RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS HEALED Sharing our testimonies - TopicsExpress


RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS HEALED Sharing our testimonies challenge. Scott Heriot After several years of unexplained joint pain and much testing I was diagnosed to be in stage of Rheumatoid arthritis after a lot of exams and testing in about 2007. This was very alarming to me to here that there would be no cure and that it would become progressively worse. I was concerned about the present mountain doctor bills, how I was going to support my family since my line of work is so physically demanding. I was frustrated with so many doctor appointments and referrals to specialists. All the medicine options all carried adverse health risks. My passion at the time was playing mens softball. I am an outdoor kind of guy and my dream was to have a ranch. All of this was so overwhelming at time that I just decided to push through the pain and quit going to the doctor. I was going to ignore it or hoped to ignore it but the nights especially were so painful. I woke up every hour in horrible pain. I was exhausted daily. It was 2010 when God lead my wife and I to Eastpointe Church. Our whole family was growing exponentially in all God had for us yet I never really believed He would heal me. My kids and wife would lay hands on me every night praying. Sometimes I would tell them why bother but they persisted. Most times you hear of people getting immediate results in healings and you see them jumping up and down all over the place. It didnt happen for me like that. One morning I woke up and said to my wife, You know I have been sleeping through the night and I cant tell you the last time I had any pain in my joints. I feel good at work and around the farm and at night when I sleep. I think God healed me when I wasnt paying attention. I have been back to the doctor. The cartilage is fine in my joints, they cant find any existence of RA in any of my tests and I have been feeling great every since. THERE IS NO MEDICAL EXPLANATION - IT WAS GOD! What I would say to anyone who thinks God wont heal them is dont give up, your healing is probably just around the corner. Press in on prayer it works, if you have kids get them praying for you and for others who are sick or in pain now. Develop the life style. I am so thankful for the way God has grown my kids faith through my healing. He loves you. Believe!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:01:36 +0000

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