RP for Faith Whitehead re 4th Caterham Scout Group based in the - TopicsExpress


RP for Faith Whitehead re 4th Caterham Scout Group based in the Valley. The 4th Caterham (Caterham Christian Centre) Scout Group offers a full Scouting programme to boys and girls from six to fourteen years of age. We are presently urgently seeking Leaders and Assistant Leaders in all three sections (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) to join our uniformed leadership team and help organise and run troop meetings for Scouts on Monday evenings, Cub pack meetings on Thursday Evenings or Beaver colony meetings on Friday evenings. A brief description of the role is given below; if you might be interested, or would like more information, please contact: Andrew Brownless, Group Scout Leader, 01883 381050 or 07958 323035 or on email [email protected] The Role of Leaders and Assistant Leaders Section Leaders and Assistant Leaders are responsible for planning the section programme and working with other leaders to manage and lead the section of the Scout Group that they are assigned to. Leaders main tasks are: working with other Leaders, Young Leaders and other helpers, to deliver a fun and active programme for the Scouts / Beavers; to ensure that the programme is both safe and legal; to keep records of membership, achievement, finance, etc. ; to attend Group Scouters Meetings; to complete training appropriate for the role; to maintain good communications with Scouts / Beavers and their parents. Notes: This amounts to a direct commitment the one - two hours of the normal weekly section meeting, and about additional meeting a term Group Scouters Meeting, occasionally you may be asked to go along to a District meeting or the Group Executive Committee. There is, of course, a certain amount of preparation and background work associated with the weekly meetings, Uniformed Leaders are expected to complete their training during their first three years, usually starting with a couple of weeknight evenings, followed by periodic training courses (the majority of which are available in Caterham) and validation of what you have learnt. If weekday evenings aren’t convenient for you, there are other ways of doing the training. Further support is available from Scouters across the Group and from elsewhere in the District and beyond, and there is a growing internet scouting community. The Group Executive provides financial support for uniformed leaders in the form of an allowance for uniform costs and a substantial contribution towards the subscriptions for leaders’ children who are members of one of the sections within the group. Finally, the role description does not require the Leaders to be expert in traditional Scouting skills, able to light fires by rubbing two sticks together or improvise a comfortable tent out of a handkerchief and a bit of string. Outdoor activities such as camping, fires, hiking, pioneering and tracking form part of the scouting programme, but the running of these activities can readily be delegated, or learned very easily.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 11:16:36 +0000

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