RESULTS OF 6/11/13 MADISON CITY COMMISSION MEETING Tim Bennett City Manager Notes Madison, FL City Commission Meeting of 6/11/13 1. Call to Order 2. Agenda amended to include Corrective QuitClaim Deed for Martha Hart Cherp. 3. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 4. Consent Agenda (a) Minutes of May 14, 2013 approved. (b) Minutes of May 21, 2013 approved. (c) Fire Report approved. (d) Police Report approved. (e) Financial Report approved. (f) Proclamation and Pledge of Civility approved. (g) Proclamation – Florida Waters Professional Week approved. (h) Reappointment of Phillip Wilkerson as Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Board approved. 5. Citizen’s Participation: a. Cindy Vees, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, provided a Chamber Operations update. b. Madison Antiques’ Cindy Poire briefed the Commission about May 3, 2014’s The Fancy Flea – Vintage Home & Garden Market. The Commission amended the agenda to consider her request to hold the event in Madison, then approved her request. The event will involve closing off a portion of Range and side streets. c. Jay Lee of the Madison Lions Club briefed the Commission about the club’s July 4’s God and Country Celebration. d. Michael Briggs requested the city’s assistance in addressing speeding vehicles on Northeast Horry. 6. City Manager Bennett updated the City Commission about city staff’s position concerning the Wardlaw-Smith-Goza Mansion. Bennett said, as city manager, he backed away from a joint city-county proposal regarding the future of the mansion because of the short term and long term impact he felt it would have on the city’s budget. He said he felt the city already had too many other budget needs without taking on new ones involving the mansion. No action was taken by the Commission. The mansion is owned by North Florida Community College. 7. City Manager Bennett updated the Commission about the USDA grant/loan project to renovate the second floor of the Police facility. He said Architect Will Rutherford has provided USDA a proposed $416,591 construction contract that’s under budget. The contract is with low bidder Little & Williams. USDA will review the contract and hopefully approve it. Once approved by USDA, the contract will be placed on the City Commission’s July agenda for review, potential approval and signing. A next major step is a pre-construction meeting with USDA and the contractor to execute a Notice to Proceed. The project total is a $500,000. It involves a 75 percent grant and 25 percent loan from USDA. 8. City Manager Bennett briefed a memo from Police Chief Calhoun regarding Traffic Regulation Signage. Chief Calhoun is working with citizens in the northeast quadrant concerning lowering speed limits to 25 and 20 miles per hour in the following areas: Fraleigh Drive (between Livingston St. and Horry Ave.) from 30 to 25 mph; Fraleigh Drive (between Horry Ave. and Clayton Street) from 30 to 20 mph; and Horry Ave., (between Livingston Ave. and Clayton St.) from 30 to 20 mph. The Commission recommended lowering all three to 20 mph. Chief Calhoun also will proceed with installing a four-way stop sign at the intersection of Marion and Crane. This will be on a trial basis. The purpose of the four-way stop sign is to better control traffic on Crane that includes traffic from the hospital construction, new charter school, North Florida Community College, commercial traffic from nearby US 90, and residential traffic. 9. The City Commission also was briefed about Chief Calhoun’s proposal on where to establish golf-cart crossings: On South State Road 53 near Rutledge and Duval (SR 53); North State Road 53 near Marion and Washington (SR 53); and US 90 near Range and Base (US 90). The Commission will review the proposed crossings at its July meeting. 10. The City Commission named two new recreational parks: Jesse Solomon Recreational Park located on Martin Luther King Jr., Drive and Sumpter James Recreational Park located on Jeanette Circle. 11. City Manager Bennett briefed the Commission about expenditures that can be paid for through the use of the city’s Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Use of the impact fees means the city will not have to use General Fund dollars or utility Enterprise Fund dollars. 12. The City Commission approved the renewal of the city’s Law Enforcement Liability Insurance with Public Risk Insurance Agency (PRIA). 13. The City Commission approved the following priorities for FY13-14: First tier – (1) Wastewater; (2) Water; (3) Streets; (4) Parks (specifically the park on Martin Luther King Jr., Drive); and (5) Sidewalks. Second tier includes Facilities Maintenance; ITT Superfund Site; and Information Technology. 14. The City Commission approved rescheduling its July meeting to July 15 from July 9. 15. The City Commission approved the designation of Mayor Rayne Cooks as the primary Voting Delegate and Mayor Pro Tem Judy Townsend as the alternate Voting Delegate to represent the city at the annual Florida League of Cities Conference in Orlando Aug. 15-17, 2013. 16. The City Commission approved a Corrective QuitClaim Deed for Martha Hart Cherp. 17. City Manager’s Report: a. Briefed the Commission about criteria city staff uses to address ordinance violations such as overgrown yards and dilapidated structures. b. Briefed the Commission about current and past efforts to address violations and also briefed the Commission about the results of those efforts that involve improving the city’s appearance. c. Informed the Commission the FY13-14 budget preparation is underway with department heads required to submit capital-outlay requests by close of business June 12. d. Informed the Commission of an effort to ask civic clubs to contribute funds toward the purchase of a second fountain for Lake Frances. e. Informed the Commission that Police Chief Calhoun will produce a detailed crime report that city staff hopes will be published in the local newspapers. 18. Meeting adjourned.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:46:41 +0000

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