“RIDING THE WAVE OF CHAOS” We know, as we have been saying for - TopicsExpress


“RIDING THE WAVE OF CHAOS” We know, as we have been saying for quite some time, that things in your personal lives and things in your collective reality, your society, are beginning to become as many of you have observed, very much more chaotic. Many things are breaking down. Many things are becoming much, much, much more magnified. Many energies seem to be happening all at once. And we remind you, once again, as we have said before, that the key to riding the wave of chaos is not to resist it but to allow yourself to know you are a part of the energy of chaos. To allow yourself to be chaos and in becoming chaos and allowing a new form of organization in, rather than imposing your old system of organization upon it, by letting this new idea in and, as you say, riding it, going with it, not resisting it… you will then, by becoming chaos, allow the chaotic action to show you through synchronicity, what it is you really need to be aware of, how it is that life will organize itself using you as a guide post. The more you allow yourself to become who and what you are, the more natural you become, the more truthful to yourself you become, the more representative you become of the facet of the Infinite you were created to be…Then the easier it will be for your reality when it becomes more chaotic to be able to reflect to you those aspects of the chaos that have to do with you and are important to apply in your life and those aspects of the chaos that don’t have to do with you and which you can let go of. These will reveal themselves. You will see a new organization coming in, a new organizing principle that will let you know through synchronicity which things you need to pay attention to, which things you can let go of, which things are no longer necessary in your life… Things, that perhaps, in the past you have been taught you need to hold on to… you now can begin to really let go of so that you can understand that the most important aspect of being able to handle the new chaos, the amplified and magnified chaos, that is going on in your society will be to streamline yourself… let go of excess baggage. It will seem as if you are becoming, in a sense, supersonic and that you must trim off anything that doesn’t belong to you or you will not really be able to ride the wave smoothly. It will be as if you are an airplane with many appendages that do not need to be there. You must become more like a rocket, in that sense, more streamlined, so that the waves of chaos can slip past you more easily, so that you can go through them and in becoming more streamlined, in that sense, you’ll be able to pass through the “eye of the needle” in which all chaos occurs and toward which your society is rapidly heading. And in that “eye of the needle” there will be no room as we have said for things that do not belong to you. It will have no room to carry through all of those definitions, all of those experiences, that hold you back, that limit you, that are defined as something other than yourself. All of the excess baggage of beliefs you have been brought up with, taught to hold on to, that you do not need, that weigh you down. You will have to let go of to pass through that “eye of the needle”. As things get more chaotic it will be more tumultuous and it will be as if you are being cast about in the wind, you will not be able to find any kind of sense of direction if you don’t let go of those things that allow you not to experience… smoothness and the streamlined motion that you need to have… So we would recommend more importantly than ever you lighten up and let go. Drop those things that have nothing to do with you... You do not need them. They only hold you back. You must be able now to move more swiftly because things are going to accelerate even more… and more… and more… and more. Especially in what you call your next couple of years. So I would recommend that you allow yourself now to recognize you can move much faster, much more smoothly. And you can, in doing so, give yourself the opportunity to be able to see what’s going on around you, almost impartially, as if you yourself are almost not involved. As if you are like the eye of the storm and everything is moving around you, this is the nature of attached detachment. As you become more involved with “true” life in some ways you seem to become less involved with life around you… paradoxically. You will actually be able to become more active if you want to be but only in those things that are truly representative of who you are. The more you insist and remain insisting on becoming active in those things that have nothing to do with you, that are really not your truth, the more difficult it will be for you to maintain your course towards that “eye of the needle”, that transition point, that is coming up very much more strongly, now than ever before. Remember that what we are saying here is not metaphorical, we’re talking about real energy .. collective consciousness energy, that are truly piling on a critical mass, amplifying itself. Allow yourselves the opportunity to trust who you know yourselves to be. To take a deep breath and sigh… and in that sigh release those things you do not need, those things that, perhaps, you have been holding on to for long time, maybe for all your life… that you know you really want to let go of. Now’s the time to really understand how to let them go, to let it be all right to surrender to yourself and remember again, please, we will constantly remind you of this because it is one of the most important things, now, at this critical time. That surrendering is not the giving up of something, true surrender is the total acceptance of yourself, your true self, you’re not losing anything in the surrender, the way your society usually means that word… you are not giving up anything in the sense of loss. Surrender means to open up, open up to your total self, to give in and let go of the things you think you’re supposed to be. Just be who you are. It will see you through… it will see you through. Allow yourself to let go for the seas will only become choppier now and only by being your essential self will you be able to ride those waves in such a manner that they will not feel like a storm to you even though you may observe that there is chaos of storm all around you. This is what being in the center is all about. This is the effect that you get in your life when you do that guaranteed…guaranteed…in effect, physically in effect, guaranteed. But you must let go and the degree to which you still feel tumbled about is the degree to which you may still have ideas that you must let go of, that are not you. And so you can use that as a measuring device to see how well you’re doing in letting go of who you are not and in accepting who you are, as you were originally made to be, created to be: an Infinite Creator with unlimited possibilities, who knows that and acts like they know it… a creative being, a loving being. That is all you have to be, the rest takes care of itself… because you are creating life through you, you are experiencing who you are through you, and as you become clear and as you become centered and as you become like unto the “eye of the needle”, then nothing that does not belong will be capable of passing through you. You will be your own best filter and you will filter out that which is not you. And on the other side of the “eye of the needle” there will only be that thin bright light and thin bright edge, that is unerringly … unmistakably, just you …just you… your true essential self… just you. That will be all that is left because that is all there is… just you… and this goes for every one of you.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:03:27 +0000

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