REVISED ARTIST STATEMENT FOR DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA SERIES: Selfies and other iPhone photos are used to reflect and construct online identities. These images emphasize their taker’s viewpoint of themselves and the world and are posted online in order to share this view with others. I intend to use this framework to explore my own identity as a young person with a psychiatric disability. I will make a series of paintings based on social-media iPhone style photos of the characteristic, emblematic events of my daily life as someone suffering severe OCD, body dysmorphia and anorexia nervosa- images which provide a summary of the way these illnesses impact me. Although unnaturalistic colour will at times be used for conceptual/expressive purposes, the paintings will be executed using a meticulous layering process- based on the standard for oil painting pre-modernism and the adoption of alla-prima- to create detailed realist results . This process and style is intended to reflect both the obsession behind the activities represented, and also their intense familiarity to me. Within these works I will include references to various art historical works which resonate with me in a particular way because of my specific identity position. This mirrors the way that found images, including art historical works, are often presented on social media pages, in an autobiographical way that reflects something about the person posting which may be quite removed from the original meaning of the image. My use of art historical references will emphasize the meaning of my images; but further will serve as an exploration of the way my identity affects my perception of images and their meaning. The intention of the series is to use the contemporary visual cultural framework of the smartphone/social media photo to explore the identity position of someone with a psychiatric disability, a subject rarely represented anywhere throughout visual culture. I want the images to give an insight into the daily lived reality of mental illness, and into the perception of the self and the world that comes with this identity
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 00:13:57 +0000

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