RICHARD NYAMAH (CHAIRMAN YOUNG PATRIOTS) WHY I WANT TO BE NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZER OF THE NPP Richard Nyamah was born in Tishigu, a suburb of Tamale in the Northern Region. Attended Sakasaka and Bagabaga primaries in Tamale, Zaire Experimental in Bolgatanga and northern school of business (NOBISCO) and trained as a teacher with the Bagabaga Training College. My Parents hail from the Northern and the Upper West regions. I speak Nine Ghanaian language including Nchumuru, Hausa, Dabgani, Frafra, Dagari, Wali, Twi, Fanti and Gonja. These languages cut across all the 10 regions of Ghana. I obtained my First and Second degrees in political science at the University of Ghana, legon in 2003 and 2008. Proceeded to the United Kingdom where I was a teacher at Barnfield South Academy in Luton until February, 2009. BEING AN ORGANIZER Ladies and gentlemen of the media, the jobs of organizing the youth of Ghana is the key to any electoral victory for the NPP now and in the future as an estimated 57% of all voters are under the age of 35. There is therefore the need to have someone who has the strategic mind to plan and execute the programs that will attract majority of Ghanaian youth both in the formal and informal sectors to the NPP. This is what I bring on board the flight of the NPP. The job of the youth organizer is not the same as being a party communicator. You need to be a grass root person who can mix with all sorts of people, understand and speak their language, motivate and provide good quality and effective leadership to them. If organizational work is given to communicators or talkers, they will turn it into a talk shop and promise their way out of trouble like President Mahama. The NPP does not need a President Mahama type of youth leader. ORGANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND Ladies and gentlemen, I founded the Progressive Nationalist Forum (PNF) as a political anti-corruption NGO to battle with government officials involved in corruption cases and some of the most prominent cases include: a. The Muntaka corruption scandal b. The Mahama Ayariga Tractors c. Dr Steven Opuni of the FDA I therefore have a track record of not being corrupt and can be entrusted with party funds as I will give account of every penny. No one in the NPP nor indeed outside it, can accuse me of being corrupt. This is a virtue than a norm in politics these days. The youth of the party can therefore trust me to raise and use funds equitably without discrimination and to the benefit of all. As the chairman of Young Patriots I provided quality leadership which saw members such as Hon Titus Glover, John Kumah, Hopeson Adorye, Adomako Baafi, Fred Amankwah among others excel in their various roles. The track records of the Young patriots as if you need reminding include: a. The Tahir Square (obra spot) demonstration, the biggest ever demonstration after kumi preko, was organized by me and my colleagues to challenge the verdict of the electoral commission after the 2012 elections. b. Three other massive demonstrations in Greater Accra c. Demonstrations in the three northern regions, with the Tamale one leading to the silencing of Sofo Azorka and his group the Azorka boys OTHERS 1. As a northerner, I personally championed the issue of SADA and the corruption involved and the President, then Vice President had to answer my allegations in 2011 personally. The results on SADA are therefore for all to see today. I am very proud of my role in revealing the rot in SADA. 2. Ladies and gentlemen, you are all aware of my singular role in leaking the GYEEDA report to every media house in Ghana and my insistence on the prosecution of government functionaries and powerful individuals which I still maintain. The fraud perpetuated through GYEEDA on the youth of this country cannot be quantified, so can my leaking it and its net effect in certifying this government as the most corrupt in the history of our republic not be quantified. It takes a strategic mind to achieve these. 3. I got the Now Vice President to go to Legon to claim his certificate which I still have doubts about with a motor cade and an arranged press conference to convince me of his credentials. Ladies and gentlemen, do you understand the background to our economic woes? When you have a Vice President whose certificate in economics is in doubt yet he chairs your economic management team, you can only have economic disaster looming. 4. I am currently in court suing government for stashing away GHC 687m of GETFUND money. I am not making noise about it. These a strategic moves which will in the long run collapse the foundation of the NDC government. WHY I WANT TO BE YOUTH ORGANIZER OF THE NPP 1. I feel organization is the weakest link in the NPP structure and with my organizational background, I will help organize the youth in particular to be attracted to the NPP 2. Use programs such as free extra classes for SHS students during holidays with NPP graduates providing tuition to attract them young 3. Train TESCON members to go out and educate artisans such as carpenters, masons, tailors, mechanics etc on the NPP manifesto to attract them to the party using the Jehovah witness method. 4. Seek the restructuring of the National service scheme to become the national internship scheme to be done during long vacations. This will stop brain drain, provide work experience and employment opportunities after school. 5. Easter school for the youth to put up a policy program and document for government of the day as to what the youth of Ghana want. 6. Provide and be seen to provide leadership and direction of the youth of not just the NPP but Ghana. These among several others are my motivation for running for the office of the national youth organizer of the NPP. 7. Last but not least, Ensure the youth wing of the party has a comprehensive voter’s register of each and every polling station in the country to compare with the EC voters register on Election Day. Ladies and gentlemen of the media, I throw a challenge to my fellow contestants to readily make themselves available for a public debate and comparison of records and experiences. The job of national youth organizer cannot be given to novices who have no work experiences nor real life experiences in terms organizing and strategically moving the party forward. Let the competition begin. Richard Nyamah National Youth Organizer Aspirant
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:09:51 +0000

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