RULES OF ARGUMENTS! Husbands and Wives, when you argue, please - TopicsExpress


RULES OF ARGUMENTS! Husbands and Wives, when you argue, please remember these important Golden Rules! 1. Respect your spouse in all that you say, especially when angry! 2. Never threaten Divorce. Take that word out of your vocabulary. 3. Dont bring up your spouses past mistakes. Forgive and move on. Dont dig up old dirt. 4. Listen more than you talk. Try to understand more than you try to be understood. 5. Dont lose your temper. If you start losing control or raising your voice, take a deep breath and stop talking. 6. Dont try to win the argument. Look for solutions where you both win. As husband and wife, you are One so when one of you loses, you both lose! 7. Be angry with the offense, not the Person! Criticize the Act not the Person! Love and Hatred cant dwell in the same heart. 8. Always seek for reconciliation and apologize when you are wrong. 9. Analyse all you did and said, find out where you were wrong, make amends. I Pray that God will use this Simple Post to repair what the Devil is trying to spoil in your Marriage & Relationships, in Jesus name!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 15:46:31 +0000

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