•*•RUN WITH THE WOLVES - Silverwolfs ULTIMATE BECOME ONE WITH and SAVE WOLVES Education Information Guide•*• !!!SOME OF THE IMAGES ARE GRAPHIC AND DISCRESSION IS ADVISED. However if we cannot FACE these atrocities for what they are; we will NEVER be able to rectify the wrongs done!!! *•*Contains information on how to properly advocate for wolves; access to vital and little known facts and benefits of wolves in the wild; proper identification between wolves, dogs and wolf-dog hybrids; sanctuary and hands in real wolves rescues and education sites in all 50 states and Canada and information on current issues facing wolves and the petition and events to support wolf recovery and to keep them wild. Also includes charts, graphs, studies and photographs of the cold reality of how humans are treating wolves, the real statistics on wolf predation of livestock and just some wonderful images of these incredible animals.*•* Take a GOOD LONG LOOK at these photos. THIS is REALITY. THIS is why WOLVES WORLDWIDE NEED YOU TO STEP UP, SPEAK OUT. Only posting photos WILL NOT FIX THIS! NO MORE HALF-ASSES (pictures only supporters) OR EXCUSES (I dont have access to/or know that). Turning an advocacy group into a picture gallery is stupid. The wolves dont care or benefit from your wallpaper collection but the artists of some of those pieces sure do! •*•WITH ALL THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HERE THERES NO REASON OR EXCUSE TO LIMIT YOUR support OF WOLVES TO SIMPLY PICTURES. If you stop at only pictures, youre a FAN, NOT an advocate! Below you will find the info you need to actually get involved. Pictures of wolves will be around forever; but at this rate, WOLVES WONT. They NEED YOU so GET INVOLVED! ...reintroduction has failed because of us. Humans failed the animals. This year alone, people legally shot and trapped 769 wolves – close to half the entire “recovered” population of the Northern Rockies. As a matter of the health and safety of wolves, this can only be considered a terrible, unconscionable outcome. It’s not just that long-studied wolves in Yellowstone were killed, though that’s bad enough – but throughout their entire range, they have been subjected to pain and suffering for no good reason, traumatized by the killing of family members, and turned upside down with the radical disruption of their pack structures. There was praise and excitement about wolf reintroduction, and an abundance of science has now proved their beneficial ecological impacts. But no matter how well intentioned, that’s not enough. These poor creatures are suffering because we didn’t take the long-term into account and perhaps had too much faith in our fellow man. •••WHAT WOLVES FACE predatordefense.org/wolves.htm earthisland.org/journal/index.php/elist/eListRead/sorry_but_wolf_slaughter_is_not_american/ wiwildlifeethic.org/2013/07/01/green-bay-newspaper-takes-anti-wolf-hysteria-and-dnr-propaganda-to-new-low/ prospect.org/article/wolves-slaughter blog.humanesociety.org/wayne/2013/03/wolves-in-peril.html greateryellowstone.org/issues/wildlife/Feature.php?id=38#.VDrFntm9LCQ earthjustice.org/features/a-friend-of-wolves-for-decades earthjustice.org/blog/2014-february/danger-to-wolves-mounts-in-idaho-across-u-s defenders.org/gray-wolf/threats defenders.org/the-war-on-wolves/delisting-disaster ***Washington’s Stevens County Urges Citizens to Kill Endangered Wolves - See more at: cascwild.org/washingtons-stevens-county-urges-citizens-to-kill-endangered-wolves/#sthash.Zhv9wAVm.dpuf •••PETITIONS TO HELP SAVE WOLVES LIVES: petitions.moveon.org/sign/making-wolf-hunting-illegal https://change.org/p/save-the-wolves-4 thepetitionsite/takeaction/259/009/937/ defenders.org/the-war-on-wolves/idahos-war-wolves lifenetnature.org/index.php/projects/united-states-projects/campaign-for-yellowstone-s-wolves/ pac.petitions.moveon.org/sign/protect-americas-wolves keepwolvesprotected/media/petition-drive-repeal-michigan-wolf-hunting-law-underway