RESTORATION DAY 261 - In 2 Chronicles 29, we read about a - TopicsExpress


RESTORATION DAY 261 - In 2 Chronicles 29, we read about a beautiful restoration between the people of Judah and God. At the age of twenty-five King Hezekiah became king of Judah. His first order of business was to open up the temple of the Lord, and to purify it from its recent defilement. To accomplish this, King Hezekiah pulls together the Levites, and tells them, “Our parents were unfaithful; they did evil in the eyes of the Lord our God and forsook him. They turned their faces away from the Lord’s dwelling place and turned their backs on him.” He then went on to explain how they were going to remedy the situation. Their first order of business was for the Levites to “consecrate themselves”. “Consecrate” is defined by dictionary as “(1) to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building . . (3) to devote or dedicate to some purpose; (4) to admit or ordain to a sacred office, especially to the episcopate . .” So what we are witnesses to is the fact that before the Levites began consecrating the building, they first consecrated themselves. Their work was not going to be just ‘work’. No it would be a holy work. They were not going to clean the Lord’s temple for a paycheck. No, they were devoted and dedicated to this work for a purpose – to serve the Lord and His people. The Levites were ordained – set apart – for this very purpose. Once they were consecrated, they set about to consecrate the temple of the Lord. We read that they worked on the place for sixteen days. They removed all the items of false worship that defiled the Lord’s house, and they cleaned and purified the instruments utilized to worship the Lord. Like themselves, they dedicated this ‘brick and mortar’ building for a special and ordained purpose – it was the Lord’s dwelling place. We then read that the next thing they do is offer a sin offer to the Lord. In other words, they admitted and openly confessed their sins (transgression of God’s perfect way and law), and then profusely apologized for their actions. At the same time they offered these burnt offerings for their sins, the praise and worship team assembled by King Hezekiah began to sing and worship the Lord. So while they were repenting and apologizing to God, they were at the same time worshiping and praising Him because they well understood that their prayers of repentance were truly being heard by God Almighty. Their prayers were not just wafting through the air going nowhere. After their sin offerings, they gave the Lord sacrifices and thank offerings. The ‘sacrifice’ was simply that – an offering beyond what they were required to offer. Such an offering is given out of a glad heart. Their thank offerings were a way for the people to openly praise God with these additional offerings on His behalf. In 2 Chronicles 29:35b and 36 we read, “So the service of the temple of the Lord was reestablished. Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced at what God had brought about for his people, because it was done so quickly.” Good news my friend! This type of restoration and reconciliation with your Heavenly Father is available to you this very hour. In fact, it can be much ‘quicker’ than even what the people of Judah experienced. It is basically the same pattern that we read about in 2 Chronicles 29. First, you have to ‘consecrate yourself’. God wants you to recognize that He has always called you for a special purpose. Your Lord has an assignment for you that no one else can fulfill. Understanding that, you need to set yourself apart from others and dedicate yourself to the Lord’s service. Second, you need to consecrate the house of the Lord. To you personally, it begins with you walking across the threshold of the front doors. Yes, yes, I know that the ‘church’ has hurt you, but actually that is not correct. The Church is the bride of Christ. It is not possible for the Church to hurt you. What is possible is the collection of sinners that sit in the pew next to you to hurt you. Always keep in mind that our fellow Believers are never, ever, never the example to follow. Instead, we are called to be Christians – ‘Christ-like’ – as we imitate our Lord and Saviour. I say all of that to say, lovingly – get over it, and get back in church. Third, repent from your sins. If you read what fully transpired in 2 Chronicles 29, you would read that they offered “seven bulls, seven rams, seven male lambs and seven male goats” for their sin offerings. The animals were slaughtered; their blood splashed against the altar; they were then ceremonially prepared as a burnt offering; and placed on the altar to be consumed by the fire. Thankfully for you and I, we don’t need all these animals. We have Jesus Christ. Jesus was the final and complete sacrifice. One itsy bitsy drop of Christ’s blood will wash away a lifetime of sin. Accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour while confessing and repenting of your sins will make you whole. It will reconcile you to your Heavenly Father. Fourth, by now you are praising and worshiping God. This would be a natural reaction of anyone who has just been reconciled to their Lord. Think about it – we’ve all done some pretty horrible things and if there is anyone that does not deserve forgiveness, it is you and me. Still, God’s grace and mercy accepts us just as we are, and because of that, we praise Him and praise Him loudly! Finally, we too need to offer ‘sacrifices’ and ‘thank offerings’ to the Lord. That is accomplished when we demonstrate to the Lord what He truly means to us. In other words, He wants to see a life that has been forever changed. Instead of taking, you are giving. Instead of ‘me, myself and I’ its ‘what can I do for you Lord?’ Instead of exalting yourself, you are falling to your knees to pray to God. True repentance brings about a one hundred and eighty degree turn about in one’s thinking and actions. That reality is your ‘sacrifice’ and ‘thank offering’ to God. God’s Word makes clear that we all need to be restored and reconciled to Him. Is today your day? I pray that it is. If so, follow the simple plan we see laid out in 2 Chronicles 29. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour today. C2013
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:05:00 +0000

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