ROMANS 3:28 THEREFORE WE CONCLUDE THAT A MAN IS JUSTIFIED BY FAITH WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW. JAMES 2:20, 24 BUT WILT THOU KNOW, O VAIN MAN, THAT FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD; YE SEE THEN HOW THAT BY WORKS A MAN IS JUSTIFIED, AND NOT BY FAITH ONLY. There is no place for human boasting in this plan of salvation (Eph. 2:8-9); the reason is that Gods provision of salvation by faith springs from a different law than salvation by works does. This law is that salvation becomes ours by faith in Jesus Christ. But faith in the sacrifice of Jesus does not abolish the moral law. When, however, salvation is obtained by faith in Christ’s sacrifice, the law will be written on the heart (Jer 31:33) by working of the Holy Spirit in believer’s life. This faith is a life-changing experience. If no change of life occurs, faith is evidently absent, whatever work is made. For example in John chapter 3 Nicodemus had faith in God, but that faith had not given him a new heart. It has been said that, in the salvation of a person’s soul, faith moves from the head into the heart. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be “born again” and that this new birth is the work of the Holy Spirit. Romans 3:28 speaks of works wrought in obedience to works of the Law of Moses, but James 2:20 speaks of works done in obedience to the gospel, and as the proper and necessary effects and fruits of the Holy Spirit. James 2:18 Show me thy faith by thy works, James 2:22, let thy faith be justified in the eyes of those that behold thee by thy works; Paul speaks of justification in the sight of God, who justifies those only that believe in Jesus, and purely on account of the redemption that is in him. Thus we see that our persons are justified before God by faith, but our faith is justified before men by works.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:37:26 +0000

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