ROMANTIC LOVE IS A HOAX! EMOTIONAL PROGRAMMING TO FALL IN LOVE SYNOPSIS: How can we transcend our romantic delusions and fantasy feelings and build our loving relationships on reality? Romantic love might be the most pervasive myth of Western culture. Romance is a cultural invention,not a natural phenomenon. We have been so deeply indoctrinated into the romantic mythology that we have no awareness of the process of emotional programming that created our romantic responses. Popular culture provides the main ways we learn how to fall in love. Movies, television, popular songs, novels, & magazines all train our feelings into the wonderful delusion of romance. Our romantic games would be harmless if everyone knew that romantic love is a fantasy feeling. But while still under the influence of romantic illusions, some people make the life-altering mistake of getting married . Perhaps we guard against every form of political or religious mythology, but what about the most potentially- harmful myth—romantic love? Religious indoctrination demonstrates emotional programming. Is being saved the religious equivalent of falling in love? We are taught what emotions to expect — then we try to create them. If romantic love is a hoax, what should we do? Real information about our partners can replace romantic illusions. We can love on the basis of who we choose to be rather than trying to reproduce romance as seen on television. Most of us emerged from childhood believing that romantic love is a natural phenomenon. When we fall in love, we seem to be possessed by an irresistible passion, filling our hearts. Romantic love is an altered state of consciousness. We seem possessed by an alien force taking over our hearts. Everything seems wonderful—especially the object of our love. Our spontaneous love-reactions pull us together into a whirlpool of hopeless, uncontrollable, overwhelming passion. Falling in love is like surfing on an ocean wave —sliding down a surging force beyond our control. Romantic love is blind because we are really responding to our own internal fantasies , well-prepared by the romantic tradition. For years, we have been yearning for our Dream Lover. And when a close approximation appears, we project all our pent-up fantasies upon that unsuspecting victim. These experiences are really being in love with love. Such love is entirely an emotion, taking place inside our own skins. Perhaps we remain basically closed persons, intensely enjoying our own private, internal feelings, using other people as props or supporting characters in our grand love stories. My question is; Is there really LOVE???
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:29:22 +0000

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