ROSEHIP OIL THE SCAR POWER Updated about 11 months ago ROSEHIP - TopicsExpress


ROSEHIP OIL THE SCAR POWER Updated about 11 months ago ROSEHIP OIL (COLDPRESSED AND PURE ORGANIC) 30 ml 650 50 ml 1050 100 ml 1560 Virgin RoseHip Seed Oil - Extracted by Cold Pressing Rose Hip Oil is extracted from the seeds contained in the intensely red berry-like fruits -or hips- of a wild rose-bush that grows in the cool, lush mountain rainy valleys of the southern Andes, in Chile. This wild rose is known by the people of Chile as Rosa Mosqueta , and by scientists as Rosa Affinis Rubiginosa. Its healing properties where a well kept secret of the native people of Chile for centuries. Now they have been validated by scientific research worldwide. Intensive Repair Treatment All natural skin care, toxin-free and worry-free approach to revitalizing dry and dull skin and visibly improving your skins quality and appearance. RoseHip Oil Revitalizes your skin Reduces wrinkles and signs of premature ageing. Helps to counter the drying effects of the sun which are usually first noticed in fine wrinkle lines or crows feet around the eyes and mouth. Evens tone and smoothes roughness. A natural moisturizer for dry, sensitive, allergic, sun damaged, problem skin conditions and daily skin care. RoseHip Oil Attenuates Scars Improves surgical and accidental scars, restores normal skin color (reduces redness or hyper pigmentation). It also avoids the formation of the keloid type of scar (lump) which may appear after surgical procedures and helps to make less apparent old scars left by acne or chickenpox. Provides excellent results in the treatment on burned skin or on skin that has been exposed to radiotherapy. Skin Moisturizer It is a superb tissue hydrator with a high absorbing level, penetrating dry skin almost instantly to restore a much needed moisture balance frequently lost by climatic and environmental conditions such as dryness and air toxicity. Nourishes Your Skin RoseHip Oil also has a high content of unsaturated essential fatty acids, namely oleic (15-20%), linoleic (44-50%) and linolenic (30-35%). They are called essential because our body is not able to reproduce them, and because they help to nourish and maintain a healthy skin. How to use RoseHip Oil Massage the oil into the affected area with your fingertips until it is completely absorbed. If you use it during the day you must place a sunblocker on top. Rose Hip Oil applied twice a day every day for about three months reduces scar tissues, helps to prevent and reduce stretch marks, attenuates wrinkles & age spots. Anti-inflammatory, improves burned skin. Aids in the treatment of dermatitis that results from radiotherapy. Excellent to prevent photo aging and immediately relieve dry skin and eczema. Source of topical retinoic acid (vitamin A) in a natural bio-available form Retinoic acid works by binding to specific cell receptors of skin after a topical application. After the cell receptors have been activated, there is a modification in gene expression, subsequent protein synthesis, and cell growth and differentiation. Thus, the epidermal cell is modified increasing the regeneration of damaged skin and the capacity to produce new tissue as a consequence of an acceleration of the differentiation of the keratin. Topical trans-retinoic acid is also synthesized as a drug and is trade marked as Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, and many other commercial names, and has attracted attention because it improves the appearance of photo-aged skin and is prescribed for the treatment of acne. The FDA approved topical tretinoin in December 1995 for improving the appearance of photo-aged skin. Tretinoin reduces fine facial wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation (age spots), and surface roughness associated with chronic sun exposure. The drug sloughs off dead skin, regenerates collagen, and allows cells in the top layer of the skin, which are always being replaced, to mature more normally than untreated sun-damaged cells. There is evidence that trans-retinoic-acid actually prevents sun damage. Researchers have found that even brief exposure to sunlight increases the activity of enzymes that break down the proteins collagen and elastin that provide structural support for the skin. Products containing trans-retinoic-acid reduce the activation of these enzymes. Side effects of the drug tretinoin for topical application include temporary peeling, redness, and blistering, and a permanent increase in sun sensitivity. ROSEHIP OIL content of trans-retinoic acid in a natural form makes it far more skin friendly and absorbable by the human body due to its bio-availability or compatibility with our live skin cell structures. The only side effect is an increase in sun sensitivity of the newly formed skin cells that arise due to its action. And that can be wisely addressed with a sun-blocker. If you are at risk of developing acne breakouts because of your high sebum production and hormonal imbalances then rose hip oil may further clog your skin pores. For acne and acne scars we offer a remedy fyi his is a two thumps up product, i personally used this for my elbow and scars sometimes to my underarms..
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:18:05 +0000

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