ROM DOUGHNUT VENDOR TO VEEP’S EXECUTIVE SECRETARY! Mrs Esther James Jada, from the Republic of South Sudan, is a living testimony of how God honours the humble and rewards those who trust and wait upon Him in faith. One, who was a local market girl due to limitations in life coupled with the early death of her father, now, walks the corridors of the rich and powerful. She is the Executive Secretary of the country’s Vice President. She came to The SCOAN to testify to the goodness of the Lord and His mercy upon her life, having picked her from the squatters, dusted her poverty off and elevated her to a place of honour in the echelons of the mighty. An orphan coming from a family of seven, life had been a big battle. They found themselves living from hand to mouth, struggling to fend for themselves and living in a dilapidated apartment left by their late father. As the eldest child, she was looked upon to support the rest of her siblings. She would make and sell, by the street, little things such as doughnuts. Sometimes, she would sell at the local market just to keep body and soul together. Life was fast becoming meaningless for the young woman, who, like many her age, was yearning and fighting to get out of the poverty trap and swing into a desirable lifestyle. It was while struggling with life that one day she visited a neighbour and found her watching Emmanuel TV. Although she was not very familiar with The SCOAN, she had heard about Prophet T.B. Joshua and how mightily God was using him. When the man of God started to pray for viewers, setting them free in the name of Jesus Christ, she touched the screen and felt a hot sensation sweep through her body. Her faith was so strong that she immediately confessed victory and thanked God for the breakthrough. Instantly, all chains of limitation fell off her life and locked doors started to swing open. She received an incredible breakthrough as secretary in the country’s National Assembly. Financial problems eased off and she tirelessly worked faithfully and consistently. However, while her colleagues were sent for training, such opportunities never seemed to come her way. Equally, she did not experience promotion. She continued to pray with the man of God and, out of nowhere, a friend volunteered to sponsor her trip to The SCOAN. She came, prayed and received the Anointing Water. The moment she reached home, a miracle was waiting on her door. She was told she had been considered for training in China – after seven years of no recognition. But that was just the cake; the icing was waiting back home. When she returned from China, she was called to collect her allowance – a huge bonus she had never seen in her life. Able to buy land and build a magnificent and fully furnished house, blessings started abounding for the South Sudanese secretary! This was followed by a brand new Four-Wheel car and another big apartment which she is letting out in the heart of the city. As if that was not enough, her brother, who was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, ministered the Anointing Water and was officially declared healed of the disease after he was given a full scholarship to study in China. Equally, she had been suffering from high blood pressure for many years. After ministering the Anointing Water, her blood pressure levels fell and returned to complete normalcy. To crown it all, she received a call from the presidency of South Sudan and to her utmost surprise, was offered a job as Executive Secretary to the Vice President of the republic. What she had desired for many years came by grace in a short while after she ministered the Anointing Water and left everything to God Almighty. Now able to sponsor the education of all her siblings, she thanked Jesus Christ for His abundant provision in her life. How wonderful God is! “What a God we have to worship; what a Son we have to praise; what a future lies before us.” – T.B. Joshua
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 16:29:24 +0000

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