https://change.org/p/office-of-the-minnesota-governor-stop-wolf-hunting-trapping-in-mn https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_the_killing_of_wolves_to_protect_Mountain_and_Woodland_Caribou_in_British_Columbia/?sRVBmbb https://act.actionsprout/facebook/tab/16477459734/5036?app_data=%7B%22organization_id%22%3A%22628%22%2C%22referring_action_id%22%3A%225036%22%2C%22fb_referrer_uid%22%3A%221002964368%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22feed%22%7D#/organization/action/pre •••GET THE FACTS ON LIVESTOCK LOSSES: MYTH: Wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, bears, and others kill lots of cattle. TRUTH: Less than a quarter of one percent, 0.23%, of the American cattle inventory was lost to native carnivores and dogs in 2010, according to a Department of Agriculture report. MYTH: Coyotes, wolves, bears, and mountain lions kill lots of sheep. TRUTH: Four percent (4%) of the U.S. total sheep inventory are killed each year by carnivores such as coyotes and dogs, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) see data below. Even in Western states, native carnivores kill few sheep. Far more sheep die from health problems, lambing complications, and erratic weather. wildearthguardians.org/site/PageServer?pagename=priorities_wildlife_war_wildlife_livestock_losses •••EDUCATE YOURSELF AND OTHERS ABOUT THE VITAL (but little known) BENEFITS OF HAVING A HEALTHY WOLF POPULATION! m.motherjones/environment/2011/04/protect-wolves-climate-change https://wildlifemanagementinstitute.org/PDF/11-Social%20and%20Ecological....pdf wyoming.sierraclub.org/ECOLOGICAL%20BENEFITS%20OF%20WOLVES.pdf missionwolf.org/page/trophic-cascade/ m.missoulian/news/opinion/mailbag/wolves-delisted-before-fully-recovered-now-being-slaughtered-without-good/article_9b442260-4d8d-11e4-894b-8fdc10e605d7.html?mobile_touch=true wolfcountry.net/information/WolfEndangered.html livingwithwolves.org/index.html •••UNDERSTAND THAT WOLVES ARE NOT DOGS! dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2540737/Dogs-closely-related-wolves-evolved-common-ancestor-34-000-years-ago.html news.discovery/animals/pets/dogs-not-as-close-kin-to-wolves-as-thought-140116.htm m.csmonitor/Science/2014/0117/Did-dogs-really-evolve-from-wolves-New-evidence-suggests-otherwise Of more interest, though, is the fact that the three dog genomes formed a sister group to the wolves, rather than clustering under one of them. That finding suggests that dogs share a common ancestor with wolves, rather than having been domesticated from them. •••GET INVOLVED! FIND A WOLF SANCTUARY/RESCUE NEAR YOU AND ACTUALLY MEET THE WOLF ITSELF. KNOW WHAT YOURE FIGHTING FOR! laketahoewolfrescue/Sanctuaries,-Rescues-&-Wolf-laws-for-each-State.html m.inhabitat/all/how-to-find-a-wolf-sanctuary-near-you-and-meet-some-wild-wolves#1 •*•SAVING WOLVES STARTS WITH US! WOLVES ARE MORE THAN CALENDAR ART AND PRETTY PICTURES! SAVING WOLVES TAKES FAR MORE THAN SWAPPING ARTWORK!! AND BEING AN ADVOCATE TAKES MORE THAN GETTING LIKES ON FACEBOOK! Know WHO youre fighting. Know WHAT youre fighting. Know WHY youre fighting. The most dangerous and potent tool a wolf has for its advocacy, is an informed, passionate heart. -me •*•READ and SHARE these links. Its a start, and it has to start somewhere. Let that start be us, here and now. Do as the wolf has always done and fight for what you feel needs defending. YOU MAY CHOOSE TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY; BUT YOU CAN NEVER SAY AGAIN THAT YOU DID NOT KNOW. -William Wilberforce •*•ATTN: GROUPS: If anyone is offended, Im sorry; but theres a BIG difference between advocacy and fandom and I will not bite my tongue anymore as supposed wolf support groups turn into scrapbooks. The wolves DESERVE more than that; and if you dont think this HELPS THE FIGHT FOR WOLVES LIVES; the. May I suggest you remove it and chance any mentions of advocacy in your groups name/description to