REVEALS :) 6 VERY SOON Clearly decide what you want so that it - TopicsExpress


REVEALS :) 6 VERY SOON Clearly decide what you want so that it comes to you now. This card asks you, “What do you want?” and demands very clear and specific answers. Just like putting in your order at a restaurant, the universe has been listening to your thoughts and feelings about your love life and has brought you what you asked for. When you complain about what’s served to you, it’s only because you placed an unclear order. As soon as you are perfectly straightforward about what it is you desire, it comes to you upon the wings of angels in an instant. You drew this card because it’s time for you to get clear and honest with yourself and formulate your requests faith and optimism. Trust your feelings and make decisions for yourself about what’s best for you. 18 RECONCILIATION Someone from your past is returning to your life. This card indicates that an ex-lover may be reentering your life. The first person you think of is likely who it will be. The purpose of this reconciliation is to achieve healing and closure with respect to your past. You will understand more about yourself and see your relationship patterns more clearly. You’ll also take responsibility for the role you played in the relationship’s drama, which will free you from the tyranny of unforgiveness. Reconciliations are ultimately about taking care of unfinished business. This card could also possibly mean making peace with a family member or friend. Each relationship is a sacred learning experience, so be open to the reunion’s lessons and blessings. Ultimately, all healings help your love life and every other part of your world. 27 RELEASE YOUR EX The time has come to clear your energy. You drew this card because your love life will improve once you emotionally and energetically release your ex-lover. The benefits of doing so include increased happiness, feelings of freedom and the ability to attract a new lover (who would otherwise sense the presence of your ex in your aura) familiar feelings arise; or you find yourself attracting people reminiscent of him or her. 54 IT IS SAFE FOR YOU TO LOVE Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all. This card indicates that you’re protecting your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However the angels can only bring as much romance as you’ll allow inside. If you have a shield around our heart, how is love to get in: A closed heart repels sensitive partner you’re trying to attract. Following your inner guidance will protect you and simultaneously allow you to feel loved an loving. Trust our intuitive senses with respect t other people’s trustworthiness and open your heart to those who are kind and gentle. Ask the angels to bring caring individuals inculcating a romantic partner into your live and they’ll do so…provided that you listen to and follow their guidance. As the painting on this card depicts, you may want to ceremonially burn a letter to release the old relationship energy and symbolically let go of old feelings. Or you can call upon the Romance Angels to clear lingering attachments of your ex. 76 YOU DESERVE LOVE Yes, you are loveable! The Romance Angels are cheering you on in your quest for great love by letting you know that your deserve it. As a child of God, you’re naturally a loving and lovable person as is everyone. You have the right to be treated with kindness and respect by everyone in your life. If you’ve had harsh life experiences, you may have blamed yourself and felt unworthy of receiving affection. This card is a reassurance that you do deserve it! You’re a beautiful being of God’s pure love and light, no matter what any person has said or done to you and no matter what happened in the past. God’s handiwork can never be undone! The more you affirm, “I am loveable. I am loved, I am loving, “ the more this experience comes true for you. Affirmations help you believe spiritual truths at a deep unconscious level.. This in turn allows you to attract loving people relationships and circumstances and you definitely deserve that! 83 THIS COULD BE THE ONE You’ve already met the romantic partner you seek. This card signals that you have already met the person you romantically seek. Perhaps you are already in a relationship with him or her. The Romance Angels sent you this card because it seems you are not recognizing or enjoying the full potential of this person and relationship. Sometimes you may overlook someone who’s meant for you because you have a different idea or what your partner should look like or act like. Take a moment to consider who this might be. the first person to come to mind is probably the one. Next, invite the Romance Angels into your dreams as you’re going to bed. Ask them to give you very clear information about your romantic partner (either in your present relationship or a future one.) During sleep you are more open to angelic guidance. When you awaken, you may not remember your dreams but you will have a clearer sense of romance and partnership. Take any action you feel called to based on your inner guidance, even if it seems unrelated to your love life. Trust that the angels are leading you toward the one you desire. 99 HEART-TO-HEART CONVERSATIONS Honestly discuss our feelings with each other. Your love life needs a healthy infusion of honest communication, according to the Romance Angels. You’ve been harboring emotions that are masking your feelings of love. There‘s still time to heal the situation; however, it will require effort on your part. You may need to initiate an uncomfortable discussion and risk upsetting your partner. In the end, though this is a necessary move to ensure the health of your relationship. If necessary, schedule an appointment with a counselor to facilitate, the discussion. This professional can steer the conversation away from blame and toward resolution. You can also gain support from free groups such as Emotions Anonymous, Co-Dependents Anonymous, or Al-Anon (meetings are held internationally and online, and you can find them through your internet search engine) Whether you communicate with your partner alone or with neutral third party, your heart-to-heart discussions will result in personal growth. remember that you can’t control another’s reactions. You can only be honest about how you feel and know what you will and won’t accept in a relationship. By sharing your feelings, you stand a much better chance of teaching your partner about your needs, instead of suffering silently.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:39:28 +0000

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