ROMANS 3:10 AS IT IS WRITTEN, THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO NOT ONE. The greatest need that mankind has is Salvation. The Lord Jesus has promised to meet all our needs according to His wonderful riches. But our deepest, most constant need is to have the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus is the Only One that can give us the peace of God in our hearts. The Lord Jesus tells us why we need this. The Lord says there is none righteous, no not one. Yet when we invite Jesus into our heart and life as Lord and Savior, we are not perfect, but we have been forgiven. When we are saved the Lord Jesus shines the Light of His love directly into our heart and life. This drives out the darkness in our heart that has been there all the time. When we trust the Lord Jesus Christ totally, His blood will wash our heart clean of any sin. The love of Jesus out weights the sin of the world. There will be trials, and troubles, but the Lord Jesus Christ will bring Peace in the midst of the storms of life. Love grew where the blood fell at the cross of Calvary. Thank You Lord Jesus that You are our Lord and Savior! Amen. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Only hope for mankind. Where the Love of Jesus abounds there will be joy, peace, and Happiness, that passeth all understanding. We thank each of you that prays for me and my family each day. My prayer for all of us this morning is that as we enter into this Thanksgiving Season, we will fall in love with Jesus more than ever before. If this world and our Nation ever needed the Lord Jesus Christ it is now! I pray that you and your family will be in the house of the Lord this Lords Day for Worship, and Praise. My prayer for the whole world, is that we will see a turning back to the Lord Jesus Christ. There are more people that have turned away from the Lord Jesus in this day and age then I can ever remember. But the Apostle Paul tells us in the Scripture that he pined in the New Testament that this would happen. We are in the last days. Dear Lord Jesus send Revival to our Nation, and let it begin in me! May each of you have a wonderful day.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:42:27 +0000

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