RULES OR RELATIONSHIP??? The Christian faith is about a - TopicsExpress


RULES OR RELATIONSHIP??? The Christian faith is about a RELATIONSHIP with God and NOT only a SET of RULES - a list of Dos and Donts to obey! SADLY, some people See it that way, and their LIVES are JOYLESS as a Result. They are CONSTANTLY TRYING to PLEASE God, FORGETTING that the CHRISTIAN FAITH ISNT A SET OF RULES but a RELATIONSHIP - a PERSONAL, INTIMATE, DAILY WALK with the LIVING GOD!!! When our FAITH becomes nothing more than a SERIES of RULES and REGULATIONS, JOY FLEES and our LOVE for Christ Grows Cold. Yes, Rules have their place - but as a Healthy Marriage is More than a SET of RULES, so Too is a Healthy Relationship with Christ. At the same time, our Behavior Does matter. WHY?? Because HOW WE ACT TOWARD SOMEONE IS A REFLECTION OF OUR FEELINGS ABOUT THEM. When you TRULY LOVE someone, You Want to Please and Honor them by the Way you act. In other words, how you TREAT someone SHOWS whether or not you Really care about them. Acting Disrespectfully or Ignoring their Wishes shows you dont really Love them, No Matter what you say! In a far Greater way, the Same is True of our RELATIONSHIP with Christ. IF WE TRULY LOVE CHRIST, WE WILL WANT TO PLEASE AND HONOR HIM BY THE WAY WE LIVE! Even though of Hurting Him or bringing Disgrace to His Name will be abhorrent to us. Jesus words should be Engraved on the HEART of every Believer: IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL OBEY WHAT I COMMAND (John 14:15). - Frikkie Stander.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:19:38 +0000

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