ROMANS 15:5 MAY THE GOD WHO GIVES ENDURANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT GIVE YOU THE SAME ATTITUDE OF MIND TOWARD EACH OTHER THAT CHRIST JESUS HAD, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Lord Jesus Christ; Attitude is not a private thing and it’s always displayed by external relationships. Personal attitude shows in a combination of body language and manner of speech when interacting with another individual or a group. Although attitude is an observed end result, it is formed by deep desires. Selfishness, ambition, vanity and pride are invisible, but they produce recognizable attitudes - none of which characterized our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed the opposite was true; He demonstrated such a sacrificial love for others that He willingly submitted to crucifixion in order to atone for peoples sins. That was the attitude which showed His deep desires and exposed our shallow pretense of niceness. The world outside of Lord Jesus Christ does not work like that. We can notice in business where dog eats dog; offices where people are frightened of being stabbed in the back; friendships which last as long as people get what they want; and the sweet pretense which masks a throbbing hatred? Needless to say, the followers of Lord Jesus Christ should never be like that. Indeed, the believer in the office, factory, farm, airport or theatre or company should be identifiable by their attitude. And when Christians get together at work, their attitude of mutual caring, support and cheerful, hard-working endurance is a primary witness to our Lord Jesus Christ-like love in their hearts. So my beloved, today might well be the time to ask the Lord God Almighty to work His grace into your heart, so that the life of Lord Jesus Christ might be seen where you live and work. Have a Glorious day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:09:59 +0000

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