REVISED CONSTITUTION (TO BE ADOPTED CONSTITUTION) THE CONSTITUTION OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GHANAIAN COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA (NAGHACON) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Brief History of NAGHACON The need to know the Constitution Preamble Chapter 1: Article 1 - Name, Motto & Emblem Article 2- Supremacy of the Constitution Article 3- Aims & Objectives Article 4- Type of Association Chapter 2Article 5- The Structure of NAGHACON Article 6- Membership Article 7- The Laws of NAGHACON Article 8- Rights & Obligations Chapter 3Article 9- Grievances, Disputes & Litigations Article 10- Elections • Right to vote & be voted for • Qualifications • Mode of Elections • Tenure of Office & Removal from office • Electoral committee Article 11- Leadership of NAGHACON • Chapter Executive Committee • State Council Executive Committee • National Council Executive Committee • Distribution of Offices • Committees Article 12- Duties of Officers Chapter 4Article 13- Meetings • Annual General Meetings • Ordinary General Meetings • Emergency Meetings • Language & Decision making process • Quorum • Standing Orders for conduct of meetings Article 14- Finance & Banking • Sources of Income • Registration Fees • Dues • Banking, Signatories & Expenses • General Procedure/Guidelines on Accounts Article 15- Audit Article 16- Welfare Benefits Chapter 5Article 17- Patrons Article 18- Trustees Article 19- Special Clause Article 20- Limitation of Powers Chapter 6Article 21- Miscellaneous - * Matters not covered by Constitution - * Discretionary Powers Article 22- Amendments Article 23- Oath of Allegiance INTRODUCTION This Constitution is a set of laws, rules and regulations that is used to run the affairs of The National Association of Ghanaian Communities in Nigeria (NAGHACON). This set of regulations helps in the administration of the affairs of the Association, NAGHACON, with the aim of promoting and maintaining love, peace, discipline and unity among members, stimulate and maintain patriotism in them and see to their general welfare. A brief history of National Council On 1st of July 1995, the National Association of Ghanaian Communities in Nigeria (NAGHACON) was inaugurated by the then Ghana’s High Commissioner to Nigeria and Ghanaians in other States of Nigeria were charged to form the Association. Soon after, the Association was established in almost all the States of Nigeria. The idea of forming a National Council as the Supreme Body of the Association in Nigeria was mooted and actualized but when some key individuals left Nigeria for good the National Council collapsed. The National Council was revived on 18th June, 2005 in Lagos in the premises of the Ghana High Commission. Present for this epoch event were Representatives of NAGHACON State Councils of Kwara State, Lagos State, Ogun State and Osun State. Why Members should know the Constitution It is necessary for members of NAGHACON to be committed to the core values, principles and objectives of the Association’s Constitution. Therefore the understanding of the Constitution can make members: 1)know their rights and responsibilities. 2)empowered to defend and protect the Constitution very well. 3)make meaningful contributions to the growth of the Association. 4)participate effectively and fully in the running of the affairs of the Association. PREAMBLE Conscious of the fact that we are all Ghanaians now residing outside our homeland. Conscious of the problems individual Ghanaians face at one time or the other, Convinced of the need and benefits as Ghanaians to come together and live in unity with a common aim in a foreign land, Conscious of the principles of freedom and justice, equality, tolerance and democracy, Conscious of the fact that there is the need for all Ghanaians in respective states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to come together under one umbrella for unity, progress and our welfare and to protect each other, And fervently interested in and committed to the development of the concept of ECOWAS, We hereby, this day, make and enact to ourselves this Constitution. Article 1: NAME, MOTTO AND SYMBOL (1)The name of the body shall be known and called THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GHANAIAN COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA abbreviated as NAGHACON, hereinafter referred to as NAGHACON or THE ASSOCIATION. (2)The motto of the Association which shall also be the greeting for the members shall be “UNITY IS POWER”. 3)The emblem or symbol of the Association shall be Ghana map and NAGHACON written under it with a handshake and the inscription “Unity is Power” in the middle of the map. The national flags of Ghana and Nigeria shall be by the right side of the Ghana map horizontally. Article 2: SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION a)This Constitution shall apply and be binding on all members of NAGHACON in Nigeria. b)The Authorities at the different levels of the Association, in a General Meeting, may make further regulations or resolution to give effect to any provision of this Constitution. d)If any regulation or resolution is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail and that regulation or resolution shall to the extent of its inconsistency be rendered null and void. e)EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE CONSTITUTION: This document which