RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMBLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAGE!!!! - Got a co-worker who reeks like a decaying subway station derelict. Always has something to say about EVERYTHING, & hes ALWAYS right. Im just laaaaaying in the cut, waiting for him to come out of his halitosified face incorrectly, sos I can spring into action with pantherish speed, slicing that ass with my trusty Listerine LightSaber. If yo ass is reekin, tis a shower you should be seekin! Shtankin ass! Rant over. ... How silly & sheeplike are people nowadays? This shytstorm over Ben Affleck being Batman is comical. Dude makes one bad movie with a bad actress (yall KNOW what Im talking about), & people act as if he was behind the Hitler propaganda films! I think that hes gonna do pretty good as Batman. I mean, who else is gonna play him, Val Kilmer? Gimme a break. Some of these fanboys make me laugh. ... Why do NBA ballplayers need guns? The only thing that these over-priced cats need to be shooting, is the ball, through the hoop, while they try & earn the ridiculous contracts. Dont play thug, play ball! Idiots. ... OutKast getting back together? Jeah. Show em how its done, sons! ... Derek Jeters retiring. Gonna miss that cat. He exemplified what being a Yankee is all about; classy, quietly charismatic, confident without being obnoxious, & yes, a WINNER. End of an era. Time to rebuild. I say start with bringing back Torre. My two cents. ... Anyone seen Elvis lately? You mean hes FINALLY dead? ... Sooo. Whats crackin with ya bwoy, OJ? Hows that prison thang working for him? ... All of those heads who thought that it was okay to whip out the tanktops & shorts, are gonna be the ones IM looking for, as its supposed to dip back down to the 20s! Get the TheraFlu ready, because its about to get ugly, family. ... Arsenios show is getting better, maybe it has something to do with him growing the stache boogie back. ... Sacs empty & shwingin... Whatever you do, in the midst of your daily struggles trials, tribulations, & triumphs, dont forget that youre NOT alone! You cant win alone. The Adversary has his minions whom he uses regularly to jam you up. Why dont you call in YOUR reinforcements? Well have no victory without Him. Keep that in mind, as we prepare for battle, & victory. To God goes the Glory! You are loved, you are important, & you WILL be victorious! See you at the trophy presentation, family. ;)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:18:55 +0000

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