REV 14:12 HERE IS THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS, HERE ARE THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE FAITH OF JESUS!!! Most people measure their adequacy of their faith by its size. They do not realize that the direction of faith is the greater factor in determining is power and effectiveness. The individuals will, power of choice, decides the course of ones faith. Many have cried out in doubt, If i only had more faith but an honest self analysis will show a perverted will (Power of Choice) is the problem, not a lack of faith. Faith from God and all have some . Romans 12:3 Says every man is given a measure of faith. and according to God, you only need the size of a mustard seed.Matthew 17:20. This faith is a gift given to every man! What he does with his personal allotment of faith is his choice! If he wills (CHOOSES), THE DIRECTION, in favor of faith it grows, but if he chooses not to exercise it, it shrinks. Everything depends upon the right action of the will. It is the one areas where man is in total control..but God will give man the power to will and to do his will...if he wants and ask for that help. Philippians 2:13. You find that you are trapped at the Red Sea and you cant go forward or backward, your sins have you hemmed in from every side, the enemy is coming and you are terrified and experience doubt! So you take that small mustard seed of faith and you remember God and shout out to him Lord, Im afraid, and trapped in fear and doubt,,and my faith is weak, but I WILL LORD TO BELIEVE YOU AND YOUR WORD,,,SO YOU USE YOUR GOD GIVEN POWER OF CHOICE, YOUR WILL!!! YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE ..AND ATTACH TO YOUR FAITH!!!!! I CHOOSE WITH MY WILL TO PUT AWAY DOUBT! I WILL, WITH MY CHOICE TO PUT AWAY ALL FEARS! I WILL, WITH MY CHOICE TO CHOOSE YOU, LORD!!!! THEN GOD IMMEDIATELY STEPS IN AND GIVES YOU THAT WHICH YOU HAVE WILLED (CHOSEN) AND THE POWER TO GET IT DONE!!! THAT LITTLE MUSTARD SEED OF FAITH, IS GOING TO BE COMBINED WITH GODS POWER AND ITS GOING TO ASCEND OVER THE HIGHEST MOUNTAINS OF SIN, ITS GOING TO PART THE RED SEA OF FEAR AND DOUBT, ITS GOING TO DESTROY THE PURSUING ENEMY OF SIN...Sin shall not have dominion over you! Your faith shall be refined by these hand picked trails by the one who loves you and has allowed them to expose your doubts and fears for the refining of your faith, to get you ready to go home as joint heir with CHRIST! Remember Christ struggle in the garden that night when he was carrying the sins of you and I..and the whole world? He was never without faith, not for a moment...but his prayer was for the WILL TO DO HIS WILL...NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE!! THE POWER OF CHOICE, THE SURRENDERED WILL, IS THE PRECOURSE TO FAITH!! It i the key to growing faith that will take us out of this world...
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:14:53 +0000

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