is called the Constitution of NAGHACON shall be effective from the ………….. day of …………………………………..20…… provided that this does not affect the validity of any act done prior to this date. Article 3: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES a)To create an umbrella organization for Ghanaians for easy interaction and make it convenient and easier for the Ghana High Commission to administer the affairs of Ghanaians in Nigeria. b)To foster the continuous unity, love and co-operation among the members in Nigeria as one people without ethnic, religious or political considerations and to stimulate patriotism. c)To seek and promote the welfare and well-being of its members. d)To be the watch dog for ensuring that Ghanaians are law abiding, disciplined and responsible in Nigeria. e)To encourage its members to individually and collectively under NAGHACON contribute to the growth and development of Ghana their motherland. f)To encourage and educate its members to: a) develop themselves and work hard for progress, b) know how to create jobs and wealth, make wise and viable investments. c) know and understand ECOWAS and its Protocols. d) understand Immigration requirements and documentation g)To promote the moral, economic and social welfare of all member Ghanaians in Nigeria through their respective Chapters. h)To promote the continuous friendship between Ghana and Nigeria. Article 4: TYPE OF ASSOCIATION a) NAGHACON shall be a Social Welfare Association; it shall be non-tribal, non-religious, non-political and membership shall not be based on social or economic status. b)The Association shall maintain link with Ghana Government through the Ghana High Commission in Nigeria and shall refer to it all matters affecting members which are beyond its powers to handle and shall affirm and accept the substance of this authority as the Government of Ghana in Nigeria. Article 5: THE STRUCTURE OF NAGHACON NAGHACON shall have the Chapter level, State Council, Zones and National Council. (a)CHAPTER (1) A NAGHACON Chapter is a grouping of Ghanaians of all tribes and religion with a minimum numerical strength of 25 (twenty five) members, recognized and registered by the relevant State Council of NAGHACON and Ghana High Commission in Nigeria respectively. (2) In exceptional cases the State Council responsible will be the only authority to decide to accept and recognize a Chapter with less than 25 members. (3) A new Chapter must not be seen as a tribal, religious or political group, but should be National in character involving all shades and class of Ghanaians. (4)A new Chapter shall not be within the radius of two kilometers of where a Chapter already exists; where unavoidably necessary due to circumstances, it shall be decided by the relevant State Council. (5)A new Chapter must have a certain minimum amount, as decided by the relevant State Council, from time to time, in its account. (6)A new Chapter shall apply for recognition to the relevant State Council with membership list and a copy of policies or bye-laws on benefits and discipline attached to the application. (7)If a new Chapter fails to meet any of the conditions stated ‘supra’ the relevant State Council may exercise its right of rejection of such a Chapter and give further directives. (b)STATE COUNCIL (1) The State Council shall be the apex body over all NAGHACON Chapters in the State and it is mandatory for all Chapters in the State to belong to it. (2)The State Council shall have power to take decisions for the peace, order and good management of NAGHACON at all levels in the State. (3)The State Council shall comprise three (3) delegates from each chapter of the Council. (4)A Chapter may upon one month’s notice to the State Council withdraw its representative who fails to meet his/her obligations. (c) ZONAL COUNCILS (1)All Chapters of the State Council shall be grouped and called Zones for the purposes of administrative convenience of the Council. The Zones shall be administered by a Corporate Affairs and Welfare Officer (CAWO). (2)Creation of Zones shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the State Council to which Zones are absolutely and completely responsible to and the State Council reserves the power to scrap any Zone if they find the need to do so. (3)Each Zone is allowed to form a Zonal Executive Committee to be headed by the CAWO and shall have an Assistant CAWO and they shall remain under the supervision and authority of the State Council. (4)The Zonal Executive Committee can be dissolved by the Constituent Chapters that form the Zone if they find good reasons to do so but this must be in consultation with the State Council. (5)The CAWOs shall give monthly report of activities in their Zones to the State Council and a copy of minutes of every Zonal meeting shall be forwarded to the State Council. (d)NATIONAL COUNCIL (1)The National Council shall be the Supreme and Apex Body of NAGHACON in Nigeria. It shall exercise authority over all NAGHACON bodies in Nigeria who are under obligation to register with it. (2)The National Council of NAGHACON shall comprise three (3) people from every State Council, referred to as Delegates, who must be any three of the following: i.State Council President ii.State Council Vice President iii.State Council General Secretary iv.State Council Treasurer v.State Council Financial Secretary (e)MODE OF OPERATION: There shall be a National Secretariat in Abuja