REWRITE.... So this was in the newspaper the other - TopicsExpress


REWRITE.... So this was in the newspaper the other day… registerguard/.../arctic-hagel-says-avoid... This part really caught my eye…“Hagel’s comments came as the military finalized plans to expand operations in the vast waters of the Arctic, where melting ice caps are opening sea lanes and giving nations like Russia greater access to the oil and gas deposits.” AND… “U.S. officials estimate the Arctic holds 13 percent of the world’s undiscovered oil reserves and 30 percent of undiscovered gas deposits. Until recently, however, areas that could reap hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues were frozen over and unreachable.” FROZEN OVER AND UNREACHABLE… HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WERE FROZEN OVER AND UNREACHABLE. Now I am not saying this article is about global warming. (Cough... Yeah, I am.) It is however an interesting thread of thought. The idea that Corporations are actually profiting from global warming. The same Corporations that own 80% (95% if you’re a Fox News Disciple) of the Media that tells you global warming is a myth… The same Corporations that sell you crap that distracts you… OH HEY LOOK! It’s the latest Smart-phone!!! Must get!!! Subway restaurants accept Food-Stamps! Must complain about!!! That chick did a really manipulatively evil thing on that reality show on TV and I gotta tune in next week to see the tears and humiliation of the victim so I feel better about my life ( oh, lets not forget...She has 5 babies and you are NOT the father)!!!. One of those Guys in Tights, that run into each other for a living, carried a freaking TOY for 442 yards!!! I mean…It is not like the Corporations have a business plan to melt the polar icecaps or anything - resulting in easier access to oil and gas in uncharted territory... Right? That would be EVIL. (United Nation Laws don’t “necessarily” apply to “uncharted territory” most of the polar regions are “technically” UNDISCOVERED territory…LOOK IT THE FRICK UP). It is not like these CORPORATIONS are distracting you with foot-ball, beer, and a Black Dude as a President …Right? It is not like global warming will actually, REALLY, affect those that run these Corporations...Right?? If it gets to hot... They will sell you air-conditioning you cant afford, while they build Summer Homes, Corporate Office buildings, fleets of Comfort Vehicles... From Private Jets to Will Smith’s 2.5 MILLION dollar Motor-Home. practicalmotorhome/.../welcome-will-smiths... If you are to busy to cook a meal for your CHILDREN... They will sell you processed food that blocks a hormone called Leptin Leptin is supposed to tell you when to stop eating. …While their food is shipped in from a private reserve in Maine…at 4,000 bucks a plate. They will tell you... Your teacher’s Union is a leading cause of the recession…Knowing THEIR kids will always get the Best Schools money can buy while your CHILD is lucky if the Public School doesnt have rats, black mold or more than 30 kids per class-room...OH, and Collective Bargaining (your only defense as a broke-ass MOFO against MASSIVE corporations) Rights are a bad thing for profit margins... (Undereducated people follow educated people…Just ask Fox News.) Dude, these people work in the BILLIONS OF make what? 50 grand a year if you are lucky? ...You are nothing but a number on a profit report to them, you honestly think they want you ORGANIZING? They will convince you... Laws like the Patriot Act and Citizens United are awesome, Governmental Regulation is bad… While a Gulf gets flooded with oil due to lack of a 500,000 dollar piece of safety equipment, your last PRESIDENTIAL freaking ELECTION cost 2 BILLION FREAKING DOLLARS in advertising alone, an AMERICAN was ASSASSINATED (oh and his son too)...But hey (John Wayne voice), “We’re fightin’ terrorists pilgrim.” (Never mind you have a better chance as an American of dying via your bathtub than by a terrorist and I sure as heck dont see our government spending billions making your bathroom safer... or your food for that matter…If you think I am belittling 9-11 you’re an idiot). OK to sum this up… There are no “Lizard- People” Trying to take over the world. The myth is based on The 1980s show V... Annnnnd... You smoke way more pot than I do if you actually believe in lizard people invading the planet. imdb/title/tt0086822/ Obama is not coming for your guns. ( They make billions making you believe this crap) ... You run out and buy ammo and 30 round magazines every time the NRA mentions Obama and Guns in the same sentence...Not to mention the billions these Corporations earn holding you in a CORPORATE owned or supplied prison after you shoot someone in self-defense (or drive while being a dark-skinned minority)…Why would they want to stop making money every time you panic? Duh? You idiots spent BILLIONS on bunkers and toilet paper during the last four End of the World nonsense they told you about on TV.) They ask you to take surveys, polls, questionnaires, and to join the “coupon club” at your local chain super-market for a reason. They know what you think (and why you think it) for one single purpose... To sell you crap made in China. If there was a conspiracy to take over the world it happened a long time ago, and WE lost. We are owned...Lock, Stock, and Barrel, we sold out a long time ago for TV Dinners and 500 channels on Cable. You get to use Facebook for FREE for a REASON. You are encouraged to click LIKE on crap for a reason. I hope by now you get the point. So...DO YOU THINK IF THEY COULD MAKE MONEY OFF GLOBAL WARMING THEY WOULD?.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 11:37:28 +0000

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