photo album instead. Thank you! (Anti-post reply: Actually, this, as stated is not an attack on any one group and this information rich post will help (and has already helped) others realize whats truly at stake here. And you cant love, respect or have a passion for something without stirring up feelings. I said if youre offended then remove the post but I will not apologize for speaking out and providing information because I do have hard feelings about this. It is not slander or some grade-school insult riddled flaming. The information is real. Do as you wish with it. End of story. ***•••*** WOLVES are NOT dogs! They do not belong as pets! No one should ever own a wolf. Have I raised rescues? Yes. Have I worked hands on with wolves? Yes. Have I helped in wolf and wolf-dog education seminars? Yes. Wolves have been my world for over 15 years. I have shared my life with them, but never owned them. And I continue fighting for wolves however possible. If you think Im just opinionated; how about listening to Wolf Haven Internationals stance on wolfdog owing/breeding/selling then? wolfhaven.org/conservation/wolves/wolfdogs/ Wolf / Dog genetic link information. dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2540737/Dogs-closely-related-wolves-evolved-common-ancestor-34-000-years-ago.html news.discovery/animals/pets/dogs-not-as-close-kin-to-wolves-as-thought-140116.htm m.csmonitor/Science/2014/0117/Did-dogs-really-evolve-from-wolves-New-evidence-suggests-otherwise Of more interest, though, is the fact that the three dog genomes formed a sister group to the wolves, rather than clustering under one of them. That finding suggests that dogs share a common ancestor with wolves, rather than having been domesticated from them. Laws by state concerning pet wolf-dogs: laketahoewolfrescue/Sanctuaries,-Rescues-&-Wolf-laws-for-each-State.html Most states require an annual license that costs upwards of $100 as well as home checks to ensure a minimum of at least 1 acre of land that has no less than a 7-foot fence all around that is built with buried posts to prevent digging under. Owners need to have hands-on experience and wolf behavioral and social education. Wolf and wolf-dog information: wayeh/aboutsleddogs/wolves.htm texx-wolf-tails.m.webs/site/mobile?dm_path=%2Fwolfdogscomparison.htm&fw_sig_session_key=2d43d01009a684868b2e1b1da18f8b5688b2832545424d95bbd12178209abcb1-40427665&fw_sig_access_token=c450ff1b0bde3310c2a5325b9392069a969771b2&fw_sig=331f0c6781659e687dc65a28a5d867df&fw_sig_tier=1&fw_sig_api_key=522b0eedffc137c934fc7268582d53a1&fw_sig_potential_abuse=1&fw_sig_url=texx-wolf-tails.webs/&fw_sig_time=1391237215453&fw_sig_permission_level=0&fw_sig_site=40427665&fw_sig_premium=1&fw_sig_social=1&fw_sig_is_admin=0&fw_sig_permissions=none&fw_sig_locale=en-US&fb_sig_network=fw#0130 https://answers.yahoo/question/index?qid=20110619194058AAVv6fd wildsentry.org/Hybrids.htm If youre determined to own what should be wild; the best way would be to contact a wolf rescue or sanctuary. So called breeders of hybrids are almost always FAKE and little more than PUPPY MILLS. laketahoewolfrescue/Sanctuaries,-Rescues-&-Wolf-laws-for-each-State.html Use the above as a start if you absolutely have to. Its not a dog. Its not a child. But it is one less wolf in the wild due to humans selfish need to own and possess. I will NEVER condone or support people who want to buy a wolf. There are hundreds of hybrids who cannot be in the wild who could use a proper home. Thats a RESCUE. Ignoring they exist and need help because you want a wolf pup upsets me beyond explanation. Ive dedicated my life to wolves and Ive never had the desire to acquire my own wolf. Thats respect and thats love. Thats honoring what the wolf really is. Hybrids need rescued thanks to humans inhumane actions. Most are the result of people who love wolves but have no idea what their behavior and needs are like in real life. Its thanks to human irresponsibility