RHEMA FOR TODAY Monday,8th September,2014. TOPIC – SPIRITUAL - TopicsExpress


RHEMA FOR TODAY Monday,8th September,2014. TOPIC – SPIRITUAL CHECK UP! Examine yourselves whether ye are in Faith.2ND CORINTHIANS 13 VS 5a. It is vital for you as a believer to know that the Christian life is refers to as Faith life. No wonder people do ask, how is faith? In line with our opening text Examine means to Evaluate, Test and check up. This is totally applicable to your faith life. Today, the Holy Spirit is saying to you to evaluate your Christian life and do quick adjustments in order to experience Fruitfulness in September. Remember nothing happen until you happen. Dear brethren, we are going to examine our commitment towards the three anchors of the Christian faith. [1] PRAYER [2] WORD [3] GIVING. Where are you in your life today? Has your prayer life and pattern changed because of pressure and needs? Hope your closet has not decayed? How far with your quite time? How often do you pray for the lost souls and the sick folks? You must sincere answer these questions for you to make progress in 2014.If you are not praying, you must be playing. I assure you that players will not be fruitful in September but only prayerful saints. Also, the ministry of the word is equally important. Do you have a relationship with the word? When was the last time you woke up in the mid night to meditate on the word? Nothing works except by the word. God is bound by His word. Except the word makes you; your prosperity will not last. The vital part of the word is doing. You must be a doer of the word to access the throne of God in 2014. The third point is your Giving. If you are not a giver, life will be unfair to you. You must give your free will offering like seeds and service offering according to the level of Gods’ material and financial blessing upon your life. Well, your Tithe is compulsory, if you don’t pay it, life will surely be tight. Don’t joke with them; else you will remain as you are in 2014. Dear saint, have a spiritual check up today. Remember if you pray rightly, you will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and receive direction for your life. Also, Prayerful people live Holy Life; you cannot be praying and be sinning at the same time. It is not possible! Always hold forth to the word of life. Don’t lose your touch with the word, for it is your life. Live like Joseph and not like Reuben who is unstable in its ways. Be focus. Lastly, examine yourself today and repositioned you for a Relevant 2014. God bless you. IF YOU ARE BLESSED WITH TODAY’s RHEMA, PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS AND RESERVATIONS TO US. Prayer and Counseling +2348166868788.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:31:19 +0000

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