RETIREMENT IN ONE YEAR! TEAM PLAYERS ONLY! Yes, its possible and I have found a way to do it and am working on it right now. First and foremost you have to be serious. I dont have time to waste on those that do not want to get ahead, its a disservice to both of us and I am to busy trying to help others. However, I am willing to work with those that are willing to work hard for one year, willing to invest in themselves with a little time and a little money. Also, you must be willing to follow directions. Are you able to do that if the rewards are there for you? Are you willing to sacrifice some for much? To have the lifestyle you have only dreamed of? Can you develop the attitude I have in order to acheive a new beginning? Are you a risk taker that after youve seen the plan the light bulb goes off and you jump at the chance to make a better life for yourself? Or are you a person who has to be given everything, a taker from others? Someone who is going to settle for mediocrity all their lives and wind up wasting away and wondering what happened? I coulda, woulda, shoulda, but failed because of fear of trying. My journey started December 18, 2014. I became involved right away under the suggestion of my brothers. Not seeing much going on especially during the holidays with everyone busy, I stood back and learned more about the plan. On January 02, 2015 I started seeing something happening without me having done anything. I had downline, ah, 22 to be exact by January 19th, 2015. Wait a minute! These people, whom I dont even know (except my brothers) are going to be making me an income and they are all intently involved in making this possible. Their goals for success and seeing that I am successful will create the possiblity of Retirement in One Year. Yes, it is possible because others, like yourself, will make the effort to continue the quest for Retirement in One Year. Lets get right to it! Do you have less than $50 to invest to become involved? Do you have the capacity to buy some product at the start. I bought samples I could hand out. Can you find 2 people who want more out of life? Can you continue to buy a minimum of product each month as a committment to make the plan work? If you can say, Yes Anthony I can, then you only need an initial investment, the desire to acheive, the committment to become involved and the heart to run the race to success. Others, please step aside we have work to do! Dont let friends and family tell you that you cant do this. Be the decision maker of your future! Here is the goal: $26,250.00 per week, thats right I said PER WEEK is our goal. It can be more or less, I like more! Can you retire on that? Could you live comfortable on that? Could you afford things that so far have been out of reach? Could plans be replaced by newer plans? Sound to good to be true? Not so as many are already doing it. The question is, ARE YOU READY? Im Anthony! P.S. Send me an email with Im a Team Player in the subject line to: anthony.freshvitality@gmail for more information. I will respond personally not with an autoresponder. First come, first served!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:06:56 +0000

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