RNU Statement regarding Bonfires: Unity & action can defeat - TopicsExpress


RNU Statement regarding Bonfires: Unity & action can defeat anti-social gangs. Just over a month ago RNU activists from the Bobby Sands Cumann were on the scene minutes after a blatant act of anti-community vandalism. A stolen car was driven into a wall on Mica Street. This took place shortly after local school children were making their way home from St.Pauls, thankfully and luckily nobody was injured. However, the local car thieves crashed into an elderly mans wall and caused extensive damage. This is the 6th time in recent years that this wall has been badly damaged by anti-social elements in Beechmount. Our activists called to the mans house to offer our unconditional support in the face of anti-social behaviour, especially coming up to bonfire season. The Beechmount resident was extremely pleased to see us and hear what we had to say. Unfortunately anti-social elements in the Lower Falls are set to try to up their level of destruction in the form of a disastrous bonfire later this week. These manifestations of sectarianism are a guise for misguided kids and anti-social elements to facilitate criminality, while masquerading as Republican activists. Those who encourage and facilitate this anti-community activity, using young children in the process, need to explain exactly how this destruction in their own area has commemorated the introduction of internment and productively helps their community. We call on the organisers to meet with RNU to explain their position in regards to the destruction and anti-social behaviour that they are causing within their locality. This will allow us to discuss an alternative that doesnt end in ruination. Anti-social behaviour is not a new problem. In fact, anti-social behaviour is a long standing issue within working class communities that remains unresolved. Such behaviour has the potential to tear our communities apart. Anti-social behaviour mushrooms out of the marginalisation, discrimination and inequality in our community. It is a problem for us all. We are totally opposed to criminality in any form being inflicted upon working class communities, and such crime is even more unpleasant when it emanates from within those communities. We strive to once more regain communal pride through self-empowerment of those willing to tackle the plague of unemployment, poverty, drug dealing, car crime and attacks upon the most vulnerable members of society. We plan to do this without the assistance of cushy well paid social development jobs. To this end also we have set about organising and participating in proper community debates into how we can eradicate the many forms of criminality torturing our communities. Over the next few months RNU will hold meetings with community activists, trade unionists and other political groups with the intention of establishing a community based forum in the Lower Falls, a forum which will be open to all residents to air their views and play a part in strengthening their community. The forum will give residents a voice, while at the same time establishing a powerful platform where all participants can come to a consensus on how to deal with the problem both short term and long term. We will facilitate all meetings and debates; all we ask for in return is for residents to work with us to make it successful. Through simple easy steps, people can take control of their community. and build a positive mind-set out of the negative horror of continuous and fearful attack from the alienated and violent bands of often quote young people armed with cars. The struggle remains the same. It is to empower communities to take ownership, to work to achieve equality, and to build the programmes needed to address the social problems which arise from inequality.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:33:25 +0000

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