RICHNESS OF DEATH into NEW LIFE & GOLDEN REGENERATION After Saturns official transit into Scorpio...feeling the high-flying potential for huge transformation. HUGE. Instead of approaching this period with apprehension and fear, I will move myself into it with happy heart and soul. When the Scorpion relinquishes its sting, in an instant it can morph into a golden eagle, and soar to high places. Just now, doing my pujas & prostrations, to the aura of a new Tibetan incense (for prayer ceremony, fortune & prosperity), gift from Nepali shop owner. Waves of steady joy started to ripple through me. I feel Saturns vibration. Saturn teaches perseverance, patience, commitment, steadfastness, focus, responsibility. Not only is he the task-master, grim ripper and all the rest of the rap he gets...but Saturn is also super-intelligent, industrious, provides us with structure & form, beefs up our management skills, and can effect a positive support in your life. Once you earn his favors, he can be quite generous and gracious. Its been observed, What Saturn confers, no other planet can take away. Welcome the Fall, dying into new life, and the golden richness of Regenerationl. Aho.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 01:18:53 +0000

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