and every NAGHACON State Council shall establish a State Secretariat in the State Capital. Article 6: MEMBERSHIP (a)Every willing Ghanaian in Nigeria can be a member of the Association by registering with any Chapter nearest to where he/she resides at a non-refundable fee fixed by the State Council from time to time, which shall cover: Membership Fee, Identity Card Form and Identity Card. And subject to the provisions of this Constitution a State Council may decide to make new Chapter members pay for Immigration Registration and other necessary payments. (b)A new member must be a citizen of Ghana and must be 18 years or above legally resident in Nigeria. He shall complete a Membership Registration Form for Record purposes. (c) A new member must have a genuine means of livelihood, and shall be certified by two registered NAGHACON members to be of good behavior. Article 7: THE LAWS OF NAGHACON The laws of NAGHACON shall comprise- (a)this Constitution; (b)Resolutions and Policies made under the authority of the Chapters as they affect them , State Councils as they affect the Chapters in the State and the National Council as they affect the entire NAGHACON body in Nigeria. (c)any Orders, Rules and Regulations made by any person or authority under a power conferred by this Constitution. Article 8: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (a)All members of the Association, Chapters and State Councils have the right to be treated fairly and equally with dignity. (b)Enjoyment of rights goes with performance of duties and obligations; therefore it shall be the duty of every member, Chapter and State Council to: i)promote the Association, uphold and defend this Constitution and other laws. ii)foster unity, peace and love among members, Chapters and State Councils and be law abiding and respectful. iii)be concerned with the welfare of other members, Chapters and State Councils and avoid doing things that are harmful to others. iv)attend meetings regularly, participate in activities and honour financial obligations. Article 9: GRIEVANCES, DISPUTES AND LITIGATIONS (a)NAGHACON members having any misunderstanding or dispute whatsoever with other members or indeed their fellow Ghanaians are not allowed to involve the Police unless permitted by their Executive Committee. (b)Chapter Executive Committees shall by themselves or set up a Committee of competent members to resolve all disputes or misunderstandings arising among Chapter members. (c)In disputes among Chapters of the same Zone or other Zones, the General Meeting of the State Council shall set up a Committee of eminent members to resolve the dispute. (d) In disputes between a Chapter and the State Council, an Ad-hoc Committee shall be constituted by the General Meeting of the State Council to resolve it. If the Ad-hoc Committee fails to resolve the dispute, recourse shall be made to the Ghana High commission in Nigeria. (e)Chapters, State Councils and the National Council shall where necessary seek legal assistance on any issue affecting them or individual members provided they are satisfied that such matters deserve legal advice or aid. Article 10: ELECTIONS (a)RIGHT TO VOTE & BE VOTED FOR i)a) At the Chapter level a member must fulfill all financial obligations to have the right to vote and/or be voted for. b) A new member shall not enjoy the privilege to vote or be voted for until after six months period of committed membership ii)At the State Council level Delegates of Chapters that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the State Council and do not attend meetings and activities will not have the right to vote or be voted for. iii)At the National Council level Delegates of any State Council that have not fulfilled its financial obligation to the National Council and does not attend meetings and activities shall not have the right to vote or be voted for. (b)QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTIONS i)Candidates for elections at all levels must be active NAGHACON members, responsible, respectable, honest and disciplined and should be able to communicate well in English language. To qualify for the post of State President or State Vice President one must be a serving Delegate of a Chapter and must possess a minimum of School Certificate. ii)Any prospective office holder must be of sound mind, not have any criminal record and must have his stay in Nigeria regularized. iii)The prospective holders of the offices of Financial Secretary and/or Auditor at all levels of NAGHACON should have a fair knowledge of Book Keeping and Account. iv)Delegates at the State Council and National Council levels are eligible to vie for any Office of the Councils. However, contribution towards the good and proper functioning of the Councils shall be the criterion for qualification while those vying for President, Vice President, National President and National Vice President must in addition show proven ability to lead the Association. (c)MODE OF ELECTIONS i)Offices at all levels shall be contested for separately. ii)National Council: Officers of the National Council Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting in November or any such month to be decided upon by the National Council. iii)At Chapter level elections there shall be three nominations for each office and each must be seconded before a nominee can be registered as a candidate. No member can make nominations unless he/she is