RULES AND REGULATIONS! NO EXCEPTIONS! - No surprise onside - TopicsExpress


RULES AND REGULATIONS! NO EXCEPTIONS! - No surprise onside kicks. - 4th down Rules You may not go for it on any fourth down situation if you are winning by two or more scores. You either will be punting or kicking the field goal in those situations up by 9+ points. You may go for it on 4th down inside of your opponents 45 yard line. It must be a 4th and 1 or 4th and inches situation If it is 4th and 2 or longer, you must punt or kick the field goal, unless it is a realistic situation. I know this is a grey area and many of you may wonder, what is a realistic situation, but an example of this would be you are down by two scores with 6 minutes left in the game at your opponents 40 yard line and it is 4th and 2. Anything within a single score (8pts or less) you should be punting unless its getting late in the 4th quarter. If it is under 30 seconds in the 4th quarter and a player is down by 1 in a close game and has scored, ONLY in this situation can the player opt to go for two and the win. (ex. Saints score with 10 seconds left and trail Seahawks 31-30, the player may decide if he wants to kick for OT or go for the win.) ◾All teams will be allowed to MANUALLY move/adjust any safety/CB/LB in anyway to help defend against Shotgun/pistol/Wildcat formations, this is not to be used to create NANO BLITZ and you must still comply with the 3 man rush rule. ◾This is only for those formations only. It does matter if you come out with 2 TE 2 RB and youre in shotgun the defense can, if you like, move one or more of their Safety/CB/LB to defend. ◾No continuous no-huddles. They are allowed in the final 2 minutes of each half; otherwise, use it sparingly. ◾No cheesing and using the same money plays over and over again, regardless of if you change the formation to run the same style of play, its borderline cheese. ◾No sticking with one formation throughout an entire game (ie no reason to use the same formation for more than 4 plays in a row) this goes for O and D. ◾No nano-blitzing. ◾No unrealistic QB play (i.e., no scrambling or rolling out every play, no overly long drop backs, etc.). ◾Do not run straight to the sidelines to gain an advantage over the AI. ◾Didnt think it needed to be said but dont run it up, if you have a huge lead, take your foot off the gas and sub in back ups. There is no need to keep passing when the game is pretty much decided by 4 scores or more. ◾Mix your plays up, even pass heavy teams run the ball a few times every drive and dont abuse the same plays. The Option/Pistol Formations ◾We understand that teams like to run the option/pistol formation but it should only be used as PART of your playbook, there should never be any complete drives where the Pistol/Option formation is used over 70% of the time. Manual player movement ◾Must rush at least 3 players (unless you call Velcor 9) you can use one of the 3 rushing to spy. ◾No d-lineman can be used to chase a player running a route Linebacker, Cornerback, Safety are fair game. It is allowed to D-pad a lineman (must still comply with rush 3 rule) into a zone or run a designed play in which the D-lineman is placed into coverage. ◾PRE-SNAP only one player can MANUALLY moved. Any player can be d-pad moved. Other general gameplay rules ◾Fake punts and field goals are strictly prohibited. - You may not move any players back on punt returns. ◾No grieving (i.e., disconnecting, intentional delay of games, multiple pauses, etc.). ◾No disrespecting the other players in any form ◾No running up the score, padding stats or using exploits when playing against the CPU. There are two available options when playing the CPU: Play the game (If you blow out the CPU early, waste the clock and end the game.) Sim/supersim the game (It is your job to make the outcome as realistic as possible. If you cannot do this, sim the game. Unrealistic scores and stats against the CPU will not be tolerated.) As of 1-10-14: When playing Human or CPU, you MUST sub in your backups at QB, HB, WR and TE if you are up by 4 or more scores. There is no reason that stats should ever be lopsided. 14pt rule: If you’re in a game and its disconnected for any reason(outside a home invasion or house blown away by a tornado), the team up 14+ points is allowed two scores(14) in the next game before regular sim play is resumed. So when the game starts if you’re on Offense punt the ball and up play some kind of defense that allows the other team to score, continue till +14 then resume normal sim play. In the event for multiple disconnects this rules applies to the first game score. IF YOU FEEL NO NEED FOR THE 14+ AND WOULD LIKE TO START FROM 0-0 THAT IS UP TO THE TWO OWNERS. Example: Raiders 45- Chiefs 0 Raiders start game 14-0Raiders 10- Chiefs 0 Games starts 0-0 -Disconnect Rule There have been a lot of disconnects due to poor connection from opponents. If you schedule a game and you have network issues it’s tough to reschedule sometimes and you dont want to play someone a bunch of times because it kinda takes away the surprise attack of your gameplan. It’s all of our responsibility to make sure we can provide good connection when playing so if youre having connection issues, try to practice RESTARTING YOUR MODEM before games. So the new rule will be. If you are having network connections issue and you disconnect twice the opposing coach has the right to request to play the cpu. This totally up to opposing coach to do so. If the two coaches agree to try a different time that will be ok. Issue with EA servers are just reschedule. - Trading Rules ◾We will enforce a trade policy with a committee. ◾ No unrealistic editing of names, numbers, equipment or attributes. ◾ Most importantly, have integrity and play as close to what you see on Sundays as possible. ◾ ***Amended 12/31/13: once a trade is made, players involved in trade may not be traded again for the entire season.*** Player Contract Rules ◾All multi-year contracts must be structured so that the Signing Bonus is at least 10% of the entire contracts value. Example: a $40 million overall contract, must have at least $4 million of signing bonus money. a 4 yr, $40 million bonus should be worked out to a $9 million annual contract with a $1 million annual signing bonus in the contract negotiations screen. ***Amended 10/4/14: NO 7 year contracts!**** NFL ELITES: Policy - Agreement and acknowledgement of these rule are your 1st warning, a second offense will result in a 2 game suspension of a player from league play (2 weeks auto pilot) and a 3rd violation will result in removal from WGDFL. All expulsions are ultimately at the discretion of the commissioner. Season advances are made on Sundays and Thursday after the Sunday and Thursday Night NFL games; approximate time will be made public after previous advance. The trade deadline is in the 8th week of the season. User-user trades are left to the users. Absolutely NO user-CPU trades. Players should be considerate and contact their opponent soon after each advance to schedule a playing time. It is highly recommended to have a Facebook profile and to stay in communication with the rest of the league through the OFG Facebook page. If for whatever reason Facebook is not an option, it is imperative that you maintain thorough communication through Xbox Live. Active communication is required. If a user does not maintain contact with the league through Facebook and/or does not contribute to league discussion, he will have absolutely no influence over league policy, rule or slider changes. Changes may or may not take place regardless of their absence. Open discussion is encouraged, and it is the choice of the player whether or not he decides to contribute. Teams unable to play should be placed on auto, and the player should notify the commissioner about the length of time and reason for absence. Teams left on auto for extended periods of time without notification are subject to removal from the league at the commissioners discretion. If a player feels that another player has cheated, whether against him or against the CPU, he should bring it to the attention of the league and the league commissioner.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 05:31:35 +0000

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