RUSH: I mentioned earlier, folks, that theres a website, - TopicsExpress


RUSH: I mentioned earlier, folks, that theres a website, CampusReform. Theyre out there surveying students, and theyre telling them the truth about things. This is the demographic that voted for Obama. Theyre doing great work out there. What they did, they went to a campus, in this case the University of Northern Colorado, and they started asking questions of the students while showing them video of Obama lying about being able to keep your plan if you like it, being able to keep your doctor if you like him, and having your premium reduced $2,500. Theyre playing these things. Now they know that its not true. You cant. Everybody knows this now. So the Campus Reform people, its priceless what theyre doing. The looks on these young students faces as they learn that they were deceived. And it really, if I may say so, the instances of young, single 20-year-old women when they learn that Dear Leader was deceiving them, when theyre presented with the facts, theyre just shocked. Students Say President Obama’s Handling of Scandals and Obamacare Rollout Deceitful, Incompetent -- President Obamas healthcare promises were deceitful according to students. Explanation of glitches deceitful and incompetent. President acting kind of like a kid would. ... In an interview with Campus Reform on Wednesday students expressed doubts that Obama has been blind to scandals -- See, thats another thing thats happening. Theyre now thinking, Okay, what else did he know about that he lied to us about? Theres a reason his approval numbers are coming down. Heres this from Washington Post. I mean, theyre scratching their heads over there at this. Headline: Obama’s Likability Succumbs to Political Gravity. Its by Sean Sullivan. Heres how it begins. Now, it’s personal. Gone are the days when President Obama could count on the public holding him in high personal regard, even if they don’t like the job he’s doing as president. Americans hold a more negative personal view of Obama for the first time in his presidency in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll. Just 41 percent say they have a positive view of the president, while 45 percent say they view him negatively. ... The numbers mark a notable shift. They also cite a Washington Post-ABC poll that shows a decline in Obamas personal popularity, and theyre nervous about it at the Washington Post. Theyre scratching their heads. They cant figure it out, really. The numbers mark a notable shift. For most of his presidency, Obama’s personal popularity has outpaced his job approval rating. The public’s attitude has generally been akin to: Well, he may not be doing a terrific job, but I still like the guy. This is what gave birth to the Limbaugh Theorem. People say, I dont like the direction the countrys going and I dont like his policies but, boy, is the guy doing a great job. How in the world can this be? And of course theres a racial component to it, cant take that out of the equation, its always gonna be there. But the other factor is, Obama was never seen as governing. He was never really seen as responsible or accountable because every day that he was seen he was out on the campaign trail campaigning against all this stuff that he was actually making happen. But my theory, the Limbaugh Theorem is that Obama positioned himself as an outsider, not attached to anything thats happening. The things that he has made happen, his policies, he positions himself as opposed to and against them. He makes it look like hes fighting for everybody else to overcome all these things that he has done. He goes out and fights against the very policies hes enacting, and it creates the illusion, with a compliant media, that somebody else is doing that stuff. Hes out there and hes mad about it. Hes mad that we havent created jobs sooner we have. Hes mad that were not out of the recession. Hes mad about all this stuff, and people say, This guys out there fighting for me. Thats one of the reasons why the constant campaign, is to create the optics that hes not governing, doesnt appear to be governing so he doesnt appear to be part of Washington. He appears to have this mysterious, powerful bunch of forces that are opposing him, the Republicans. Theyre stopping him from creating jobs. Theyre stopping him from giving people proper health care. Theyre stopping him from making their home values go up. And hes constantly out there fighting them. And he does it by constantly campaigning and never seem to be governing, but now all thats fading away because it is his, and hes being proven now to have lied. Now Obama is seen as governing, and now the press is noticing, and now the presidents approval numbers are plummeting. If this kind of media honesty had been going on the past five years, Im telling you today: He would not have been reelected. If when Obama in 2010... Remember the Tea Party came to life because of all the debt and because of Obamacare? If the media had told the truth then -- what they knew then and know now, that you werent gonna be able to keep your doctor -- can you imagine? Obama goes out and makes one of those appearances at a college campus, and he says over and, If you like your doctor, you get to keep him, and if you like your plan, nobody can take that away. If the press had said, The president today lied to college students because, by definition, you wont be able to keep your plan, can you imagine the different place we would be today? But the Limbaugh Theorem explains why none of that honesty happened. It was because advancing the leftist agenda, no matter how, is all that mattered -- and theyve done it. Now weve got Obamacare, and now people are learning after the fact that Obama lied and was deceitful and is incompetent. People that voted for him -- young people, people all across the spectrum -- are learning it, and now the media is reporting it. So the Limbaugh Theorem is being borne out. But it really is frustrating, because all of this could have been known by the mass population three years ago. It could have been known long ago. We need not have had to go through all of this. We need not be where we are. But we are. It says here in the Washington Post, Obamas personal popularity has carried him through tough times and was no doubt an asset for him in the 2012 election. While things may turn around for the president, the current trend does not look good for him. There doesnt appear to be any one overarching reason, policy or political decision to explain the drop in Obamas popularity, say the NBC-WSJ pollsters. More likely, its a combination of time and recent political crises like Syria, NSA surveillance, glitches with the health-care law rollout... They really think, at the Washington Post, there isnt a singular explanation for this. They really think its just a culmination of things. (imitating) Oh, its so unfortunate. The president may never, ever be able to recover from this no matter how hard we try to help him. I think the exposure of his tactic for avoiding responsibility by the Limbaugh Theorem has clearly been a factor because its being borne out here. But you people in the media, let me help you out. During the government shutdown when The Mall could not be used by anybody and Obama opens it up for an illegal alien rally for amnesty, you dont understand how that literally frosts people all over this country? You have no idea, do you? You have no idea how big this lie is, You get to keep your plan. You have no idea the impact of people with this stupid rollout back home. You have no idea how important health care is people, and now they find out that the people they trusted to be in charge of it have no clue what theyre doing. There are people scared to death, and they are -- in droves each and every day -- coupled with people who are as mad as they can be about all of this. And you sit there still inside the Beltway and say, Ah, theres not one thing that we can figure out to explain why Obamas likability is falling. I bet you cant because you worked so hard to keep it up. Youre wondering why, all of a sudden, are people not paying attention to you. Its cause they can finally see the truth. I really think the exposure of the Limbaugh Theorem has been sort of like pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Peter in Morristown, New Jersey. Im glad you called. Great to have you on Open Line Friday. Hello, sir.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:13:19 +0000

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