of Indian life, I apprehend, will lead to the demand of different types of tables and chairs for Muslims or obviously all round PAKISTANISATION in INDIA via conversion to ISLAM for easy availability of Government jobs. 10- We already have thee components of competition ie General merit, OBC merit and SC/ST merit .In case, OBC merit ends at 30% of total marks, should the merit of the 4th component of religious minority end at 0%.Why should minorities not compete with the OBC in the lower strata of merit. Separation of the Muslim OBC from their Hindu counterparts is tantamount to further reduction in competition for them or no competition at all. 11-Government department can provide employment in accordance with 3/ 4 equi-marginal products, but not the private sectors, where only one level of equi-marginal product can be fixed in accordance with global competition. In other words, every employee will have to give almost equal output unlike public sectors. 12-I share my own experience that chamachas and well connected employees work only for their personal benefits and the benefit of their bosses. As for the institutional and public interest, non-chamachas and god-fatherless officers/employees have to work and suffer for the mistake of others. Like-wise, not less than 50% of the employees belonging to reservation categories do not work due to the facility of ready made threat of complaint to the SC/ST commissioner. Officers have to correct their draft and disposals. Appointment of minorities on reservation basis will open another window of inefficiency, carelessness and consequential complaints to the minority commission. Most of the supervisory officers will get RSS label without rendering any service to this organisation. 13-Reservation to SC/ST was given initially for a period of ten years, because they were oppressed for thousands of years. They got it as a matter of right .OBC reservation is a matter of facility. Well-to-do class with in the identified castes are not eligible for reservation. 14-Country-men may persuade the politician to accept the suggestion of Late VP Singh that only one member of each family should be allowed legally to hold a government job or become MP/ MLA or hold any elective post including Gram-pradhan for the sake of a wider purveying of job opportunities. 15- As for the percentage of reservation which is more than 50% in Tamilnadu and kerala, it must be noted that caste composition in these states are different from UP and other states .In Kerala, Nairs, Menons and Vermas are identified as Kshatriyas .I had been in their company, but could not know their caste identity. I do not know who are kshatriyas in Tamilnadu. Educated upper castes from these states have migrated to other states and countries. Politicians had raised this percentage with out any opposition. Moreover, merit was not a crisis in south. More than 50% reservation can not be appreciated for acceptance [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 07:38:32 +0000

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