REVERBERATING OUR GRATITUDE (Opening the Jubilee Year of the - TopicsExpress


REVERBERATING OUR GRATITUDE (Opening the Jubilee Year of the SSpS World Wide) Written by Sr. Skolastika Wea, SSpS (Junior) “Together with Mary, energized by the Holy Spirit, in mission and for mission” is the big theme which was chosen by the East Flores Province for the opening ceremony celebration of the Jubilee year, 125 year of SSpS Congregation world - wide. The East Flores Province is celebrating the opening of the Jubilee year divided into three different areas of their Mission, to involve all the people in the parishes and working partners of the sisters. The Eastern area comprises communities of Balela, Belogili, Boto – Lembata, Waiwadan –Adonara, Hokeng, Boganatar the Satellite Community of Hokeng. They celebrated the opening Jubilee Year in Balela Community. The Eucharistic celebration took place in their Chapel concelebrated by the bishop of Larantuka (the main celebrant), Mgr. Frans Kopong Kung, and many more priests. The western area comprising of communities of Ende, Maukaro, Ndora and Matoloko, had their celebration in the Auditorium of Kartini Matoloko Secondary School. The main celebrant of the Eucharistic Celebration was father Sefni Meno, a diocesan priest concelebrated with a few other priests. In the central area comprising of communities of Saint Gabriel Kewapante, Mary of Perpetual help, Saint Joseph- Ledalero, Saint Petrus Claver Lela and Saint Elisabeth Lela, they inaugurated this grace-filled year in Kewapante which is the Community of the Provincial House. The sisters, the invited guests and all the people gathered there for the occasion, celebrated the opening of the Jubilee year and the great Feast of Mary Immaculate on December 8th, 2013 with a Solemn Holy Mass in Renha Rosari Parish Church in Kewapante. The church had been decorated beautifully with flowers, draperies and the symbols of SSpS Mission Continents. There were written captions of “thank you” in various languages like: Epang Gawang, Terima kasih, Arigato, Grazie, Gracias, Thank you, Salamat, Cam on nhieu, Danke, etc. adding glory and beauty to the entire celebration, showing how international the Congregation is! The opening ceremony before the Eucharist took place in stillness with solemnity. Representatives of the teachers and the children of the schools of the sisters in Maumere and small children from Kewapante, dressed as Holy Spirit Missionary sisters from the five continents, came in procession accompanied by music, bringing along the globe, five candles and the flags with colors, yellow, red, white, green and blue as the symbolic presence of the sisters, working in the 5 continents of the world. The commentator narrated the story of the SSpS Congregation and presented a poem titled “at this cessation” about the first SSpS missionaries who came to Flores. At the end of the function, sister Michaelin Bupu, SSpS the provincial Superior, officially declared the Jubilee Year open, striking at a gong three times, which was responded by the audience by loud clapping. The Symbols of colored lighted candles representing the five continents were placed in front of the altar with prayers for the SSpS missions world-wide. They were illuminated and brightened – up by the light reflected from the seven candles representing the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, placed under the Cross. The opening ceremony was closed by the SSpS hymn “Triune God – God is great” which was sung by the choir of Saint Mary Immaculate and the sisters. The opening ceremony was then followed by the celebration of the Eucharist, with father Willem Julei Conterius, SVD the Vicar general of diocese of Maumere as the main celebrant, accompanied by 5 priests as concelebrants. In his sermon Father Willem Julei told a story about a nomad who as a philosopher was struggling to find meaning of his life. He said that in the same way the SSpS sisters too have been searching with determination, for the meaning and purpose of their life, readily and totally surrendering their whole life to the service of the missions. However, Father Willem Juley said that one thing which makes a difference is that the sisters have found the meaning of their life-journey and their missionary vocation. Father Willem expressed intense gratitude for the grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that had inspired the founder and the co-founders of the congregation, which is being continued in the same spirit by the sisters all over the world. After the homily, the Eucharistic celebration continued impressively and merrily because of the Mary Immaculate choir. Present on this occasion were: the regent of Sikka – Maumere Regency, Mr. Josef Ansar Rera, the assistant of the regent of Sikka, Mr Nong Susar, the chairman of the legislative assembly regency of the area Mr. Rafael Raga, various religious community members living and working in Maumere diocese, the League Group of the Holy Spirit lay missionaries, the delegation of the schools of the sisters, the employees, the categorical group of JPIC TRUK – F for women division, the members of Catholic community of the parish of Kewapante and other invited guests. Mr. Ansar Rera in his speech expressed his gratitude to the sisters for their presence in Regency of Sikka, for their great contribution for the development of the people in that area. Their missionary service in the field of education, health care, socio pastoral and socio-charitable ministries especially JPIC - women division and Children (TRUK-F) have been fruitful, benefitting the people in Sikka Regency. Mr. Ansar Rera also asked for the support of the religious especially the SSpS sisters to walk hand in hand with the government for the success of the various developmental activities and thus to concretize their dream and the dream of the people of Sikka, to become independent and prosperous. Furthermore, Sister Mikaelin Bupu, SSpS as the Provincial of the East Flores Province in her speech expressed her gratitude to Holy Triune God for his loving kindness which has always accompanied the sisters in whatever situation, even in the midst of challenging ones until now (124 years of our congregation) when we celebrate on December 8, 2013, the 125 year of our foundation. She said that this has been immortalized by this opening ceremony celebration and welcomed its peak celebration of completing 125 years of SSpS presence to be celebrated on the 8 of December 2014. In order to make this Jubilee year meaningful, Sister Mikaelin Bupu said that the sisters need to reassert their religious and missionary vocation which is ultimately one and the same. The Jubilee year is the time for self-renewal, for self-integrity as a mystic and a missionary. She added with great enthusiasm that as religious, we are called to become mystics who are close associates of God, who have experienced God’s love and are loved by God. As a missionary in the Jubilee year, we need to give the clear picture of ourselves as self-giving in mission and for mission especially by developing and growing in our prophetic commitment, that is to protect / or support the truth, justice, peace and the wholeness of the creation. All of us are in that process and will be richer by the grace of God for having experienced the joy and become a blessing for others. After the Eucharist, the sisters and all the invited guests were led in procession to the simple tent in the middle of the Province Community in Kewapante. The joy was doubled by the family reception that was directed by sister Margaretha Ada, SSpS as the Master of the Ceremony. All the sisters enthusiastically participated in the whole celebration to make it a success. Everything went on smoothly and joyfully in spite of the rain. Some of the invited guests sang some songs and danced to make the family reception more joyful and memorable. This Day and this grace-filled year, really gave a meaningful message for me personally. As a junior sister, I thank God, the holy Trinity, for the grace of my Vocation, who guided me, accompanied me and brought me to the sisters of the SSpS Congregation. The Congregation has already become my very good mother motivating me to know, to learn, to love and to dedicate myself to the Holy Triune God who is the owner of my life. I feel very proud as a beginner for pioneering the noble path to become a true SSpS for the glory of God and the joys of others. The example, love and prayer of the pioneers form the Holy Mandate which always keeps the hearth of the present and future generations of the Congregation, afire and alive.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:23:19 +0000

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