that hybrids have the stigma of being dangerous beasts because some just had to have one and realized it wasnt Balto and abandoned them or from the overflow of disreputable breeders. Hybrids need help from those who know wolves because human intervention need an animal that cannot be wild but is not a squeezable lover-dog. If you cannot like wolves and respect their need to stay wild, as they are; then youve no business with hybrids or wolves. wolfpark.org/animals/hybrids/sloan-poster/ wolfpark.org/animals/hybrids/ Make use of those links and the information I gave you. I will not discuss this anymore. More wolfdog information on properly seeking and understanding hybrids if you absolutely must look into it: missionwolf.org/page/wolf-dog-care/ missionwolf.org/page/wolf-dog-options/ www2.fiu.edu/~milesk/behavior.htm realwolfdogs.tumblr/roughguidetowolfdogcontent m.dogbreedinfo/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdogbreedinfo%2Fwolfhybred.htm#2669 m.dogbreedinfo/site/dogbreedinfo/purebreds?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdogbreedinfo%2Ftopdog.htm#2838 m.texx-wolf-tails/site/mobile?dm_path=%2Fwolfdogbreeders.htm&fw_sig_access_token=d9e47d85c99a919b3697556ad13e3786e0303180&fw_sig_session_key=6dc5b4f46d1a39ae08012bcf0dc45ef4dd3ff80a8431525c81ae35960e31a4ec-40427665&fw_sig_permissions=none&fw_sig_tier=1&fw_sig_site=40427665&fw_sig_partner=webs&fw_sig_api_key=522b0eedffc137c934fc7268582d53a1&fw_sig=823df00684c23e94eafa5ee3de2b17cd&fw_sig_time=1413318608274&fw_sig_social=1&fw_sig_potential_abuse=1&fw_sig_url=texx-wolf-tails/&fw_sig_permission_level=0&fw_sig_locale=en-US&fw_sig_is_admin=0&fw_sig_premium=1&fb_sig_network=fw#2100 I WILL NOT debate an origin story with. Wolves deserve to be saved and known for WHAT -THEY ARE-; not for what came from then thousands of years ago. •*•Furthermore; the constant stating that dogs and wolves are the same DAMAGES wolfdog views and helps peoples expectations that wolves are like dogs and therefor should be pets. Wolves are VERY different from mans in and over breed watered down familial relations (dogs.) if people keep seeing them as the same; which they are not; people will continue to treat them as dogs and further hurt the reports toons and lives of both real wolves and hybrids. The DNA ladder of dog and wolf IS NOT the point here and Id like everyone to remember and respect that. ***•••*** •*•Wolves in Need - Silverwolfs Ultimate How YOU can HELP/PROTECT/EDUCATE and SAVE WOLVES Education Information Guide•*• So, you wanna meet wolves one on one? Locate a sanctuary or rescue near you with this! At the bottom of this list youll find ways to help the wolves and get in incredible one of a kind gifts; including becoming a sponsor of a REAL wolf that YOU CHOOSE! Locating a sanctuary: graywolfconservation/Captivity/seeing_captive_wolves.htm m.inhabitat/all/how-to-find-a-wolf-sanctuary-near-you-and-meet-some-wild-wolves?oswbuild=b0.86&mediaKey=inhabitat&origin=http%3A%2F%2Finhabitat%2Fhow-to-find-a-wolf-sanctuary-near-you-and-meet-some-wild-wolves%2F&oswts=1413334054589&size=small&olcts=1413334056055&width=320&height=529&redirectCount=2 Wolf sanctuaries/rescues/education centers: wolfwatcher.org - awesome people; have published some of my work wolfcreekhabitat.org - Ive been hands-on with wolves and staff here; incredible people missionwolf.org - the first wolf I ever adopted was from here; they do so much with so little wolfpark.org - I did wolfdog education here, met Monty Slone; helped rescue a high content wolfdog from the pound marked for death with these guys assistance; been hands on with many wolves there; its a magical place Heres some more for you. All of these places are the real deal and I have personal hands-on knowledge with many of them. wolf.org - hands down one the largest, most energetic and professional wolf conservation and education organizations redwolves/wp/ - dedicated to the recovery of the almost