REVISITING FLIGHT 370: A BOEING 777 DOESNT DISAPPEAR UNLESS GOVERNMENTS WANT IT TO DISAPPEAR [Weve all watched as one sighting of debris after another proves to NOT be from the missing airliner. Still the search goes on.... In my opinion, its to keep the charade going (A MAJOR DISTRACTION)...until, HEAVEN FORBID, we wake up some morning to the news of a giant jet airliner hitting some target. PRAY THAT THE TRUTH BE REVEALED.] ONE QUOTE FROM THIS ARTICLE: The mainstream media is extremely reluctant to ever report on any sort of government cover-up, preferring to pretend that governments are always transparent and honest with the people of the world. Although such an idea is utterly laughable, it remains the default position of the conventional media. Thats why the media prefers to run with other theories such as pilot suicide or flight accident, neither of which withstand scrutiny of the facts. (Case in point: If it crashed into the ocean, the black boxes would have been transmitting their location for weeks now, and they would be easy to find.) World governments routinely lie and deceive the public, of course. As a simple example of that, the U.S. government has now been exposed as spying on all the other governments of the world with an above-top-secret NSA spy program revealed by Edward Snowden. Before his revelations, anyone suggesting the government was listening to your phone calls was immediately called a crackpot by the clueless conventional media. Now, of course, we all have come to realize that the NSA really is recording all your phone calls, text messages, social media posts and financial transactions. This is no longer a secret. Its not a conspiracy theory. Its business as usual at the highest levels of government. And yes, its wildly illegal, but it goes on nonetheless.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:57:23 +0000

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