RULERS PLAYING WITH THE LIFE OF INCARCERATED JKLF CHAIRMAN MOHAMMAD YASIN MALIK... ANY HARM DONE TO YASIN SAHIB OR ANY OTHER JKLF LEADER WILL BE THE DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF RULERS AND THEIR AUTHORITIES….MUSHTAQ AJMAL (JKLF VICE CHAIRMAN) SRINAGAR//Indian rulers, their Kashmiri stooges and puppet administration are continuously playing with the life of incarcerated JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik. Police continuing its crackdown on JKLF raided the residence of senior JKLF leader sheikh Khalid Mubarak, arrested another JKLF senior activist Mohammad Altaf Raina from Pulwama and also shifted two more JKLF activists Mushtaq Ahmad Maloora and Shakir Ahmad to Islamabad jail. JKLF pays rich tributes to its martyrs, Hyder Ali, Jamal Ud Din, Tanveer Ahmad and Abdul Hamid who embraced martyrdom in 1991. JKLF leaders continue their boycott campaign and visited Ompora,Narkura,Nasrullahpora and Gundbugh Budgam… JKLF vice chairman Mushtaq Ahmad Ajmal in a statement issued in this regard while condemning the childish and callous approach of rulers towards deteriorating health condition of incarcerated JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik ,and continues police oppression against JKLF , said that playing with the life of a political leader has exposed the negligent behavior of Indian rulers , its Kashmiri stooges, their police and occupational administration. While stressing upon the need of putting an end to this wicked approach, Ajmal sahib said that rulers, police and administration in their effort of becoming more loyal than the king are playing with the lives of jailed leaders and if any harm is done to ailing JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik, ailing JKLF vice chairman advocate Bashir Ahmad Butt who is lodged at Kupwara Jail, ailing secretary general of JKLF engineer Ghulam Rasool Dar Eidi and leader Mohammed Yasin Butt who are lodged at Baramullah jail and others ,its responsibility will solely be imposed on rulers and their administration. It is worth to mention that Yasin sahib who is a heart patient and needs a regular checkup of his heart was recently diagnosed with multiple stones in both kidneys at Soura medical institute. At soura hospital instead of giving him necessary treatment, he was put into a solitary confinement with SOG personal deployed outside as well as inside his hospital room; Yasin sahib was then shifted back to Islamabad jail. Some days back, Yasin sahib’s personal doctor, famous cardiologist doctor Sajad Reshi himself approached district authorities and asked them to allow him to see Yasin sahib. Authorities assured doctor sahib that they will bring Yasin sahib to his hospital for necessary checkups .day before police took out Yasin sahib from jail and were on their way towards the hospital but ironically without any reason, returned him back to jail without meeting doctor sahib. Doctor Sahib, his staff and relatives of Yasin sahib were waiting for the whole day at hospital but police failed to bring him to the hospital. Ajmal sahib while condemning this callous attitude of rulers and their authorities said that this careless approach shows the dictatorial mindset of rulers and their authorities. Ajmal sahib while condemning the continues crackdown on JKLF said that police last night raided the residence of JKLF leader sheikh Khalid Mubarak, arrested another JKLF activist Mohammad Altaf Raina of Aarihal Pulwama and shifted two more JKLF activists Mushtaq Ahmad Maloora and Shakir Ahmad to Islamabad jail from police station Parimpora. He said that this police oppression in the name of so called elections is a glaring example of state sponsored terrorism unleashed across Kashmir. While paying rich tributes to JKLF martyrs ghulam Mohiuddin Mir @Hyder Ali, Jamal Ud Din, Tanveer Ahmad and Abdul Hamid, who embraced martyrdom in 1991 ,JKLF vice chairman said that Kashmiri nation should respect and safeguard the sacred blood and sacrifices of these martyrs and keep away from so called elections. Meanwhile JKLF leaders and activists’ continued with their election boycott campaign today. JKLF leaders visited Ompora,Narkura,Nasrullahpora and Gundbugh Budgam. Leaders went door to door and asked people to boycott upcoming elections as these were detrimental to the interests of Jammu Kashmir.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:01:18 +0000

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