also qualified to vote. Nominations and voting shall take place on the same day. iv)Elections at all levels shall be through open secret ballot. v)State Council/National Council: Prospective candidates shall pick nomination forms. The National Council and respective State Councils shall decide if forms shall be at any cost and there shall be three candidates for every elective post. vi)Elections conducted without the required constitutional quorum shall be null and void. vii)State Council: The State Council shall supervise Chapter elections. viii)State Council: A Delegate elected President of the State Council shall vacate his/her position at his/her Chapter level to ensure maximum performance in his/her duties ix)State Council: The post of Corporate Affairs & Welfare Officer (CAWO) shall not be an elective one. It shall be the Zone’s responsibility to nominate a deserving candidate to be screened and confirmed by the State Council. x)National Council: Only serving State Presidents and past State Presidents (supported by their State Council) can aspire to the position of National President or National Vice President of the National Council of NAGHACON. (d)TENURE OF OFFICE & REMOVAL 1)Elected Officers at all levels of NAGHACON shall hold office for a period of three (3) years. (2)No Officer shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. (3)Office holders at all levels can be removed from office by 2/3 (two third) of the membership if he/she is found to have i)been ineffective and incompetent. ii)violated the oath of allegiance and any provisions of the Constitution. iii)conducted himself or herself in a manner which brings or is likely to bring his/her office, the Association and Ghana into disrepute or contempt. iv)been unable to perform the duties of his/her office due to ill-health for more than six months. (4)Any Officer who decides to resign from his/her position shall give at least three months notice in writing and at the end of the notice hand over appropriately. (5)Formal Handing Over by all Officers of NAGHACON shall take place immediately after Swearing-in ceremony. (6)Bye-elections shall always be conducted to fill vacant offices. (e)ELECTORAL COMMITTEE (a)At all levels a three man Independent Electoral Committee shall be formed to plan and conduct Elections. (b)The Committee shall perform the following: i)Produce Electoral Policies and Guidelines in accordance with the Constitution. ii)Receive nominations, screen and approve or reject candidates iii)Compile list of eligible voters before election iv)Conduct elections v)The Electoral Committee of the State Council shall supervise all Chapter elections. Article 11: LEADERSHIP OF NAGHACON Authority for the running of the affairs of NAGHACON is vested in Executive Committees at the various levels of the Association who are to draw programs and formulate policies for the effective and efficient running of the affairs of the Association. They are as follows: (a)CHAPTER LEVEL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i)CHAIRMAN, ii)VICE CHAIRMAN, iii)SECRETARY, iv)ASSISTANT SECRETARY, v)FINANCIAL SECRETARY, vi)TREASURER, vii)PUBLIC RELATIONS/WELFARE OFFICER, viii) WHIP, ix)ASSISTANT WHIP x)WOMEN LEADER. (b)STATE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i)President ii)Vice President iii) General Secretary iv) Assistant General Secretary v) State Treasurer vi) State Financial Secretary vii) Assistant State Financial Secretary viii) State Organizing & Social Secretary ix) Corporate Affairs & Welfare Officer (CAWO’S) x) 3 State Auditors x) 2 Chief Whips (c)NATIONAL COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i)National President ii)National Vice President iii)National General Secretary iv)Deputy National General Secretary v)National Financial Secretary vi)National Treasurer vii)2 National Public Relations Officers viii)Provost (d)DISTRIBUTION OF OFFICES NAGHACON as a democratic Association shall not encourage zoning of offices in any manner. Opportunity would be given to every qualified member, Chapter or State Council aspiring for any position at any level of NAGHACON to do so without limitations in accordance, however, with laid down Electoral rules and regulations. (e)COMMITTEES The National Council and State Councils shall have the Standing Committees listed below and Ad-hoc Committees, when necessary, as may be decided by the General Meetings or the Executive Committees: (a) FINANCE COMMITTEE The Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall form the Finance Committee with the Treasurer as the Chairman (b) MEDIA COMMITTEE The size shall be decided by the General Meeting. They shall be the Association’s image makers and be responsible for all Media matters of the Association and writing of speeches/address. (c)WELFARE COMMITTEE The General Meeting shall decide on how many people shall form the Committee and they shall be in charge of the Welfare of members and Chapters while the Committee at National Council level shall be in charge of the Welfare of National Delegates and State Councils. (d)INVESTMENT COMMITTEE It shall have five members. They shall create viable business investment opportunities for members, Chapters, State Council and the National Council. It shall undertake feasibility studies and organize seminars on business and wealth creation. It shall advise on all government Laws and policies concerning industry and