ROMAN CATHOLIC (RC) vs SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (SDA)RC: Our head is called the Popeand our headquarters is in Vatican city you have no world leader.SDA: You are wrong we also have a president and a headquarters in Washington DCRC: You dont have a woman icon us we have mary the mother of our God she is the one who guides the church spiritually and prays for us.SDA: That is nothing Mary was just an ordinary woman she was not a virgin after giving birth to Jesus it cannot be biologically right.. Us we have a woman prophet Ellen G. White we quote her anytime people approach us with scriptures that we dont understand.RC: Ha ha You have nothing of your own everything you borrow from us even the trinity is our doctrine sign of the cross you never had you borrowed it from us, all you know is how to twist borrowed traditions to suit your services.SDA: Dont be rude you are thebeast of Revelation 13 and the little horn of Daniel 7 you are also the whore of revelation 17 he he he ...RC: At least you find us in the bible where are you found in your bible apart from our traditions?SDA: ..he he give me a break; we are keepers of the true Sabbath seventh day of the week which you changed from Saturday to Sunday we keep the commandments which you dont.RC: How many commandmentsdo you keep apart from that Sabbath commandment and who told you that Sabbath is Saturday and not sunday?SDA: see! you are even ignorant of your own history how can you ask me who said Said Sabbath is Saturday is it not written in your own catechism he he heRC: Kkkk kkk ! dont tell me that all these things you follow you get them from our catechism I told you you have nothing of your own where is Saturday in the bible?SDA: You are lost my dear RC I wish you knew the prophecy I will invite you into one of our evangelist meetings you hear for yourself how Lost you are can you come to our camp meetings next week?RC: I have no problem coming to your camp meetings I actually like you sda your choirs sings like our choirs nowadays they even dance likeus.. Actually I have no problemjoining sda because we are almost the same I hear you mention Catholic many times in your evangelistic campaign more than you mention Jesus... ha ha ha ...any way I have to go for confession tomorrow am going for a mass.SDA: You are going to confess to the Father? ha ha ha I cannot confess to a man who issinful like me.RC: A priest is dedicated to stand in for God so my faith is to God not to the priest as for you do you even confess to yourself?SDA: Any way just go for confession I will organize a meeting with you for a prophetic bible study he he to see if I can get you out of Babylon.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:36:38 +0000

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