RULE #2 Know your state and who rides there. I would like to - TopicsExpress


RULE #2 Know your state and who rides there. I would like to just take a second and educate some of you (my seconds are like dog years). I am not a club member, tho I highly support the Forsaken Few. And also, this is an OUTLAWS state. What does that mean? Simply this...the motorcycle club known as the Outlaws has laid claim to Oklahoma. Just like the Hells Angels and the Mongols claim California. This means that nobody can wear an Oklahoma lower rocker BUT the Outlaws, And the Outlaws WILL enforce this. This brings us to the issue of patches. The piece patch set belongs solely to motorcycle clubs. Nobody can wear them but a motorcycle club member. And the club that has this state is the Outlaws. You will find an Oklahoma lower rocker on their patch set below the crossed pistons. Now that being said, there are other big clubs here. And by big, I am talking thousands of members world wide. To name the big ones in this state...Outlaws, Bandidos, and the Mongols. Do these other clubs wear an Oklahoma lower rocker? Yes they do. Well how do they get away with that? There is a peace keeping organization in each state called the Confederation of Clubs, or the COC for short. And it is run by representatives from the m/cs here in the state. And the COC changes its leaders regularly to give clubs equal time in the Chairmans seat, and the rest of the board. Any issues regarding colors and patches, etc, come before the COC and the COC makes a rulking just like a court of law. And these clubs abide by that ruling. Ill give you an example. The Patriot Guard Riders were contested where the gold triangle on their backs was concerned, and the COC said pull the patches. So we all removed them and selected another design. But when the case finally went to court, the PGR won their case legally, and were told they own the design. Did we all rush out and sew those triangles back on? Hell no. Regardless of what a court of law said, the COC said NO. It was only two days ago that we got a ruling in our favor from the COC and the right to wear the gold triangle once again. Now you say, What makes them so powerful? They have no say over me! It is like anything. This is a free country. But what you say and do can have penalties and repercussions. Who enforces these rulings of the COC? Every M/C in the state. If the Chair said, No more wallet chains. then I assure you there would be a mountain of wallet chains outside that door before he hung up the phone. And anyone caught wearing one by any motorcycle club in Oklahoma would certainly be approached and given the opportunity to comply. And I dont want to think about the consequences for non compliance. Now if you have any doubt of my words here, you can ask Jana and Boots just what role the COC plays in all of our lives, like it or not. Keep in mind, the COC is a peace keepinjg organization that allows these clubs to coexist without going to war with eachother. Its a good thing. And they are generally just in their decisions. But make no mistake, if you don a leather jacket and straddle a motorcycle, you are subject to their rules in some form or fashion. No clubs are formed without their approval as well. You can not just design a three piece patch and wear it. No no no. lol. So I wanted those of you who dont associate with those kinds of people to realize that whether you rub elbows with them or not, they are watching you, and also watching OUT for you. If any of you find this hard to believe, just buy yourself as Hells Angel deaths head patch and wear it in Oklahoma. Or an Outlaws patch that you didnt earn. The results would not be good I promise. My intentions are not to scare you. Just to educate you and let you know that we are all part of one big system, if you ride a bike. And there are powers that be to insure you are treated justly, as long as you follow the rules. Well, my pizza is cold now. lol.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:07:47 +0000

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