investments. (e)DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE A Committee of five members nominated from Delegates and shall handle all matters relating to discipline and investigation of all allegations of indiscipline and misconduct of members. Article 12: DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1)CHAPTER CHAIRMEN, STATE COUNCIL PRESIDENTS & NATIONAL PRESIDENT a) The Chairmen shall be the heads of their Chapters, the State President shall be the head of NAGHACON (all the Chapters) in the State while the National President shall be the head of NAGHACON in Nigeria and they shall ensure proper management of the affairs of the jurisdiction they administer. b)shall convene all meetings through the Secretary and preside over every meeting so convened. c)shall co-ordinate the duties of other officers of the Executive Committee d)shall have an ordinary vote at all meetings and in case of equality of votes cast a deciding vote and shall have the discretionary right to adjourn any meeting. e)They shall present annual report of the Executive Committee. Chapter Chairmen shall forward copy of their Annual Reports to their State Councils while the State Presidents shall forward copy of their Annual Reports to the National Council. 2)CHAPTER VICE CHAIRMEN, STATE VICE PRESIDENTS & NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT a)shall assist the Chairmen, the State Vice Presidents and the National President as the case may be in the discharge of their functions. b)In case of sickness/absence of the Chairmen, the State Presidents, the National President, they shall take charge of affairs until they are in good health and/or available to resume their duties. c)they shall be in charge of all Committees set up and co-ordinate their activities. d)shall perform other duties that may be assigned to them from time to time by their respective leaders or the jurisdiction they serve. 3)CHAPTER SECRETARIES, STATE GENERAL SECRETARIES & NATIONAL GENERAL SECRETARY a)They shall be in charge of their respective Secretariat and perform the following duties: i) The Chapter Secretary shall be the Chief Scribe of his Chapter, the State General Secretary the Chief Scribe of his State Council and the National General Secretary the Chief Scribe of the National Council. ii) They shall in consultation with their respective heads convene all meetings and take the minutes of such meetings. iii) They shall handle all correspondence and keep all administrative documents and records. iv) They shall register new members and perform any other duties as may be assigned by their respective assemblies. 4)ASSISTANT CHAPTER SECRETARY, ASST. STATE GENERAL SECRETARY & DEPUTY NATIONAL GENERAL SECRETARY a) they shall assist their Secretaries in the discharge of their duties and in case of sickness or absence they will take charge of affairs until they resume. b) They shall perform any other duties as may be assigned to them by their seniors, the head of the Executive Committee or the general assembly. 5)FINANCIAL SECRETARIES a)They shall collect all monies and issue receipts accordingly. b)They shall keep records of all monies going out or coming in. c)The shall handover to the Treasurer immediately they collect money and issue receipt. d)In consultation with the Executive Committee for approval prepare vouchers for payments. e)They shall prepare Annual Statement of Account and submit with other books for auditing at the end of every year and periodically when audit is requested to be done. f)In consultation with the Treasurer prepare and submit to their respective assemblies quarterly Statement of Account through the Executive Committed except the National Financial Secretary who shall present Report Annual. 6)ASSISTANT STATE FINANCIAL SECRETARY (For only State Councils) They shall assist the State Financial Secretaries in discharging their duties and perform any other duties assigned to them. 7)TREASURERS a)They shall deposit the Association’s money in its bank account within forth eight (48) hours after collection from the Financial Secretary. b) They shall keep an imprest (amount determined by the Executive Committee) for emergency expenses. c) They shall make payments or expenses on vouchers after obtaining the authorized signatures. d) They shall keep good record of any money received and paid out (whether to the bank or for expenses). e) They shall present their books for auditing when required and in collaboration with the Financial Secretary present Statement of Account quarterly through the Executive Committee. In the case of the National Treasurer they shall present Annual Reports. 8)PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFFICER & PUBLIC RELATIONS/WELFARE OFFICER a)The National Council shall have Public Relations Officers while Chapters shall maintain Public Relations/Welfare Officers and they shall perform the following duties: i)They shall be the image makers of the Association, give public commentaries, disseminate information to the general public and attend criticisms of the Association. ii)They shall be the Liaison Officers in the Association. III)At the Chapters level they shall be in charge of the Welfare of Chapter members 9)STATE ORGANIZING & SOCIAL SECRETARIES a)This position is maintained at the State Council level only. b)They shall initiate and plan social programmes for their respective State Councils and co-ordinate all social activities of their State Council. c)Chapters of State Councils organizing any programme involving their State Council Chapters shall collaborate with the State Organizing & Social Secretaries to ensure proper attention to all who attend the programme. 