RESULT PROBLEMS. Its about time we tackled this issue of - TopicsExpress


RESULT PROBLEMS. Its about time we tackled this issue of result once and for all. No one can pay school fees , write exams all for their result to be reduced. There is no system which is 100 % effective , there is always a margin of error for all system , thus , its probably true that students might have errors in their result. So many Zuc students complain about errors in their result. This might be true or not. Errors might come from the students, lecturers or the system. I cant tell because I have not experience any error in my result before except in operations management which affected the whole class because a different lecturer from the one that thought us marked our papers, we protested against it and it was changed afterwards. The lowest I ever got was one C+ in business law , I thought it would be worse than that C+ , the highest in that course got B+. Most of us found the question kind of difficult because some of the questions were off syllabus. Our set was the last that lecture thought because he was sacked due to the compliant of so many student in our set and those before us. I have picked interest in helping so many student who complained about changed result but I am usually disappointed at the end. Some would claim they got 35 an above in mid sem but if we check their original exam answers sheet , they wont be able to get above single digit. The same lecturer that marked the mid sem marked the exams, While others are just taking advantage because most are complaining that Zuc system is bad, While few people had genuine cases but those few are about 15% of all those that complained. I am not defending the school , I only want a resolution to this issue because people cant be paying school fees for their result to be tampered with. IN A NUTSHELL, I NEED ONLY THREE STUDENTS WHO CAN PROVE THAT THEIR RESULT WAS REDUCED BY BRINGING TWO DIFFERENT HARDCOPIES OF RESULT FOR A PARTICULAR STUDENT. If this can be done , I promise us all that they will be the last to ever encounter discrepancy in their result in Zuc. If the school cant provide reasons why such discrepancy occurred in those result then they have a lot to explain to media and GHANA accreditation board. Please student should also try as much as posible to be printing their results after every three month and they should voice out as soon as there is any change. Note , your answer sheets are not thrown away , they can always be remarked or checked if you are not satisfied. Please , people should not further impoverish the situation of Zuc without fact , Though the school is performing poorly in some major administrative aspects which they really have to work on however this result issue might not be as complicated as people are perceiving it. Those who can prove difference in their result should signify below. I have asked this from several complainers but no one has been able to prove. May God help us all. I pray I have not offended anyone. Please rebroadcast this particularly to anyone who claims he or she has any result issue Apena Ibrahim Adeboye.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:07:31 +0000

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