RIP Brother John of Materi Girls High School Tharaka; we your - TopicsExpress


RIP Brother John of Materi Girls High School Tharaka; we your girls loved you but God loves you more. We will always miss you, you came to our lives and changed it forever. I remember the day I sat before you to do my entrance test for 1978 class 5 pioneer boarding class; you listened as I read through an English passage and then you parted my small head and ticked my name on the list as having passed the test. Then I reported for Class five and you took a special interest in me. You ensured that my fees got paid from Class six upto form six when my parents were no longer able to pay it. You coordinate the sponsors from Canada, America, Britain and Germany who paid my fees and who now and then sent money to support me and my family and in the end I was able to succeed and get educated If it were not for you Brother John, I would have dropped out of school many years ago; I would be married with six or seven children laboring in some mans farm in rural Tharaka or Mbeere. I really appreciate the role you played in my life. The day you picked me from among so many children to accompany some school visitors to a national park in Meru for three whole days; the day in Class six when you allowed the school van to drive me and some teachers to Meru Prison to look for my incarcerated mother; the day you sent a gift of food and clothes to me and my siblings when our life was turning upside down; the day you you received me in your office to congratulate me for coming up tops in the form four exam (class of 1984) and then just a few months ago, the handwritten post card you sent me urging me to continue with my life journey and to help those who need my help in whichever way I can. You were so proud of our achievements and our suceess. I a so happy many of us from Materi have gone on to become successful and achievers in various fields. May God RIP. I will always hold you in a special place in my heart. The story of Materi Girls is contained here Donatah Mugoh, Jane Ngarari and Syoms Mwanza and Hellen Kaguna and Nancy Kagoki are just a few of the personal friends I know from Materi Girls.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 05:06:00 +0000

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