10)CORPORATE AFFAIRS & WELFARE OFFICERS a)This position is maintained at the State Councils level only b)They shall be in charge of the welfare of all the Chapters put in the Zone under their care by their respective State Councils for ease of administering the affairs of the Chapters in the State. c)They shall always report activities in their Zone and in Chapters of the Zone to their respective State Council Executive Committees. 11)AUDITORS They shall audit the Account of their State Councils at the end of every year and submit reports of such auditing to the State Council at its Annual Congress. They shall also do periodic auditing as and when their State Councils require it. 12)WHIPS, CHIEF WHIPS & PROVOST a)They shall to it that meeting venues are in order and run errands for the Association. b)At meetings they shall collect late comers fines and pay to the financial Secretary and obtain receipt. (c)They shall keep orderliness at meetings and keep records of absentee members and collect their fines, pay to the Financial Secretary and obtain receipt. 13)ASSISTAND WHIPS They shall help the Chapter Whips in the performance of their duties and perform any other duties assigned to them by the Executive Committee or the general house. Article 13: MEETINGS a)ANNUAL MEETINGS a.a)THE NATIONAL COUNCIL i) The National Council shall have an Annual General Meeting of all Delegates in November of every year in Abuja. However, State Councils are free to host the Annual General Meetings by sending application to host to the National Secretariat Six months before a National Council Annual General meeting to be placed before it for approval. ii) The National Council Annual General Meeting shall consider a) Annual Report from State Presidents on developments concerning welfare and activities of NAGHACON and Ghanaians generally in their States. b) Annual Financial Report, development in Ghana and any other matter of interest and benefit to members. a.b)STATE COUNCILS I) Annual Congress of The State Council shall be held on the first Saturday of the month of November every year or at such times to be decided by the Council and shall consider the following: a) Annual Report from the President b) Annual Financial Report and any other matter. a.c)CHAPTERS A Chapter shall hold an Annual General Meeting at a time agreed by them to consider a) Annual Report from the Chairman b) Annual Financial Report and any other matters properly tabled. b) ORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS b.a) STATE COUNCIL: There shall be monthly general meeting of Delegates of the State Council to be held at designated place and time decided upon by the Delegates of the State to discuss Agenda by the Executive Committee. b.b)CHAPTERS: A Chapter shall hold general meeting at least once in month or as the Chapter may decide. c)EMERGENCY MEETINGS Emergency meeting of the General House, Executive Committee or any Committee may be summoned by Chapter Chairman/Vice Chairman, State Council President/Vice President, National President/National vice President. It shall be necessitated by very pressing and urgent situations requiring immediate attention which cannot wait till the next scheduled meeting. d)LANGUAGE AND DECISION MAKING PROCESS AT MEETINGS d.a)At all meetings the medium of communication shall be English and or any other popular Ghanaian language. d.b)After a debate and voting is taken, a simple majority shall carry the day regarding any motion moved except on important issues decided on by the Executive Committee. d.c)Validity of Proceedings of an Annual General Meeting or any other Conference or Meeting shall not be affected by any office vacancy or by any defect in the appointment or election of members or offices or by any irregularity in the proceedings. e)QUORUM AT MEETINGS e.a)At Annual General meeting the quorum shall be a simple majority of the membership. e.b)At Ordinary General Meeting and Emergency Meeting a quorum of half of the total membership present is required. f)STANDING ORDERS FOR CONDUCT OF MEETINGS These Standing Orders are made by the National Council in exercise of its powers as the Supreme Authority of NAGHACON for the conduct and procedure of all meetings and matters relating thereto. 1)Any Meeting of the Association shall transact such businesses as are on the Agenda or any business decided by members, the Executive Committee or the chairman, State President or the National President as the case may be. 2)An Agenda of the business of the meeting shall be supplied to every member, Chapter, State and it shall be adhered to till the completion of the meeting, unless a proposition to suspend the standing orders is made and carried by two-third of members present. 3)The Chairman, President or National President shall take the chair and formally open the meeting. In the event that the Chairman, President or National President or the Vice is absent, any next Executive Committee member present shall preside. 4)No member shall commence to speak on any topic until recognized to do so and the business(es) of every meeting shall be conducted in decent language and respect for one another. 