RONALD E. NEUMANN writes about the delay in the signing of the - TopicsExpress


RONALD E. NEUMANN writes about the delay in the signing of the agreement between Afghanistan and USA. When I discuss Afghanistan with the American of British people I always tell them you are ignorant of the meanings of our Afghan Words and you are trying to misguide the world. He writes, Yes, there is corruption, brutality, and bad governance. I ask him how much money goes to the Afghan government and how much is given to the NGOs? You are worried about the corruption in 20% but are silent on the corruption in 80% that is given to NGOs run by your people. He writes The BSA has been endorsed by an ad hoc assembly of 3,000 Afghans my dear it is not an Ad hoc assembly. It is something above your imaginations and you need to study at least one full year about Loya Jirga. He further writes His belief is founded on his analysis of numerous actions and mistakes, such as trying to find alternate presidential contenders in 2009, in our dealings with him over the past five years . The example of the actions are totally wrong. Mr Karzai is counting your other actions and mistakes. Like bombing on innocent people. killing kids and women, Playing double game with Afghanistan. Mr Karzai is very loudly saying terrorists camps are not in Afghanistan, they are out of our borders. Even then you bomb Afghan villages. Here the writer is again misguiding the world American academics, and Afghans themselves have tried to explain to Karzai that Americans are tired of war and many want an excuse to quit. USA want to stay in Afghanistan and thats why they used even threats to force Karzai to sign BSA. I was surprised when the White House Spokes person welcomed the approval of the loya Jirga at mid-night in USA. So you were not sleeping and were waiting for the Loya Jirga decision. It is important for you. To my surprise the writer wash all his facts, predictions, assumptions and hopes with this paragraph Although the Afghan elections are scheduled for April, it could be November before a new president is in place. That could pressure us to begin withdrawing troops in order to reach the default goal of zero by the end of the year, if there were no agreement. And it would leave no time for our NATO allies to finish the parallel security agreements necessary for their forces to remain. Hahahahah Foreign Policy Journal
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:00:42 +0000

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