ROOMATEX : EPISODE 10===>> _Tara Carlos sayx_ - TopicsExpress


ROOMATEX : EPISODE 10===>> _Tara Carlos sayx_ Arghhhhhhh! That was the most embarrasing moment of my life. How I wish there is a soap and a sponge capable of washing away the shame I feel inside. I wouldnt mind hiding behind a mask just to conceal my identity (if it would work) because I know virtually everybody would have known what Ive done or what Cynthia said I had done. That Cynthia... Why did she thought it better to disgrace me in public? She should have called the 4 of us only and we would have settled it amicably. She made me an hypocrite and a liar in public! Okay, I agree im a liar but Jola lied too. Maybe not the way I did but she lied with her bahaviour. She made us believe she doesnt live in a mansion, like she doesnt have maids that attend to her at the snap of her finger, like she wasnt the pet of Senator Ayodele! How hypocritical! but Cynthia made it seem like I was the only liar. I dont even know whether or not to cry. I feel angry, awkward and empty inside. I know what I did wasnt that good but it wasnt as bad as Cynthia made it seem either. It was not worth disgracing me before hundreds of peering eyes in a birthday party! How heartless some girls can be! Nobody cared to hear my own side of the story but I will still explain myself. There were two solid, tangible and reasonable reasons why I stole... I wont call it stealing though because that isnt what it was. There were two solid, tangible and sensible reasons why I took Aishas jewellery. Reason number one is SURVIVAL. I was dying for goodness sake! There was no foodstuff left and Aunty Jane had travelled or else I would have gone to her and if I ask from my roomates, it would seem as if I was the hungry type and also set the reputation Ive been trying to build ablaze so I took the last option left, I Aishas jewellery and sold it. I got some dough from the sale and I survived. Thanks to the Jewellery. Reason number two was JUSTICE. What Aisha did wasnt fair. She stole Femi from me. He asked me out first and just because I turned him down doesnt give him enough excuse to go after other girls. Jolade has to be a victim too because she was so close to Aisha. As long as she remains with Aisha, there is no assurance of getting Femi back so, I planted Aishas jewellery box under her bed. So, what have I done that is so wrong? I know I took what doesnt belong to me, Agreed. But that isnt enough reason to tarnish the image I had been building on Campus for the past few months. This is highly ridiculous. Days ago, I almost thought I was the hottest topic on campus but that Cynthia just ruined everything. I just hate that girl with passion. How I wish I could strangle her neck with my bare hands. Because of her, I cant go back to the hostel. I had to seek refuge under the same roof with Leo who stays off campus. Sharing the same roof doesnt mean sharing the same wears. All my things were still in my room. I dont know how could get them out so that I stay with Leo pending the time everything would have subside back at the room. Why do you sundenly want to move in with me? Leo asked when I told him I would be moving in with him. Im just a bit uncomfortable with my roomates. I feel threatened by their presence. Its just for a period of time ok? I quickly said avoiding eye contact with him. He scrutinized my expression carefully like he didnt believe what I said. Dont you want me here? I asked Of course i want you here. Im happy you came He said the words with the doubtful look still hanging on his scary face. Leo is a muscular guy and is heavily built. He had a zigzag scar on his face which he refused to tell me where he got it from. He seemed very proud of the scar which seems very odd. He has a bushy beard sorrounding his face which makes him fit the description of the leader of a confraternity as he is often secretly called. Cult leader or not, he is pretty useful in his own way.. . = =T.B.C= =BY 11:30PM *U GUYX WERE NT ENCOURAGN AT OL,D LIKEX WERE NT ENUF FR ANIFIN,HAD TO STRUGGLE T GET IT DONE,NID U GUYX TO IMPROVE,ALSO,U GUYX HVNT BEEN SHARIN OUR UPDATEX ALBEIT A HANDFUL,PLX,TRY T IMPROVE*
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 08:07:05 +0000

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