RIP to the victims of the hostage crisis yesterday, we are so - TopicsExpress


RIP to the victims of the hostage crisis yesterday, we are so sorry for your loss, we stand with you. The person involved should not have been allowed out. Full stop. They already knew what he was. Would that hey had thrown away the key or shipped him out. A deranged individual indeed. The saddest part is the potential for decent Aussies to react to this with fear and hatred and inflict that suffering on those who do not deserve it. Not all Muslims are terrorists, thats just insane. Aussies have pluck and irrepressible spirit, I cant see us being so easily manipulated by fear. So, please, lets show decent, kind Muslims that we dont blame them for this idiot nor do we exclude them and treat them with automatic suspicion. Offer a smile, say gday, if you see a woman in hijab on a train or bus, imagine how she will feel today (terrified? Likely!), sit next to her and connect somehow. I personally think the reason Australia has not had the level of terrorist attacks that other western countries have had is highly likely because our Muslim community has been more accepted. We have many cultures here and we value anyone who puts their money where their mouth is. We Aussies value a fair go and anyone who loves and contributes to this country, (and many do! Im not talking here about the problem ones who are bludgers or ingrates, thats another issue and that issue spans many cultures. And Im sure not talking about war-mongering fwits!). Lets not lose our national character over this! Dont let the idiot win! Terror crimes are designed to divide and conquer - are we going to let that happen? Now is the very time we get to state who we are as a Nation and what we stand for. Im NOT changing that for a sick, sad individual with an inferiority complex! We must take people as we find them, nice people of good character are just that, regardless of belief... The Australian Muslim community will be suffering because of this heinous crime of a deranged individual, just as we are... Two wrongs never make a right. Its time to stand together, we are One. We are many. We are Australian... Australian song: I am Australian /We are Australian (with English subtitle/closed caption)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:29:49 +0000

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