REZA ASLAN: Slams a very ignorant CNN reporter regarding those - TopicsExpress


REZA ASLAN: Slams a very ignorant CNN reporter regarding those primitive Moslems! With this much ignorance in the West, how can the West possibly offer solutions to problems in the Middle East? Islam isnt a race - it covers 3 continents from Morrocco to Turkey to Malaysia. Countries with a vast variety of cultures and languages. Turkish, Egyptian, and Persian, for example, are cultures that are deep and varied and merely a few of the myriad of cultures that constitute the Islamic world. We dont call German, French and Italian cultures all Christian do we? Theres the same amount of variety in the Moslem world - if we choose not to be bigots and not name them all with one single, sweeping word. Thats how the racist who sees all else as other operates, overlooking their different languages, different histories, different customs and cultures. The blond lady really bothered me, I wanted to slap her when she used the word primitive. (Maybe a little primitive of me?) Reporters shouldnt be so willfully bigoted. Reza should have told her that the Moslems, out of their 500 year-old Golden Age in Baghdad - while Europe was in its dark ages - brought Medicine, Mathematics and Philosophy to a very dark and unenlightened Europe - many argue, heralding in the Renaissance. Lady, try counting using the Roman numerals and get rid of your primitive Decimal System that the Arabs brought you. The Arabic Numerals, Al-Gebra, Al-Gorithm all the Al- words, enabled Europe to develop its science and technology! Proud of Reza Aslan - himself, an Iranian-American. Ironically, the most primitive of Islamic nations, are the Wests best friends, trading in billions of dollars. The hypocrisy of continuing to prop up these primitive regimes, and then calling them names on top of it too, is jaw-dropping. Lady, go buy a book. cnn/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2014/09/30/cnn-tonight-reza-aslan-bill-maher.cnn.html
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:25:19 +0000

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