RHEMA FOR TODAY FRIDAY,18TH JULY,2014. TOPIC –LIVING IN HIS REST. ‘’thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the word of thy mouth’’ PROVERBS 6 VS 12. As a child of God, for us to manifest the progressive rest in every sphere of our lives , we must earnestly give heed to our confession. Listen, sin, death, poverty, sickness and Satan were defeated for us by Christ Jesus in the gospel. It is very important for us to know that the main route which evil things and forces can capture us is to vacillate in our confession by declaring words that do not correspond with the gospel. Hear me, anytime you declare any word that cannot be found in the gospel of Jesus, you are automatically endorsing the rulership of the accuser over that area of your life. Many don’t know this, and they suffer a lot. The opening scripture says ‘’thou art snared’’ thou art taken’’ Folks, by what? Our words. We can set free our destiny or put it under bondage by our words. Stop speaking philosophy and homiletics, declare Gods’ word. This is where your victory and prosperity abides. Your word will surely locate you. You are here at this juncture because of your word and not devil, because the entrance the devil has over your life is your wrong confession. Devil needs our wrong confession as a platform to do wrong stuffs in our life. Where you will by tomorrow, will be as a result of what you are saying now. Child of God, you have what you say. Wrong confession will nullify long hours of prayer and fasting, because without faith in His word we cannot please Yeshua. Declare life and prosperity today and see good days. To enjoy progressive Rest, I charge you to confession the word of God not of philosopher, central bank and Budget. You will reign in plenty in Jesus name. POST YOUR COMMENTS TO US. Prayer and Counseling +2348166868788. EMAIL –pastoradewalejolade@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:01:39 +0000

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