extinct red wolf mexicanwolves.org - works for protection and conservation of the highly endangered Mexican Wolf endangeredwolfcenter.org/educational-resources/mexican-gray-wolf/ - wonderful souls; they use some of my art to sale in their shop to support their wolves wolfcenter.org seacrestwolfpreserve.org/howtohelp.php wolfsanctuary.net/wolvesO.html whitewolfsanctuary/index.php wolfsanctum.org/resident-animals/ nevercrywolfrescue.org shywolfsanctuary/About_Us.html newarc.org/about-2/ These should be in Canada also: northernlightswildlife bearcreeksanctuary/wolfnames.htm Heres an internet generated list: en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Wolf+sanctuaries Heres some links to some wolf AND wolfdog rescue and adoption organizations whod also benefit from traffic and donations: howlingwoods.org - the wolfdog that myself and Gale Motter of Wolf Park rescued from the shelter went here. Its an amazing, beautiful location. www2.fiu.edu/~milesk/rescue.htm wolfcountry/Where_Wolves_Rescue/ fullmoonfarm.org wolfdogrescue.net Red wolf recovery info: fws.gov/redwolf/redwolfrecovery.html biologicaldiversity.org/news/press_releases/2014/wolf-11-03-2014.html If you need or want any other info, please let me know! All of these locations would love donations and many have adopt a wolf programs where you can sponsor an animal at their location which usually means youll get a photo of the animal and updates on their health, life and so on. All of these original actions listed here are located within the USA, but I can provide links to ones in Canada and over in Europe if desired. These places need all the help they can get and so few of them get any traffic or notice. My kudos to you for taking a proactive part in wolf recovery! REMEMBER!! ANY MERCHANDISE YOU PURCHASE THROUGH THESE ORGANIZATIONS GOES DIRECTLY TO THE CARE AND UPKEEP OF THE ANIMALS AT THAT LOCATION. MOST OF THESE PLACES CAME SOULY FROM GENEROUS DONATIONS AND HELPING TO SPREAD THE WORD OF THESE PLACES TO FELLOW WOLF LOVERS CAN POTENTIALLY HELP THESE ANIMALS AND THE AWESOME PEOPLE WHO RUN THESE PLACES. A large portion of the items in some of these places was done by local (or even distant) artists who not only create amazing artwork, t-shirt designs and more; but by donating their work they also get seen by like-minded people which can also get the artists more business too. The adopt-a-wolf or sponsoring of an animal at these places can also be a very powerful and meaningful gift for someone you love! You get the pride of offering a very unique and special gift while your loved one gets information, pictures and the honor of being a wolf sponsor and the sanctuary gets much needed funds! WIN-WIN-WIN! •*•MOST DONATIONS ARE ALSO TAX DEDUCTIBLE SO DONT HESITATE TO INQUIRE ABOUT THAT EITHER! ***•••*** My Petition PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE! (Sign the PETITION; FaceBook comments DONT DO ANYTHING! The Wolves need your voice!) https://causes/campaigns/85114-make-the-world-wake-up-to-see-whats-at-stake-for-wolves (If you want to copy and use the writing below for emails to DRN or any other pro-wolf cause; feel free. I wrote it so you have my permission.) Wilderness Only Lives Free (WOLF) We the people demand the DNR, Wildlife services and the Governing bodies of Wisconsin, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota and Alaska be held accountable for their reckless disregard of both the laws and their sworn duties to listen to, heed or consider the demands of their citizens; which were advertised, polled and made clearly known. We demand a stop to the socially reprehensible and morally deficient killing and delisting of wolves. We are the people. We are the power. Elected officials are supposed to be of the people, for the people and to speak for the people. This fundamental and basic knowledge is stated clearly in the Constitution and we wholly and justly demand it be upheld. Various