5)The order of speaking shall be determined by the person chairing the meeting in his/her absolute discretion without fear or favour. 6)A member may raise the plea of “Point of Correction” where there has been a misquotation of a speaker or a misrepresentation of either a speaker or the matter under discussion. 7)A member may raise a plea of ‘point of order’ which shall only be allowed where a member observed and the Chair person accepts that there is a deviation by a speaker from the subject-matter and or according to these standing orders. 8)A proposition made for the meeting to proceed to the next business or make progress shall be seconded, discussed and put to vote. If accepted, all other propositions on the subject-matter under discussion shall be considered as disposed off. 9)No motion or amendment shall be discussed , unless it is seconded. Except the proposal(s) of the Executive Committee or the report of any Committee(s) of the house, which shall be taken as having been moved and seconded. No second motion or amendment shall be voted upon until the first amendment is disposed off. 10)On any issue, cause or matter, every member shall have one vote at a time but the Chair person shall have a second or casting vote in the event of equality of votes. The presiding Electoral Officer shall have a casting vote. 11)The ruling of the person chairing the meeting on all matters shall be obeyed. 12)The Chair Person has the power to ask any one found hooting, shouting, side-talking or doing any other distractive acts to walk out of the meeting through the Chief Whip. 13)The meeting shall have power to appoint Committee(s)for the furtherance of its business. Such Committee(s) may sit during the hours of the meeting should it become necessary. 14)The Chair Person may give direction or adopt measures reasonably necessary in the interest of the Association or reasonably conducive to the conduct or proceedings of any Conference or Meeting. 15)The procedure at a meeting of any Committee may be determined by that Committee. 16)Decisions taken by any well constituted meeting shall be binding on all members concerned at any level of the Association. Article 14: FINANCE AND BANKING a)SOURCES OF INCOME: The sources of income of the Association at all levels shall be: i)Dues ii)Levies iii)Registration Fees `iv)Fines v)Donations vi)Investments vii)Fund Raising b)REGISTRATION FEES i)CHAPTERS – All new Chapter members shall pay a non-refundable registration fee before admission which shall cover Membership Form, Identity Card, Dues Card, Administrative Fee and Local Government Immigration registration. Chapters are at liberty to decide on a reasonable amount to defray the above mentioned items in accordance with prevailing economic circumstances in their area. ii)STATE COUNCIL – New Chapters registered by the State Council shall pay a non-refundable registration fee which shall be decided by the State Council in accordance with prevailing circumstances. iii)NATIONAL COUNCIL – State Councils being registered newly shall pay a non-refundable registration fee of N2,000.00 to be reviewed from to time. c)DUES - Members of Chapters shall pay dues monthly the amount of which shall be decided by the Chapters themselves. Chapter of State Councils shall pay dues monthly or annually as they State Council may decide and will also decide on the amount to be paid by the member Chapters. At the National Council level State Councils shall pay N5,000.00 annually, to be reviewed from time to time. d)BANKING, SIGNATORIES & EXPENSES i)All the levels of NAGHACON, Chapters, State Councils and National Council shall have Bank Account into which all monies shall be saved for proper management and all supervising authorities must ensure this is done. ii)SIGNATORIES to Chapter Accounts shall be – THE CHAIRMAN, THE TREASURER, and THE SECRETARY including PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT of the State Council who would be called upon to sign only when there is crisis among the Chapter’s Signatories. Iii)SIGNATORIES to State Council Accounts shall be, The President, The Vice President, The Financial Secretary and Treasurer. Any three of them to sign transactions at a time. iv)SIGNATORIES to the National Council Accounts shall be, the National President, the National Financial Secretary and the National Treasurer. e)GENERAL PROCEDURE/GUIDELINES ON ACCOUNT i)All vouchers for payment shall be signed by the authorized Signatories specified in sub-section (e) (ii) to (iv) as applies to the various level of the Association. ii)The Account position of the Chapter, the State Council and the National Council shall be made known at every meeting. iii)The Treasurer shall keep a petty cash of an amount decided upon by the Chapter, the State Council and the National Council from time to time in accordance with prevailing economic circumstances for emergency expenses. iv) Chairmen shall cause a copy of Annual Statement of Account of their Chapters to be forwarded to the State Council they belong before the end of February of the following year through the Zonal Council. Article 15: AUDIT a)The Account of Chapters, State Councils and the National Council may be audited annually, at the end of December every year. Or whenever they find a cause to do an audit. b)Where there are no elected Auditors, three (3) Auditors shall be appointed at a General Meeting to conduct an audit. Article 16: WELFARE BENEFITS Chapters are mandated under this Constitution to