REVELATION DELIVERED THROUGH FRANCES MARIE KLUG ON MARCH 12, 1970 AT 7:50 PM SAINT MICHAEL “The Rosary, My children, is to be said by all men, to be cherished and to be told that its power is magnificent if man will only bend to use it often. Say these prayers and get other men to join. Do not think it’s of the past. Our Lady says, ‘Please, perpetuate it every day so peace will come to all men.’ It is the prayer that should be spread so other men will say it. There’s nothing difficult in it, but the time used in its way will give you Graces no other act can give you in the day. If you did learn to kneel each day, the power of the Rosary would sustain you in many ways. It has within it many things unknown to man, but remember, children, God has asked for it to be said. The many Souls Who scream for help say: ‘The Rosary will do it if you will offer it for Me. I need your prayers, I need your help. Please, say it for Me.’ If man were to say there was power that you could hold in your hand, it would save the world for man, you would want to share it and to act with the power you had. What better way, what better power than the Rosary? Do not let other men who say, ‘It is not necessary,’ cause you to turn away from the power in your hand, but strike out at them and convey the truth in what you know, and say to them, ‘I’ll kneel alone.’ The child has known Whom I am. She smiles and says to you, ‘It’s Michael, children, and He’s come to be sure that you know, too, that the Power of Our Lady works through your hands each day in the symbol of the Beads of the Rosary.’”
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:09:56 +0000

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