ROOTS OF HATHA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING ====================================== PLACE: PURE YOGA SINGAPORE DURATION: JAN 3 - MARCH 8, 2015 (PART TIME) Early-bird Price REGISTER NOW until 1 December S$4,050 Regular PriceREGISTER from 2 December S$4,500 ================================================================ The ultimate purpose of this TEACHER TRAINING is to develop the skills of teaching Yoga by understanding the roots of both aspects: theory and practice. This TRAINING COURSE aims to provide a supportive environment in order to learn and grow as a confident, nurturing teacher for all aspiring students. Each class will consist of a combination of self/physical adjustment, demonstrations, clear instructions and feedback in order to deepen your experience of the practice. Through this training, students will gain a deeper insight into the Yoga PHILOSOPHY, anatomy and physiology with scientifically proven yoga therapy, which can treat and prevent various ailments. We aim to develop the inner teacher within you as you experience yoga as a tool of personal transformation. Yoga Alliance ACCREDITED SCHOOL Pure Yoga is a registered school with Yoga Alliance. Our TEACHER TRAINING programmes and teachers are internationally accredited, have exclusive recognition and qualify for the 200-hr Yoga Alliance Certification. Yoga Alliance is an international governing board for yoga teachers and training programmes in the U.S and globally. Graduates of our programme are automatically eligible to register as a RYT (Registered YOGA TEACHER) with Yoga Alliance. Becoming a RYT means having a higher profile and gaining international recognition as a yoga teacher, attributes that many hiring studios look for. Mission Statement We offer this training in an effort to grow our community of committed yoga practitioners, empowering those who demonstrate dedication to a personal practice, by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so they too can start teaching yoga. We intend to guide trainees toward a healthy self-confidence, while at the same time invoking in them a sense of humility and excitement, knowing that they are at the beginning of a long journey. =============================================================== Syllabus ======= Patanjali Yoga Sutra --------------------------- • Defination of Yoga, Five Vrittis and mental modification, Kriya Yoga. • Ashtanga Yoga (8 Limbs of Yoga) • Ramayana • Bhagavad Gita • Vedas and Upanishadas. Practice of Hatha Yoga: ------------------------------- . Asana Practices • Names, Sanskrit interpretation and benefits of Asanas • Therapeutic role of Asanas in healing injuries • Basic theory and rules of alignment in Asanas • Category of Asanas and basic guidelines of general practice • Modifications and transitions in Asanas practice • Deepening Asana practice (progression from beginners to intermediate) • BALANCING approach – sequencing vs. static • APPLICATION of yoga props • Detailed study of classical asanas and their modifications leading to advancements Pranayama Sadhana and Meditation ------------------------------------------------ • Concept of Prana and general guidelines of Pranayama practice • Pranayama as a therapy • Deepening pranayama practice with 3 Maha Bhandhas (energy locks) • Use of Mudras (gestures) with their significant benefits on health. • Shat Karmas (CLEANSING process in Hatha Yoga Tradition) - Kapalbhati, Jala Neti, Kunjal, Trataka, Shankha prakshalana Yoga Philosophy ---------------------- • Essence of Yoga philosophy (Gyana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga) • Concept of Yin and Yang in Hatha Yoga prespective. • Traditions and types of meditation (Nada and mantra meditation) • Yoga Nidra (PSYCHIC sleep) • Essence and importance of Ayurveda in Yogic culture. Human Anatomy ---------------------- • General Anatomy and Physiology (Human body) • Special Concerns of Practice (menstruation, pregnancy and ailments) • Different systems of body and their relationship with traditional Asanas • Important functions of muscles, movements and names of muscles, bones and CONNECTIVE tissues in relation to practice • Concept of anti-aging through yoga and Ayurveda • Chakras, Nadis and Koshas. TEACHING Practice ---------------------------- • Hatha Yoga - concepts and principles • Lesson planning and sequencing • Art and principles of adjustments for different categories of asana • Ethical values for YOGA TEACHERS • Art of teaching private and group sessions • Practice and All is Coming REQUIREMENTS ============== Students who are interested in participating should bear in mind that this will be a physically and emotionally demanding programme. It will require a strong commitment and personal sacrifice, as well as the support of the students primary SUPPORT NETWORK. We emphasise that this programme may not be for everyone. Interested students must:- • Have a deep desire to learn and personally explore the deeper dimensions of YOGA • Have a minimum 12 months of regular YOGA practice • Be free of major injuries going into the programme • Have a coachable attitude • Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is REQUIRED • Be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme Faculty ======= Arun Rana --------------- Arun is a senior consultant and teacher of yoga and naturopathy. He was born in New Delhi, and studied traditional yoga at renowned Indian ashrams in Rishikesh, Kerela, Bangalore and Haridwara. He is also very fortunate to have had the OPPORTUNITY to study MEDITATION from Himalayan Yoga masters. He has over ten years of TEACHING experience. Apart from regular classes Arun has led multiple workshops and retreats in various countries. Arun enjoys the healing elements of yoga, like stress management and de-addiction classes. He believes it is his mission to spread the message of holistic well-being to the world. Specialising in yoga therapy, he has taught many classes DEALING WITH DEPRESSION and obesity, along with chronic spinal ailments. His classes are known for their powerful and creative sequences. He believes it is with the light of yoga that we dispel the darkness of ignorance Prakash Singh Bisht --------------------------- Prakash was born in Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga and MEDITATION, where both are a part of the city culture. His first teacher was Shri Bharat Singh Ji from Kaivalyadhama and he also studied with Shri O.P. Tiwari Ji and Shri G.S. Sahay ji. He has been inspired by the teachings of the great Himalayan master Swami Rama and had the chance to study at his ashram. According to Prakash, yoga is a non-competitive path of self-realisation, an art of HEALTHY peaceful living and a science of mind-body coordination. Respecting ones own limits with inner awareness, devotion, discipline and regular practice are the keys to success in yoga, even at the age of 99. He elaborates on this with a simple formula: Dont struggle, dont resist, just be aware. Prakash believes that life is not all about doing extraordinary things, but in doing simple things extraordinarily well. It’s what yoga is all about. Prakash teaches traditional Hatha Yoga for all levels, Vinyasa Flow, Yoga Therapy for general health condition, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, Mantra and Nada Meditation with Sound Healing. ================================================================================================================================================================================================
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 14:10:23 +0000

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