RUDRA TRILOGY 1 - A dull red sun, without heat or rays, moved - TopicsExpress


RUDRA TRILOGY 1 - A dull red sun, without heat or rays, moved over the city of Vrishparva, sinking slowly down the sky. Inside his humble dwelling, Sukracharya examined the leaf. There was stillness in his eyes as he watched those symbols. A shiver of fear ran through his spine. There was no doubt in his mind now. Holding the most sacred object of the universe, his hands trembled. Rudrapallam, carrying Lord Shiva’s Amarkatha, the gospel of immortality was now in his hand. He closed his eyes. The incense stick was burning down to the end. A fine line of smoke curled away into the air. The Asuras will be certainly needing it , thought Sukracharya. The fear that the whole tribe might get annihilated clasped his heart. Something needs to be done soon. The secret stored inside the leaf needs to be unearthed to save the race. Anxious he thought of the war and its outcome. ************************************* The greatest Lord watched it all. He looked at his son. Ganesha closed his eyes and prayed to Shiva. Then, he raised his bow and knocked an arrow into the bowstring. He drew the bow to its limit, his muscles taunt and flexed. He touched the bow to his head and aimed. His breaths came out in longer, quieter segments, softer and softer until it seemed he had stopped breathing altogether. Ganesha watched Tuhunda atop Mandaar Mountain killing the Ganas. Keeping his eyes shut, he released the bowstring. The arrow flew cutting into the air .Anxious, the deities and other Gods watched. In a second, Tuhunda’s head had fallen off. His lifeless eyes were staring, his mouth open, as if frozen on a scream. Shiva’s eyes take in the war field in a long, slow sweep.The Lord smiled. It was time now. With the trident in His hand, Shiva mounted on the Bull. The Ganas made a protective ring and surrounded the Lord as He went ahead to fight Andhakasura. From his vantage point, it appeared to Andhaka that the charging brigade of elephants and chariots had engulfed and overwhelmed Ganesha, covering him in a grey-black rippling cloud dust. The flanks of the frontlines of the charge had bypassed him, the mahouts driving the elephants trying to turn around to pulp Ganesha. The Asura king looked amazed as Ganesha spin his axe and danced spirally, killing a thousand Asuras. He was never in one spot for long. Ganesha by now has transformed into his true form.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:07:06 +0000

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