studies; surveys, and polls were taken by each state seeking the peoples opinion on the management, listing and protections concerning the wolf population. It is widely known and made available via news and public resource that nearly 82% of the population of the United States of America are PRO-wolf and want it to be federally protected and the hunting for sport or trophy of the animal to cease. The people are rightly outraged that in each state mentioned; the governing peoples and agencies have ignored the wishes of the people to seek monetary and personal agendas by allowing not only the delisting and hunting of wolves for sport or trophy to continue; but to bluntly ignore evidence in form of irrefutable photographs; videos and statistics and not take action against the illegal killings and inhumane treatment of the wolf population. Studies have proven that less than one quarter percent of livestock losses are actually attributed to wolves and that the prey animal populations of elk, deer, etc. benefit from a healthy wolf population. There has been evidence of deliberate cruelty and mistreatment of wolves and that once again; wolves are being scapegoated with faulty numbers reports; poaching and the newest trend of being used to kill hunting dogs via wolf and get paid excess of the animals worth without proof. The very assumption of this heinous behavior should be investigated with penalties to those persons known to have taken part in the payouts, yet nothing is being done. The states citizens have cried out for wolf killing derbies and trophy hunts to be ceased and instead are increased. Hard evidence of poaching and inhumane and excess takes of wolves in state killing zones has been ignored and gone unchecked. Traps and boundaries are not being monitored and the people are going unheard. We the people say NO MORE. We demand legislation and governing that actually upholds the of the people, for the people heritage. We demand more rational, less perverse leadership. We demand our voices and desires be heard and adhered to. We demand that when presented with overwhelming evidence that it be seen to in a just and responcible manner. We demand our opinions be taken largely into consideration of actions on topics and policy. We demand the leadership remember we the people have and are the power. We demand the wolf slaughters, the culling, the trophy and sports hunts be stopped and the wolf become a federally protected species nation wide. We demand our government grow up and listen to the voice of people and the people overwhelmingly say STOP THE KILLING OF WOLVES FOR SPORT OR TROPHY. STOP THE PREDATOR KILLING CONTESTS. REMOVE THE BARBARIC AND ARCHAIC BOUNTY FOR DEAD WOLVES. If the people cannot count on and see evidence of the collective mutual opinion on matter like this heeded; why should we, the people trust in or heed the actions of those who were sworn to speak -for- us instead of around and -behind- us? Listen to the nation. Listen to the people. Stop the killing of wolves. Give what wolves remain a chance to recover from mans bloodthirsty selfishness by taking the bounties and targets off their heads and making wolves a federally protected species. We, the undersigned, here so demand. Find and reach your local and affected area government offices: statelocalgov.net usa.gov/Agencies/State-and-Territories.shtml *** Wild wolves are an iconic and spiritual part of the world and symbolize freedom in a way few creatures can. The world has lost so many paramount species due to human selfishness and need for dominance. What have we become when in an age of supposed reason, we slaughter these and other creatures in barbaric and archaic ways? They should be respected; protected and let alone as mutual living beings whom share what little is left free and unmolested in this world.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:27:41 +0000

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