REV. Malcolm MacInnes About the same time, the early fourth - TopicsExpress


REV. Malcolm MacInnes About the same time, the early fourth century, there developed in the west a distinctive nativity festival on December 25th. The date was partly determined by the idea that the birth of the world occurred on the vernal equinox (March 25th), and correspondingly its new birth in the Saviour would have been at the same moment. This was understood as the conception of the Virgin, and hence the natural birth would be nine months later, December 25th. But perhaps even more, the date was influenced by the fact that December 25th was a great pagan festival, that of Sol Invictus, which celebrated the victory of light over darkness and the lengthening of the suns rays at the winter solstice. The assimilation of Christ to the Sun god as Sun of Righteousness, was widespread in the fourth century and was furthered by Constantines legislation. In any case, these two celebrations of Epiphany and Christmas rose independently of each other in the fourth century. To refer, therefore to the birth of Christ as THE FIRST CHRISTMAS is wrong, and although it may appeal to people who place more value on sentiment than on fact, it is misleading. Equally so is it false to assert that THE CHRIST WHO CAME AT CHRISTMAS WILL COME AGAIN, because the evidence is that He did not come at Christmas. Why not tell the truth? The Gospels give account of His birth, but after that there is no account of celebrating the birth of the Saviour. Christmas was started in the early 4th century by the Church of Rome. It is easy to understand that Roman Catholics would wish to observe Christmas - the name of their sacrament is in it, and they do not look for a Biblical warrant for their religion. However, it is extremely difficult to understand why Protestants, whose religion is based on Scripture only - Sola Scriptura - should follow the Roman Catholic Church into Christmas. ARE PROTESTANTS LOSING THEIR PROTEST? When Jesus sent out the preachers of the Gospel with the Great Commission in Matthew 28, He instructed them to teach people to observe whatsoever I have commanded you. Where did Christ command us to remember His birthday? Nowhere! He gave us a sacrament in the Lords Supper, commanding us to remember His death. It has been argued that this celebration gives opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Preach the Gospel whenever possible, but why present it under the guise of a pagan festival taken over by the Church of Rome and with such an obviously Roman Catholic label on it? C. H. Spurgeon, highly respected and often referred to as a great preacher of the Gospel, made these comments on Psalms 81:4 (Treasury of David): When it can be proved that the observance of Christmas, Whitsuntide and other popish festivals were ever instituted by a divine statute, we also will attend to them, but not until then. It is as much our duty to reject the traditions of men as to observe the ordinances of the Lord. The Church of Rome is quickly gaining ground, and in many quarters the Pope is quoted as the spokesman for Christianity. The work of Protestant Reformers is being eroded as Protestants adopt the festivals of the Church of Rome. CHRIST-MASS speaks its own message as to its origin, and it is time for Protestants to disassociate themselves from this Roman Catholic tradition. Consider these things seriously. What has the exchanging of gifts at Christmas time to do with the birthday of Christ? If it was His birthday would He not be the one to whom the gifts would be given? What have the Christmas tree, the nativity play, a Christmas church concert, and other Christmas trimmings to do with the birthday of the Saviour? These are not part of Biblical Christianity. May God give you discernment that they will not be part of yours. Learn not the way of the heathen . . . for the customs of the people are vain. (Jeremiah 10)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:54:40 +0000

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