RFCF Main Box - CrossFit Warm-up A: RFCF Basic - TopicsExpress


RFCF Main Box - CrossFit Warm-up A: RFCF Basic Warm-up (C) (No Measure) 30 DU (90 SU) 3 Rounds of: 10 Squats (slow) 5 Push-ups 5 Beat Swings B: Dynamic Warm-up (No Measure) 10 per side: Leg swings Pass Thrus Figure 8s Scorpion Eagles Roll & Reach Metcon A: Partner - Ball drop, push-up, wall ball (Time) With a partner perform 3 rounds for time: 20 Ball drop/push (20#/14#) 15 Push-ups 10 Wall Balls (20#/14#) Switch partners B: Funday Sunday (3) (No Measure) 1:00min work, 30s Rest 1) Inverted Ring Rows 2) Prisoner Jump Squats 3) Ball Squat-Push (15kg/10kg) 4) Ring Dips 5) Rope Climbs 6) Sandbag Bear crawl 7) Battling Rope Claps 8) Sandbell Sit-up (40#/20#) 9) OH Walking Lunge (40#/25#) 10) Sandbell Clean-Press-Slam (40#/20#) Mobility Mash quads and QT/QL, stretch hamstrings, mash serratus and first rib.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 06:06:02 +0000

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