discuss, agree and document welfare benefits for their members, State Councils shall also put up policy document on welfare benefits for member Chapters and Delegates while the National Council shall enact a policy document of welfare benefits for State Councils and National Delegates as addendum to this Constitution. Article 17: PATRONS a)Chapters would be free to appoint Patrons who would support and play advisory roles for their Chapters. b)All State Councils shall have a body of honourable and eminent Ghanaians and other Nationals with interest in Ghana or Ghanaians who shall act as the Council’s Advisers, Supporters and Motivators. The body shall be called NATIONAL PATRONS OF NAGHACON. (b)All Presidents and Vice Presidents shall be automatic members of the NATIONAL PATRONS OF NAGHACON as soon as they leave office. Article 18: TRUSTEES a)The Association shall have a Board of Trustees of not less than 5 member who shall be responsible for the management of the Association’s Assets. Their responsibilities shall cover assets for Chapters, State Councils and the National council. b)The Trustees shall be appointed by a well constituted General Meeting of the National Council of NAGHACON. c)To be accepted as a Trustee, a National Council Delegate must propose the person, the proposal must be seconded by two other delegates and if there arises no objection(s) the person would stand appointed as a Trustee. Article 19: SPECIAL CLAUSE a)The income and property of the Association however derived shall be applied to the Association and no portion or parts thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise whatsoever by way of profit to the members of the Association. b)No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in the constitution for the time being in force, unless the same have been previously submitted to and approved by the highest decision making body of the Association, the National Council. c)In the event of winding-up or dissolution, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever shall not be paid or distributed amongst members but shall be given or transferred to other Institutions having similar objects. Such Institutions to be determined by NAGHACON members. Article 20: LIMITATION OF POWER Where the terms and conditions expressed or implied in this Constitution conflicts with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Ghana , the later shall prevail. Article 21: MISCELLANEOUS a)MATTERS NOT COVERED BY CONSTITUTION Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, where on any matter, whether arising out of this constitution or otherwise, there is no provision, express or by necessary implication of this constitution which deals with the matter, that has arisen, General Meeting shall, by Resolution, not being inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution, provide for that matter to be dealt with. b)DISCRETIONARY POWERS Chapter Chairmen, State Presidents and National President have the authority to exercise discretionary power where absolutely necessary consistent with the provisions of this Constitution. The Executive Committees of the various levels of NAGHACON are also vested with discretionary powers to be exercised when necessary, consistent with the provisions of this Constitution. (a) Any person or authority vested with Discretionary power by this Constitution is required to be fair and candid in the exercise of the discretionary power; (b) The exercise of the discretionary power by any officer(s) of NAGHACON shall not be arbitrary, capricious or biased wither by resentment, prejudice or personal dislike and shall be in accordance with this Constitution. Article 22: AMENDMENT a)Amendments to any provision of the Constitution shall be made through State Councils to the National Council for consideration and shall follow the following procedures: i) Proposals for amendment shall be made in writing to the State Council ninety (90) days or a ii) period of three General Meetings and the Notice shall have been deliberated upon thirty (30) days before the General Meeting during which the amendment shall be considered and decided by two third of members present at the meeting. iii) Motion for amendment shall be made by any State Council in Nigeria to the National iv) Council in writing. Such motion shall need the support from two (2) other State Councils in Nigeria before acceptance for deliberations. iii) Voting on such motion shall be decided by a simple majority of State Councils present at a National Council Annual General Meeting. Article 23:OATH OF ALLEGIANCE This Oath of allegiance is to be sworn by all elected officers at all levels of NAGHACON, (Chapters, State Councils and National Council) before taking office. I, ………… (name of officer)……………………………………………………. do solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GHANAIAN COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA (NAGHACON) at all levels and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of NAGHACON in my capacity as …………………(position)………………………………………….. So help me God. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GHANAIAN COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA (NAGHACON) (THE TRUE REPRESENTATIVES OF ALL NAGHACON MEMBERS IN NIGERIA) ON THIS ………..…….. DAY OF ……………………………………….20…….
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 19:44:28 +0000

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