ROCK City Ministries 7 hours ago ·  THEOPNEUSTOS GOD - TopicsExpress


ROCK City Ministries 7 hours ago ·  THEOPNEUSTOS GOD BREATHED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29TH 2014 TITLE: OMINI SCIENCE GOD MESSAGE BY PASTOR CHARLES JEREMIAH 17:7-10 “BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN THE LORD, AND WHOSE HOPE THE LORD IS. FOR HE SHALL BE AS A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATERS, AND THAT SPREADETH OUT HER ROOTS BY THE RIVER, AND SHALL NOT SEE WHEN HEAT COMETH, BUT HER LEAF SHALL BE GREEN; AND SHALL NOT BE CAREFUL IN THE YEAR OF DROUGHT, NEITHER SHALL CEASE FROM YIELDING FRUIT. THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS, AND DESPERATELY WICKED: WHO CAN KNOW IT? I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART, I TRY THE REINS, EVEN TO GIVE EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WAYS, AND ACCORDING TO THE FRUIT OF HIS DOINGS.” He is the all wise God. The one that knows more than the philosophers, scientist, theologian and, professors put together. God has unlimited knowledge. He has complete knowledge. He perceives all things and God sees all things. Nothing can be hidden from His knowledge. With the knowledge from God in Adam, he was able to give names to thousands of species of animal, insects and bird. Wow! What an intelligence! Solomon became a legend by just having Gods wisdom. Instead of riches and honour, he asked for Gods wisdom and Gods wisdom created and assured him wealth and honour. To have the wisdom of God is to think and do things according to Gods format. God sees the heart. He knows your secret intentions. Human being perceives through the senses, but there are limits to what the senses can perceive. But Gods senses are not limited. He is the ancient of days, he knows your thought, he is the discerner of the thought and intents of the heart. He is the infinite intelligence, the all knowing God. He is the seat of wisdom. It is in him that all wisdom dwells. That is why he waited for the Egyptians to enter into the middle of the red sea before he closed it up. If he had closed it up before they entered, they would not have drowned and the promise he made to the Israelites that the Egyptians they see today, they will see no more will not be fulfilled. What a God! Dont you worry about the enemies of your destiny, dont be scared about the future, God knows what he is doing. Sometimes it may seem like he is adamant but hold on for all these negative things will pass away like the Egyptians. JAMES 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Solomon sought for it, and he got it. You can tap into Gods wisdom. You are blessed for life. PRAYER AND DECLARATION THANK YOU FOR THE HONOUR TO ACCESS YOUR WISDOM OH LORD. I AM WISE; I KNOW WHAT TO DO, I AM NEVER SHORT OF SOLUTION TO ANY TASK. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT THANK YOU JESUS. WORDS ON MARBLE GOD WILL NOT DO OUR PART AND WE CANNOT DO GOD’S PART…CHARLES CHUKWUEMEZIE.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:56:22 +0000

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